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  1. Love
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in DOGS OF FG   
    Can't imagine the pain of loosing a child😔
    They don't look like dogs but they identify as dogs😉 

  2. Love
    techno got a reaction from Middle Class Caveman in DOGS OF FG   
    Can't imagine the pain of loosing a child😔
    They don't look like dogs but they identify as dogs😉 

  3. Like
    techno reacted to Lurchzy in DOGS OF FG   
    I've never had a dog, always cats. However I am very protective over my girlfriend's dogs now — Tigger and Daisy.
  4. Love
    techno got a reaction from phil bottle in DOGS OF FG   
    Can't imagine the pain of loosing a child😔
    They don't look like dogs but they identify as dogs😉 

  5. Like
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in DOGS OF FG   
    Can't imagine the pain of loosing a child😔
    They don't look like dogs but they identify as dogs😉 

  6. Like
    techno got a reaction from Lurchzy in DOGS OF FG   
    Can't imagine the pain of loosing a child😔
    They don't look like dogs but they identify as dogs😉 

  7. Like
    techno got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in DOGS OF FG   
    Can't imagine the pain of loosing a child😔
    They don't look like dogs but they identify as dogs😉 

  8. Love
    techno reacted to Luseth in DOGS OF FG   
    The lab is a lurvley looking dog (one of my favourite breeds), I don't talk about my dog much, partly because she's a pain in the ass and partly because she is a sore reminder of what we lost. My wife bought her as she always had in her head that we would get our first daughter a dog when she grew up. Obviously we lost our first daughter but she got the dog immediately after and it helped her with her grief, the flipside is for me it just reminds me of the little one we lost.
    That said she is a lovely dog just incredibly needy, anyway here is our Luna, she is a toy cockapoo I think?

  9. Like
    techno reacted to Middle Class Caveman in I became a published Author...   
    So, one of the big wins this year is I became a published author! How mad is that, sadly it's not actually for a book you read, but a journal that I created for men - just like us.
    I've been journaling for about 4 years now and it has been a bit of a life saver. You guys know i've been through a physical transformation from 'fat' strongman to 'tasty' husband and a large part of that is because I learned how to not abuse my body with food. A lot of people who drink, smoke or do lots of drugs (caffeine was my drug of choice) simply need to get some ownership of their life and journaling can be a large piece of that puzzle. Before you click off because you've no interest in journaling, let me tell you that over the last 4 years of my life I have become a better person in every way. Man, husband, father, friend, financially, spiritually, pragmatically and emotionally. A lot of the work I did on myself, I did in my journal.
    Through trial and error, studying neuroscience and psychology I created a system that wasn't time consuming and was optimal for a 'mans' brain. I then applied my 'creed' or way of thinking to it and got it made by digital media creator. it's called the STRIKE Journal and you can buy it here on amazon: BUY MY BOOK! It is also available world wide on Amazon so if you're not in the UK simply search STRIKE JOURNAL on amazon.
    Just to be clear, my journal has nothing to do with 'fitness', my goals are set around my wellbeing and physical fitness because I will be dammed if I die of something like heart disease or a stroke, your goals and how you use the journal are simply how YOU choose to embrace your brand of masculinity.
    What is it? Well here is a summary below:
    S.T.R.I.K.E Journal 
    Welcome to the strike journal, the premium men’s journal designed to keep you accountable and ready to strike at every moment of your day. After having used multiple different journals available on the market I found that none of them gave me the direction in my day that I required. I wanted to focus on what my needs are as a man and how my brain is motivated – specifically, not generally. Journaling is a tool used by all of the greats (Tim Ferris and Matthew McConaughey to name just two) to focus the mind and set priorities for the day, then to reflect on the successes and areas for development. I want you to use this journal to conquer each day and be the best man you can be.  
    What is S.T.R.I.K.E? 
    The 6 skills that I focus my day around and how I choose to embrace my masculinity in a way that benefits myself, my family, my goals and my communities. This doesn’t mean being a macho robot with no emotions and being as stoic as a rock. Being a man requires balance. Here are the 6 skills a man will use and work on every day: 
    Strength - the strong protect the weak 
    Taking Responsibility – you are the only person responsible for your actions, emotions and reactions 
    Resilience - life is survival of the grittiest, motherfucker! 
    Integrity - if you stand for nothing you’ll fall for anything 
    Kindness – kindness is born of confidence, only a confident person can truly be kind 
    Empathy - you never know what someone else has been/is going through 
    At the end of each day in this journal you need to tick next to each of these skills that you successfully used as a reflection of how often you use each skill, hopefully you can show the balance of all 6.  
    How to use this journal? 
    I have designed this system to be as easy as possible but deliver maximum effect.  
    Step 1: 
    In the morning set your intentions. There are three boxes to complete.  
    Firstly, set out your positive affirmation:   Today I am going to be strong/happy/fun/a good dad/a good leader etc.  
    Secondly, set out what you are going to improve that day, sometimes this comes from what happened yesterday or from the S.T.R.I.K.E skills:  Today I am working on being calm/resilient/myself/more considerate/a monster! 
    Thirdly, at the bottom of the page set out your non-negotiables for the day.  I put in steps, nutrition goals, training and cardio goals, breathing techniques and if I’m doing ice bath or sauna that day.  

     Step 2: 
    In the evening before bed you reflect on your day and put everything to rest. There are 4 boxes to complete. 
    Firstly, what went well today? 
    Discuss your big or little wins of the day, reflect on all of the positives no matter how small.  Secondly, what caused you concern, worry or stress? 
    Be very specific about who or what caused an negative impact to your mental health. Don’t hold back, vent.  Thirdly, what was out of your control? 
    You have to learn to let go of what you cannot control, name it here, is it the same as number 2? Often times you will find it is and can therefore work on removing the stress in the future.  Lastly, what are you grateful for? What or who are you grateful that is in your life? Your partner? Children? Pet? Something that happened? Yourself? Your body and it’s abilities? 

    Step 3: 
    Throughout the day at any point you can reflect on how well you are meeting the skills of the S.T.R.I.K.E journal and your non-negotiables. There are two boxes to use here. 
    Firstly, tick next to each skill from S.T.R.I.K.E that you used successfully that day  Secondly, your non-negotiables for the day, have you met them?  I put in steps, nutrition goals, training and cardio goals, breathing techniques and if I’m doing ice bath or sauna that day. If I achieve them, I tick it off. 

     It’s as simple as 1,2,3. However, at the end of each day you should feel a sense of accomplishment and gratitude whilst having let go of any of the stresses for the day.  

    Oh, one more thing. Throughout this journal you will find reflection pages, on each page is either an in-depth look at each S.T.R.I.K.E skill or a quote that I find is particularly motivating, moving or useful as a man. You are encouraged to reflect on how this information makes you feel and if you can set an action to implement the ideas within it.     
    Now, go and S.T.R.I.K.E your day! 

  10. Sad
    techno reacted to GazzaGarratt in RIP TheReverend - Our Rob McGee   
    We've received the tragic news that yesterday we lost one of our longstanding members from the early days, Rob McGee. Some would've known him by TheReverend or el Capitan. 💔

    His Sister said that Rob passed away in Leeds general Infirmary yesterday after a sudden illness. He then went on to help 4 people live out their lives, let their families watch their loved one grow old and not experience this grief.
    Many wouldn't have known Rob recently but his last post shown that he was struggling hard with life - we also supported him through the Forever Gaming Feel Good Fund when he needed it most. He used to be extremely good at Call of Duty games and also played a lot with us on Destiny too.
    I kind of dreaded the day that we'd hear about someone we lost here. Rob was a great lad, Huddersfield football fan, we even spoke about watching our teams play when we got the chance, kicking myself that i should've arranged it sooner.
    Please leave any memories and wishes below - I'll gladly share it with the family at some stage.
    Rest in Peace, Rob. We'll have another Search and Destroy game in the next life mate ❤️
  11. Like
    techno reacted to GazzaGarratt in Last movie you watched   
    Been wanting to rewatch Eraser for years. Was a really good watch for an Arnie film. His top films were definitely around the late 80s, early 90s era.
  12. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in Mission impossible dead reckoning   
    Definitely will have to go and see this next month
    While Disney is losing $900m on woke flops recently, Paramount continue to deliver big and it is glorious to see! 
  13. Haha
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Male Hair Loss   
    Can't remember when I finally said fuck it where's the clippers but I've been fine with it for 2 reasons.
    1) zero looking after other than getting our lass to re-shave it ever 3-4 weeks as leaving it too long and I go all worzel Gummidge.
    2) it costs fuck all for a hair cut...win😁
  14. Haha
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Male Hair Loss   
    Can't remember when I finally said fuck it where's the clippers but I've been fine with it for 2 reasons.
    1) zero looking after other than getting our lass to re-shave it ever 3-4 weeks as leaving it too long and I go all worzel Gummidge.
    2) it costs fuck all for a hair cut...win😁
  15. Like
    techno got a reaction from Tar-Eruntalion in Male Hair Loss   
    Can't remember when I finally said fuck it where's the clippers but I've been fine with it for 2 reasons.
    1) zero looking after other than getting our lass to re-shave it ever 3-4 weeks as leaving it too long and I go all worzel Gummidge.
    2) it costs fuck all for a hair cut...win😁
  16. Haha
    techno got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Male Hair Loss   
    Can't remember when I finally said fuck it where's the clippers but I've been fine with it for 2 reasons.
    1) zero looking after other than getting our lass to re-shave it ever 3-4 weeks as leaving it too long and I go all worzel Gummidge.
    2) it costs fuck all for a hair cut...win😁
  17. Like
    techno reacted to LordBaguette in Male Hair Loss   
    Was thinking about doing this thread for a while. So as men, we are all going to go through this, or have / are going through male pattern baldness in various stages. I recently last year shaved my head, just because the top was thnning out so much, and it was genuinely making me very self conscious and depressed. I figured the best option was just to get rid. At first I wasnt convinced, but after a month or 2 it grew on me (well the opposite xD), I got used to it, and now its just me. 
    I guess my overall point of this thread is to ask everyone how they feel about their current hair situation, how it makes you feel, do you care, do you have a plan or just any thoughts related to male hair loss in general. I feel like its a topic that isnt discussed enough especially when concerning mens mental health
  18. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Isle of Man TT 2023   
    Here is the onboard video of the fastest lap ever on a bike you could pretty much ride out of a showroom.
  19. Haha
    techno reacted to phil bottle in Isle of Man TT 2023   
    These guys are amazing I have to say. With my concentration skills I'd be brown bread very very quickly on a normal motorbike, never mind something like TT. 
  20. Love
    techno got a reaction from phil bottle in Isle of Man TT 2023   
    Here is the onboard video of the fastest lap ever on a bike you could pretty much ride out of a showroom.
  21. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Isle of Man TT 2023   
    This is crazy I fully expected this type of time on a superbike but not superstock.

  22. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Isle of Man TT 2023   
    The previous post somewhat sours the fact Micheal Dunlop is close to overtaking his uncle with the most wins round the island and in doing so breaks the lap record for the supersport class which are mainly 600cc.

  23. Sad
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Isle of Man TT 2023   
    Nothing to add other than  we see the usual comments on social media about banning the the race which does a disservice to the memories of those lost.
    RIP Raul.

  24. Like
    techno got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Isle of Man TT 2023   
    This is crazy I fully expected this type of time on a superbike but not superstock.

  25. Like
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Isle of Man TT 2023   
    This is crazy I fully expected this type of time on a superbike but not superstock.

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