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Everything posted by Baabcat

  1. Want to get Gary through theDSC raid on Sunday (before the last wish raid ), anyone else around ?
  2. Event Title: DSC raid for technohamster Event Author: Baabcat Calendar: Destiny Calendar Event Date: 01/17/2021 12:00 PM Want to get Gary through theDSC raid on Sunday (before the last wish raid ), anyone else around ? DSC raid for technohamster N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  3. Baabcat

    Last Wish

    Added RSVP !!
  4. Ignore me, wont work will it - thats me not understanding how streaming works!
  5. Baabcat

    Last Wish

    Placemarker for a last wish raid on sunday, can be flexible with times
  6. Event Title: Last Wish Event Author: Baabcat Calendar: Destiny Calendar Event Date: 01/17/2021 02:00 PM Placemarker for a last wish raid on sunday, can be flexible with times Last Wish N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  7. You're right about the need to focus on it, its along ass raid so we will maybe need a couple of nights at it - at least with the wish wall we could skip to bits we need practise on. Which eggs do you need by the way - we can always grab a checkpoint along the way if you arent about. Also i think you still need full Arc encounter three on DSC, will try and grab a check point (I actually love encounter 3, so more than happy to run it over and over).Let me know if you do
  8. Where we would need help would probably be the heart run, having someone spectating who new where the hell to go would be a massive help!
  9. Sunday 2pm UK work for you? Seems to work reasonably well for UK and USA alike, so I'll go for that, but let me know if it doesnt, we got some flexibility
  10. Talking to our raid group seems there's a few people not completed Last Wish, which is incidentally Charlie's favourite raid. So i just wondered if there was enough interest for us to set a Last Wish raid up - would probably want to do it on a Sunday afternoon as its quite a long raid so we might need some time on it, but just let me know below if you'd be up for it.
  11. Baabcat

    DSC Raid

    I think we will need to do a few runs of each type to be honest, want to make sure our little group of raiders all get a shot at the Seal - that includes you @RenFengge and there's more than 6 of us . But we don't want to leave any one out so I'm happy to keep running it to help out anyone who wants the seal. A couple of more to join the gang would be welcome as well, as we are bound to need to run Arc / Void / Solar / Stasis a couple of times. So we will see what people want to do on Friday, personally i just need the 2nd and 3rd triumph but DSC with FG has been great fun, long may it continue
  12. Baabcat

    DSC Raid

    Great thanks for organising @RenFengge Wonder if we should do this as a stasis run, or a void run, or a warlock or titan run, or potentially a warlock void run. Certainly think we will get the encounter 1 challenge ticked off, which will be good for people who've not been operator / scanner yet For the single class run, who could do what - hunter / titan / warlock? Know me and Charlie can do whatever
  13. Thanks for letting us know @RenFengge and sorting out @Kemp210 as a replacement.
  14. Baabcat

    DSC Raid

    ha ok, I think scanner for first encounter is a good place to start, once you know that operator is a lot easier! As for Atracks scanner downstairs is the easiest of the three main roles, which is exactly why I take it! So you can have a go at that as well !
  15. Baabcat

    DSC Raid

    You do absolutely fine @RenFengge , appreciated you were balancing work and raiding yesterday, and its great that you somehow manage to do that ! Its always good to mix the roles up a bit - the one I dread having to learn is Atracks operator, always seems super busy.
  16. Baabcat

    DSC Raid

    Nice run guys, good to get the all solar challenge done as well. Think we are all set up for a run on Sunday as well.
  17. Baabcat

    DSC Raid

    Seem to be 1 short, is Carl coming along, or do I need to find someone
  18. Just a shame it’s on at 1am in the morning !!
  19. Baabcat

    DSC Raid

    DSC raid, maybe some challenges if people are up for it
  20. Event Title: DSC Raid Event Author: Baabcat Calendar: Destiny Calendar Event Date: 01/07/2021 08:00 PM DSC raid, maybe some challenges if people are up for it DSC Raid N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  21. Err think its 9am for the Americans (EST?), 2pm for the Brits, although happy to run at 9am if La, Carl and Red want a 4am start! Thanks for sorting though Lee, i'll stick up a 8pm Thursday raid, hopefully that would work for you ?
  22. I'm in and assume Charlie is as well -doesn't seem to be a 'calendar event' set up though?
  23. Delighted to see the Washington Football Team make the playoffs, 7 and 9 record!! Glory awaits !! If everyone else gets Covid. Cant wait for wild card weekend though.
  24. I think we got through so fast because everyone's learnt it, and we've got a reasonable settled group so everyone knows what to do. Doing the raid challenges would mix it up a bit, but equally I'm happy just running with this group of people. After years of LFGing raids it is so nice to have a regular group. And always happy to add a newbie and get them into DSC. So any lurkers out there, just say the word! In terms of knocking out challenges I think we just go with the flow, I agree we should never discourage anyone from joining. If I'm desperate for the seal I can always LFG it, but would much rather do it with the FG gang As for the official way to the chest, I have to admit, I have heard this said, but have literally no idea how to get to it other than the way i always go. Think @RedBeardCG wanted to run again next Sunday same time, if that works then I'm in. Will try and set something up for mid week as well, although i know that might be trickier for people
  25. Yes its a tricky trade off between widening participation and having something truly elite PvE wise. Although having spent a good portion of the weekend failing the Grandmaster Glassway NF, i think the Conqueror title is becoming that PvE elite title. Not sure if you get a flawless emblem for DSC, that should definitely exist as something to aim at
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