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Everything posted by techno

  1. That's going to take some getting used to and be amusing for family members just walking by, especially for those with kids...." Er why is daddy swearing all the time" lolMultiple characters do you have to rep up both separate?
  2. I tried that earlier but it said no saving available, thought I'd just wait till I had more time hoping it would work better by then.
  3. Nowt faster than a hire/demonstrator car:) Juke seems a big car to learn in ?
  4. I will look forward ton it as usual, its my goto game ad it can be picked up and played when I'm short on time but with GTA online it won't get as much time as previous cods which I haven't had any trouble with, however I will probably pick up a ps4 next year with destiny and see what else is available so it might take more of a back seat then.
  5. Yeh hopefully it doesn't take then too long.
  6. A friends son posted on facebook a picture he'd got 1.15 billion after completing the game, no cheats apparently.
  7. I can still remember what it was like way back when I passed my test and got that freedom, its a skill for life. From my perspective seems odd how young some of the kids look behind the wheel these days but good luck man.
  8. Well I'm at work so won't get on much till the weekend hopefully for a decent session, hopefully grab some time with you guys then!
  9. Trevor surfs the blimp
  10. There was mention of it before, I started it but its not my thing so traded it in for GTA v
  11. I always find it strange when you put faces to voices you've heard many times, and find they don't seem to match your thoughts! For some reason I didn't even recognise Dave!
  12. One of my go too movies if I need to kill time and have nothing new to watch.Just watched fast and furious 6, utter drivel, I know there far fetched but this was so far removed from reality it spoiled it. A case for less is more.
  13. They refused to fix up my trailer
  14. Gonna have to see if I can access the social club at work, only really have my phone at home at the moment and it just doesn't cut it. Great job so far!
  15. I was 15 in a car park at asda with my dad, I remember trying to catch the car on the clutch without knowing that your kind of supposed to stop first. Its a good job I had a fair few runs as a friend let me have a go in his car in a fish shop car park at 17 and I ran over a girl we were with, it was totally her fault but my mate was glad I could drive, this was my first emergency stop, I didn't even stall the car. Good luck with your driving!
  16. Yep it does was only thinking back to stealing gunships in vice city, so thought about trying to get into fort zancudo
  17. If that was because of my post, I didnt feel a spoiler was necessary as its not anything to do with the story..apologies!
  18. I decided Trevor needed to cause a massacre at the playboy mansion, I got interupted by the cops while trying to photograph the scene! And I dont know why but I have an urge to bypass the bad taste and fly a plane into the tallest building there is but parachute out at the last moment.
  19. It has to be micheal for me, not sure why trevor just bugs me and all that "hood" speak between franklin and lamar just downright grinds my gears!
  20. Speed cameras being called safety cameras, if they were safety cameras the woukd be in accident black spots and livered up the ass instead of in easy places to catch people slightly over the limit. While on the subject of speed limits artificially low limits just to help the retards that have managed to obtain a license move about while holding other drivers up, how can somewhere be safe at 60 on day yet dangerous at 45 the next with no change or accidents...bull 99%of health and safety work related crap is also on my shit list!
  21. I have about 1.2 million with Michael about 159 thou with franklin and about 50 thou with Trevor but he owns the hanger and franklin owns the cab co. Money made on heists and some in the stock market but not sure how.
  22. A bit off topic but saw this in a magazine the other day, a little bit of controversy. http://www.kgw.com/lifestyle/Breaking-Bad-Lego-meth-lab-turns-heads-223944441.html
  23. Nearly done with the story really looking forward to the multi player main event, more so after reading the list.
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