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Everything posted by techno

  1. I haven't actually played a ww2 shooter, I stayed on cod 4 so it would defiantly be something new to me. But in all honesty to me the era is second to the gameplay, if the games solid set it anytime.
  2. Now there's something I didn't expect to read! I do play ghosts, but have to find varying ways to enjoy playing, blops 2 was a solid game if I stayed off core. The rumours continue that treyarchs next Cod will be ww2 set, not sure if that would be a good thing.
  3. Saw this on Facebook
  4. Go for your life I don't have a way to do one as I only have my phone. Edit....well look at that apparently it is possible.
  5. Its not that guy that has all the subs its thunderstruckgaming its a community channel.
  6. Nah its all fine man i know how much the damn things cost, and your right about the whole text thing my mid to late teen daughters never see to put their phones down, thank god for unlimited text contracts
  7. http://sledgehammergames.com/blog/view/301
  8. Ha quality!
  9. I disagree my teenagers had mobile phones their girls and I like the fact there safer when walking too and from school or out with mates if they carry one, its a quick call to me or someone, same if routines change.Social media I find if used in the manner intended is fine, as you say parents should take an interest also i woukd argue its not the tool it's the user. Look at the gun dispute in america as an example. One more thing who's to say this didn't happen more often in the past these days with more news coverage more stories are being broadcast.
  10. First I'm seeing of this looks good!
  11. I was heading for a ladder looking down off a roof someone climbed up I shot them in the head they teleported behind me and killed me....oh how I laughed!
  12. No I found the reason on twitter first time but nowt this time, jumped on ps3 for a bit and then tried the ps4 and it was fine. Hopefully its not something that happens often.
  13. Just wondering does anyone get kicked from a game then get told they need PlayStation plus account to play online even tho they have one? Happened to me twice now.
  14. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    Thanks for all the assistance its actually more trouble than its worth, only access is PC at work anyway.
  15. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    Yes I'm guessing its on comp just typed in the URL to my phone and now it makes more sense lol
  16. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    For whatever reason looked all over mine doesn't have this, in no menu does it say customize.
  17. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    Thanks I will take a closer look sometimes I don't see you can hit buttons etc
  18. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    Yeh Chris said the same but I can't find it, guess I'll keep looking.
  19. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    I've noticed clan tags and custom avatars/player cards can someone explain where you do this, even if its just to add a clan tag.
  20. I'm sure spectre was on about these the other day in one if his threads.
  21. Think I read it as 100% xp event.
  22. Ha first time I engaged him he filled most of the screen. My wife also has a habit of sitting there going " err no he's on your team/ health pack there its there!!"
  23. Not sure why but dropped in a game earlier killed one guy next one no hit markers nothing chased him round emptied the gun into him nothing.
  24. Is saw a video about the ak5c as its unlocked straight away people dismiss it, so gave it a go loved it, but there's so many good weapons in this game its hard to choose what to use.
  25. Did notice you on bf4 Tam, I wasn't trying to shake you I tend to bounce round servers on bf4
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