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Everything posted by Baabcat

  1. yeah thats the key bit about armour , so cheap to try different perks out that’s it’s a decent system. Also upgrading to 7 energy is dead cheap so worth doing. Higher than that expensive but I’ll only do that on a few prices anyway. kinda thinking of junking pretty much all my old armour at this point
  2. Enjoying it so far with some meh moments. The grind to max light itself isn’t bad, think it will take three weeks max and as I don’t mind jumping around in all different modes quite happy to do that. As ever I take little notice of the story! Seemed ok. Had one moment of massive confusion when I thought Uldren Sov turned up before remembering my hunter looks very like Uldren Sov by coincidence , duh! New armour system I am undecided about , don’t see the need for the affinity system but equally not sure I’m that worried about. Love being back on the Moon! Welcome back Monte Carlo Not sure I totally understand the point of nightmare hunts but as mini strikes they are ok. The joy of being slapped around by Phogoth again ! Vex Invasion I’m finding very meh. I’m not keen on things you can’t fail and you don’t seem able to fail this. At least Menagerie had some variety and you could fail individual steps. This is like the ultimate no skill no jeopardy hold fire down for 20 minutes. Hope it evolves as running it three times for light is a chore already.
  3. SoH miniboss challenge is getting scaled down from next Tuesday , will be 50 kills with final boss counting as 5. Makes me happy as I’ve been away for all of SoH so far so nice I haven’t had to suffer the 100 miniboss kill requirement !
  4. Was incredible ! Nice to see an England team get some luck for a change !
  5. 😂 happy birthday Dave
  6. If you’ve got Horror Story I believe that can be used at what ever character level you are
  7. Chris little tip on the forges, if you’ve unlocked the first one you will also have unlocked the last one (also in the EDZ) . The good thing about the last one is you can forge any BA weapon in it, so you don’t actually have to unlock the Nessus forges at all (except for Triumphs). That’s good as the quests to unlock them are pretty grindy.
  8. Yes I don’t think they thought the quest through very well, for so many boots and arms when I just want a chest! 3rd step is the worst I think, bloody Grenade kills !
  9. For Iron Banner the quest steps are a bit of a pain at times , see the link: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.shacknews.com/article/112515/iron-banner-quest-in-the-season-of-opulence-destiny-2%3famphtml=1 I believe the quest will be season long so at least we don’t need to do it all in one go!
  10. Yes I think the weekly bounties that only give one core need changing, should give 7 at least like the clan one
  11. I think the point is you grind for the perfect perk role and guarantee the masterwork trait you want, and then upgrade that .
  12. I think the third slot just makes sure the weapon drops with the masterwork stat enhancement you want , so for example shotgun with range enhancement. Doesn’t drop masterworked weapons as such, just the stat you want
  13. I went pier and efficiency 2 and then rune comparability. Rune comparability allows you to guarantee a beloved sniper drop
  14. I’m up for some Banner next week, haven’t really done much of it for a long while but been sucked back into the crucible this season due to that sniper rifle quest .
  15. Got my first CoS clear , final fight actually pretty straightforward once you learn it, just got to: get the buff and shoot the right stuff swap the buff on a timer deal with your crystals (needs teamwork) Deal with other peoples crystals if they lose the buff give other people the buff if they lose it deal with the deception (needs teamwork ) deal with deception kill mechanic deal with the fake boss mechanic deal with the ogres swear like fuck when you miss a one phase kill by a gnats dick As chaotic a fight as I can remember in Destiny but actually not too bad once learned
  16. Been having a good go at the new raid over the weekend and I have to say it’s a load of fun. Doesnt look like it will be overlong when people learn it ( only 4 encounters ) but there’s a repeating mechanic that is demanding but fun at the same time. The mechanic basically involves getting a blessing buff , and switching it occasionally with a team mate , which means loads of team work and communication. You go through pretty much the entire raid only being personally able to kill half the types of enemies. Immune Thrall are scary as hell! Really fun mechanic. First look at the boss phases they seem complex as hell but it’s not too bad, just comes down to managing the buff among the team and a bit of planning. (Phase 1 anyway, ain’t really down much of phase 2 yet) Also the jumping puzzle is pretty straightforward In terms of the actual jumping Can see this becoming a favourite raid.
  17. I think they’ll follow the year 2 path of good DLC advancing the story followed by annual pass for three extra content drops. I think it’s worked quite well and kept the game fresh with new stuff to do
  18. Give it a few more seasons and you’ll be off sausages as well
  19. Focusing on triumph score has really made me open up to bits of the game I’ve been ignoring. I’m at 68000 so all the easy stuff is done but I’m back into raids and crucible and enjoying both of them at the moment Liking gambit prime , liking ascendant challenges (had to do them for a seal), loving there’s plenty of challenge in the game. Not massively looking forward to the grind to 750 but hopefully there’ll be a bunch more triumphs and pinnacle weapons to work towards along the way
  20. I’m actually really enjoying destiny massively at the moment but there are a few things that need sorting : Crucible competitive - matchmaking seems to have improved but can still get randoms v god-tier 4 stacks. Also, while I understand need for point deduction on a loss there should be some get outs (top 2 on a team exempt perhaps?) Also make Rumble five glory points, no reason not to do this Bunch of nerfs recently announced , some of which I get, but no buffs announced at the same time was ridiculous. Communication needs to be better! Hoping the next raid is a bit less mechanic heavy Grind is overdone in places (reckoning title !) And RNG can be ridiculously punishing , took Charlie 50 raid completions to get one k voices , that’s crazy
  21. I’d be up to give this a go. Although probably too late in the season to get to fabled for me
  22. Thought the ending sucked. All the southern lords agree to Bran as king, Sansa says no, and nobody says WTF!
  23. Arbrlest is worth getting , quite a fun gun ive not done PvP during revelry mainly cos be grinding PvE and Gambit and the revelry booms have been really helpful. Finally dropped Jotunn this morning as well. So OP in crucible looking forward to giving it a spin
  24. Come on the Boro! although I do expect Derby to get that last place
  25. Lol , he found a clan who were doing the challenge, joined it, got it done, got Rivensbane and rejoined FG. Tells me he’s the first in the clan to get Rivensbane, but I told him technically he wasn’t in the clan when he got it ! Back me up on this guys!
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