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Everything posted by techno

  1. I bet the smell was terrible as well!
  2. There's something on the app now about clan wars just had a quick look and we are apparently 8th having not started
  3. I have actually been thinking about this sort of lately, I hate my job... Well maybe the place I work I've been there since school so now its coming on 28 years its paid for everything I've needed and its given me the cash to bring up my kids who have recently left home. Now its been a struggle but I've just recently got to a place where I'm financially not too bad, yes I have debts but its nothing out of the ordinary thing is works slack next year and I could end up with near 50% pay cut due to lack of hours but I can't leave as I need the redundancy I would be owed. Now I have said to my wife if I was to be made redundant I'm done with that industry I am apprentice trained skilled engineer but I'm done, now I've been into fitness recently and what I've been trying to get to is I've read about all these adventures and way of living some people enjoy and I got thinking I missed out, if I'd only seen or thought about it earlier, I even thought I'd wasted my life so far when I was a little down, obviously I've raised some great daughters but it seems something was missing maybe it will turn up. I ride bikes some people ask as its dangerous don't you worry, nope I would rather be glad I tried than regret I didn't. Fair play to Steve for taking the path you did.
  4. Lol I've been running the dog for for the operation seems mine gets killed easy enough!
  5. Just saw a tweet about HC Dom added to playlist +some other stuff I know nothing about http://inagist.com/all/403738772573286400/
  6. I haven't used one but I did hear someone on YouTube I think say non of them do which is bizarre if true.
  7. Yep have to agree it was fine earlier after the patch and Matt was party leader.
  8. Only really come up against them on strike zone tbh I know private parts had some decent games with them.
  9. I started using them when I got sick of being killed by them they do get quite a few kills, I leave them near Dom flags or in kc sometimes if I know someomes seem me I drop one as I retreat as a nice surprise for them chasing me down.
  10. techno


    I picked one up it had silencer and rapid fire, which worked well especially when it as a panic spray, so tried it myself but I prefer grip so you can hit people a little farther away, haven't tried it with anything else but I like it, definatly worth a go as you like hip firing shotties.
  11. techno


    You can add the mtar with grip and rapid fire to that too, I've been having some fun with that CQ.
  12. techno


    It seems for once there's not a stand out gun in cod, such a differing opinion for a change!
  13. techno


    Yeh I run most with grip, I've just come back to this gun as I was struggling and went 18-1 then 27-3 grip and muzzle break.
  14. Fucking bellends was there supposed to be a point?
  15. Didn't dawn on me at the time but played a session with our american cousins last night I think Matt was host and it only had very occasional lag where blops 2 was unplayable in core, suitably impressed.
  16. Saw a tweet about this, its probably the game I'll get when I upgrade to ps4.
  17. techno


    I couldn't wait to get rid of the honey badger, do you run it with grip because with no attachments it bounced around like a fat kid on a trampoline!
  18. Ryan did it at the weekend in about the first 10 secs lol
  19. techno


    I'm just getting red camo done on ar's and SMG I ripped through the 150 kills for the fad quicker than than the others once I got used to it, which surprised me.
  20. techno


    I've used them all with no attachments so far most surprised by the FAD, but I did find the arx a pretty decent gun up to medium range.
  21. Saw a video I think it was optic nadeshot or whatever he's called put that on the Remington and was dropping people so easily.
  22. Lol it took you 15 mins to convince them you were nice!
  23. Saw that video as well earlier be nice if its true. I may have an excuse for performing badly That app gets better!
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