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Everything posted by techno

  1. Your right about those carts! Must watch some more Ken Block videos!
  2. IED's fucking everywhere got sick of just blowing up it seemed everytime I walked through a doorway I took to running them myself along with sitrep. I did get a good kill with one saw someone camping a roof on tremor so I threw the fucking thing up like c4
  3. Also the last five squad members cost 100-500 squad points! I was thinking about this earlier its not hard to earn the squad points to buy the guns you want as long as you keep the camos , So I probably will use other characters just to use squad points but I don't see the real point so I prefer the old way.
  4. Hello and welcome
  5. Playing hardcore today noticed wiretap didn't work, enemy sat com's don't bring up the mini map so its a wasted perk choice. Not sure if it works perhaps if you have a sat com operational.
  6. Off top of my head when you highlight a weapon under your soldier there's a box with something in but you can press R1 or L1 ps3 and it flicks between menus gives kills and kdr with that weapon, accuracy not sure what else.
  7. You can track how many kills you have with a weapon. However I'm also not a fan of the operations, much prefer proper challenges. Not sure if its how there laid out but there dies seem to be a slight lack of weapons.
  8. 14 hrs level 35.
  9. It was very weird one game they went bad I was killing quick next bullet sponges, then all getting creamed it was bizzare....however siege can burn in hell!
  10. I'll be on and off a lot today as its cold outside.
  11. Thought I'd post this ghost sponsorship in my favorite sport this weekend.
  12. For me at least the connection has been terrible so far today been thinking of sacking off mp and doing campaign! Oh and siege worst map ever!
  13. I think Tam got it covered lol Err the explanation that is
  14. I wanted to unlock an ar last night didn't know what to pick so kept picking them off the ground went for the sa80 I think it needs a forgrip but I'm running no attachments to get red camp on all guns first off. The ak12 is also good especially silenced.
  15. Think its been said hc saved blops2 I remember trying to play search with kyle hitting people point blank with an an94 and not getting a kill, so far with ghosts I'm getting beat it seems not by connection but by the fact the other person has a stronger gun which is how it should be, I haven't even considered hc yet. However I loved blops 2, but I'm glad this is different. I am missing a few things, simple weapon stats for example, also So far not too keen on operations over challenges but my opinion may change on that.
  16. Nice collection some really cool stuff!
  17. At the moment just don't like stonehaven,just people sat about sniping.
  18. Have to say I was surprised I actually didn't mind playing that with you and tam earlier.
  19. Well I got the game yesterday afternoon and ive had a couple of hours on it, with getting the game a day later than most I was more eager than ever to give it a go. First off lag tho very sporadc it is definatly there, maybe more noticable to me as im used to geting very little lag in past cod's no way is it a major problem its just not as smooth for me as some have said. I started with squads, personally the only use I found for this is to get a basic feel for the game and maps, for actual gameplay its pretty useless imo as the bots are hopeless so after an hour i jumped into multiplayer. First impression i got is its going to be a steeper learning curve, im ususally a 1.2-1.3 kdr player but ive been struggling to get 1 kdr games but it gives me something to aim for. The game feels different to all the previous cods which is a positive but they dont seem that varied, all seem big and the colours are very samey, I cant actually really distinguish etween them and with them being a little dull mostly I have trouble picking out opponents. Gamemodes, blitz meh it would be better if it was timed rather than the 8 point halves, dom which is my fav game type usually is somewhat different whit map size as i only started playing it in mw3, i wont go near tdm but I do like cranked at the moment for some fast paced fun. Im used to playing hc so ttk on core is still a little slow to me as it takes more hits to fell opponents I will always hate getting first hits in but losing the fight but this could also be down to weapon choice. As for killstreaks yes the dogs are so abundant its like a meet up of the blind society but this will probably change as people get squad points to unlock other things. Anyway first thoughts are on the whole positive as they have definatly not made a clone of a previous cod but it might be more difficult to be succesful as an average player the learning curve will be steeper as i think the skill gap has increased, i like the improved graphics but they could have made some more varied map sizes and colours etc imo. I look forward to getting some decent time on it this weekend to get my teeth into all the other features and learn the layout.
  20. Watched and liked! Also hate the fact you guys make it look so easy
  21. After reading this I need to take a good run through all the menus. Is there any point to building a beast squad?
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