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  1. Like
    kylebees reacted to burnfitbillyboy in Neck and nauseate   
    I wouldn't say the concept is stupid, it's just the people that take it too far that are stupid.
    It might sound harsh but if you jump into a river during a flood wasted then you're an idiot.
  2. Like
    kylebees reacted to BO7H B4RRELS in Random Pictures   
  3. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Random Pictures   
  4. Like
    kylebees reacted to Jason in Should Scotland become independant?   
    Thought Mel Gibson took care of this already. FREEEEEDOM!
  5. Like
    kylebees reacted to Drifter in 'Deport Justin Bieber' White House Petition   
    The problem with Justin Beiber is just what I said earlier (chlid star syndrome). It's another case of the blame falling mostly on the parents IMO. When a child gains fame at such an early age as he did then he has niether the maturity nor the wisdom/experience of life to be able to handle the burdens that fame and great wealth bring with it. When you are just a kid you do not have the tools to handle fame and fortune. It is then the parents job to help guide him in the right direction and help him still be able to experience an enjoyable childhood before he becomes an adult.
    His parents did not do that though. His mom seems like a whack job and his dad seems like a total loser. Worse yet his dad was actually in the car stopping traffic so he could race, as well as provided him with some of the drugs. To me his parents are not only not doing their job as parents, but even worse yet, they seem to only be in the picture to use Justin as a cash cow. It's really sad when you stop and look at what is really going on. I have never cared for Justin  but truth be told I actually feel sorry for the kid because he really has a very slim chance if someone responsible does not step in and do something. If someone does not step in and talk some sense into his head and make him realize money does not mean you are above the law then he is headed either for death or prison. Not a very good outlook if things do not change for him.
  6. Like
    kylebees reacted to J4MES OX4D in 'Deport Justin Bieber' White House Petition   
    Celebrity culture today no doubt is a tough, demanding, exhausting, intrusive and perhaps depressing experience which can ultimately affect someone dramatically. Some celebs can adjust to the lifestyle and daily pressures and others can go off the rails. It's been happening for decades and in this modern age; it clearly can affect people in more severe ways in which the public lap it up in the gossip and media domain.
    Bieber's antics of late can mimic that of the ordinary person; if your average Joe Bloggs did this; nobody but the neighbours would care. Whether Justin's problems are down to the celebrity climate or him just being an arrogant and immature prick is something that we cannot divulge at this time. Famous people his age within the celeb domain can conduct themselves in a proper manner and as a role model for many people; you'd expect better from Bieber. Perhaps he cannot help it due to the lifestyle pressures and wanting a bad-boy image or perhaps he's just a little shitbag that should be taught a lesson in the big boy bad world.
    He has fans, he has haters; welcome to 2014 where the internet is your best friend and worst enemy. 
  7. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in 'Deport Justin Bieber' White House Petition   
    I think both sides can come to an agreement; heres our counter offer. Judgment of Solomon. CA keeps 1/2 and the USA keeps the other. Friends, neighbors, peace and love.
    O, whoa is me. I have to resort to criminal activity, damage others property and put peoples lives at risk because money can't buy respect. He's not a girl he's a cunt.
    Reminds me of Frankie Muniz in a two ways:
    1.) His reaction to being bashed and how to play the game of life.

    2.) How instead of racing on the public roads, under age, 0.14 drunk (almost 2 beers), with no license, fighting with Law Enforcement he took up racing on track.
  8. Like
    kylebees reacted to Commander_Undies in [|FG|] Want in on this Amazing Community? (Recruitment)   
    Are you new to this forum and want to get involved in the video games that we play together? Then this is the right place to be. All you have to do is be an established member of this community, respect others, and show us that you want to game with us. SImple right?
    To get yourself started fill out this small bio for us:
    Name: Location/Timezone: Mic/Headset: Forum Name: Platform(s): Game(s) of Choice:   Want to know a little more about our current community of gamers here? Check out our roster!   If you have any questions feel free to post them below or even visit our chat thread!   Thanks
  9. Like
    kylebees reacted to Diddums in Current site status and donations   
    I've just had my first payout from Adsense, a shade over £60 which has taken almost 4 months to accumulate.
    This covers the cost of the site for the next few months, so donations at this point are simply going in to the pot for game giveaways, competitions or a rainy day.
    Just wanted to share that with you guys, thanks for making this place as awesome as it is!
  10. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Diddums in Merry Belated Xmas FG!   
    Nice, thanks Dave!! I appreciate it and congrats to the rest of the winners!!!
  11. Like
    kylebees reacted to Diddums in Merry Belated Xmas FG!   
    Well isn't it ironic that when I finally get time to do this, I'm at work!
    Ok, so here are the whiners winners!
    UK PSN: Madjonny
    UK PSN: Tronic44
    UK XBL: JBR-Kiwi
    USA PSN: Kylebees
    USA PSN: Tigerburge
    USA XBL: Spectre
    USA XBL: PlayerTD
    Well done chaps, apologies for the hyooj delay but hey ho!
    I'll be sorting out the codes right now, so check out your PMs for them.
    I'll also be dishing out some Steam gashnizzle over the next few days, so stay tuned!
  12. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from burnfitbillyboy in 1st Prestige Challenge   
    MBROWN!!!!!! Fucking douche!!!
  13. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    This seemed like a good video for this thread.

  14. Like
    kylebees reacted to Corey the Kiwi in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Had a PS4 for a bit now but have only had single player games really, I've got Ghosts now and should be getting BF4 sometime this week. Hopefully I can get some games in with you all soon! 
  15. Like
    kylebees reacted to TigerBurge in Frankencod   
    Honestly you could give me Black Ops 2 with a good connection and different types of maps,I would be happy.
  16. Like
    kylebees reacted to BO7H B4RRELS in Frankencod   
    I don't think it's the game itself that I've grown tired of, it's the community.  I don't think that is fixable.  
    I don't think that we will ever go back to the glory days of CoD.  I think it has already peaked.  I think a new game could re-kindle that feeling, but I don't think it will be CoD that does it.  
    You guys have all had some great ideas, but it would still be the same douche bags playing the game. 
  17. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I have some tips if this game is pissing you off.
    Smoke weed first.   Then play.
  18. Like
    kylebees reacted to Commander_Undies in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I understand wanting things to be like the 'glory days', but that didn't stop me from not playing Black Ops. No reason for a game to get someone so pissed off. Absolutely, no reason. I stopped playing. And to this day think it was the crappiest CoD to date.
    The thing we can look forward to in CoD is there will always be another one next year. But now I have this mind set especially since MW3, I don't give a fuck. I don't care if my K/D is .01, I just don't care. I'm not as good as I was, I don't take the game as seriously as others and I just don't think it's worth getting pissed off about, especially if people are getting pissed off with real life happenings.
    No way in hell should we let a game piss us off on top of the bullshit we deal with at work or home. That's exactly what was happening with me, dealing with the death of my grandmother and playing a game that was utter shit. Not a good combo. So what did I do? I waited 'til MW3 and played other games until then.
    Since I've lightened up while playing CoD, it's easier to play without wanting to rage quit. I know some of you guys break controllers when you're pissed off... Just how? That's sad in my eyes that people have $50 to waste over a game. That just should NOT happen and it completely wows me.
    And Brede, I'm struggling to find where someone said that you can't complain in the complaint thread? I see a lot of people complaining that there is complaining littered all over the forum, when it should indeed just be in the complaint thread. Right? Perhaps, i'm missing something.
    Anyways, my whole point in this post is to turn the game off before you get too pissed off, or just plain lighten up. I'm not telling anyone to not play the game, although if it's causing so much stress, then I would advise that not playing it would be the best route since it helped me.
  19. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from burnfitbillyboy in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old.
    I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off.
    So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
  20. Like
    kylebees reacted to techno in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I can fully understand what your saying, its the first COD I've raged to the point if turning off and its my main winter hobby, hell I'm even going through the hell of trying to get to grips with bf4 to give me a break, but I found a way to enjoy ghosts, yes there are douches with IED's everywhere but they just become people to hunt, no boosters in ghosts so stick on sitrep and IEDS chuck yours on there's and watch them blow themselves up, leave the little parcels of death in camping spots, run through them with blast shield, then try a new lobby, I'm an average player I'm never going to get a kem I know I could be classed as a douche for stopping to there levels, but when I hear them rage it just puts the smile back on my face, especially if there French The main thing that does disappoint about the game is the lack of reward for objective play, the rest I have to say is possibly down to responding to what the community wanted.
    I heard a YouTube say the best Cod would be a mix of blops1 and 2 he put forward a decent argument I'd be surprised if we agreed
  21. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Madjonny in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    No need to stop posting Brede. It's just every post you make seems to be the same thing. That's why I apologized. I don't want to offend anyone here and you're not the only one that complains a lot.
    Jonny, I'm the same way, with one exception. I look for the good in a game and try to play on that. For instance, Kill Confirmed has been my game mode since it was introduced. However, with Ghosts, I have found a new love for TDM. Hell, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.  
  22. Like
    kylebees reacted to Madjonny in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I wish it was a simple as saying "oh this game pisses me off I'll take I'll get rid of it"...
    Since mw2 was released I was hooked on COD, it fast became my main hobby and a big part in my life, and I so want to enjoy it so much that I'm willing to try and try and try again...
    Every time I go on I think maybee it will be better?
    It may be strange to some of you that I would put myself through so much stress over a videogame, but it's that desire to get back to the glory days I once enjoyed.
    That is why I can't just get rid of the game...
  23. Like
    kylebees reacted to Horrible_Hector in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Since so many of you bastards have PS4s now, one of you should send me your PS3.
    Seeing as mine has been broken for over a month D:
    I'm sincerely jealous of all you folk, have fun gaming.
  24. Like
    kylebees reacted to burnfitbillyboy in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Woohoo another great addition to the PS4 family!
  25. Like
    kylebees reacted to NCA-Paendrag in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    New remote control with big buttons?
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