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Everything posted by techno

  1. I did it while ranking the sniper, got that kill first then moved through lmg and assault rifle while spamming the mini nades on flags on dawn breaker domination. Got the made kill just before the end.
  2. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    Not sure why but if i use my login or what i believe is my login as no other email i use works at all, i get in the corner player shpa2ua5. Now i can get my actual technohamster profile up with stats but if i click profile it just goes to the add as friend,just curious if anyone has any idea wtf is going on?
  3. I'm jumping around at the moment trying to get at least one service star for all ar's, carbines and pdw's. I have a few assault rifles that have all the unlocks not in battlepacks.
  4. Truly believable, I get sniped with them all the time
  5. double
  6. Yeh good episode and James blunt is a top guy but he looked ridiculously small. I am looking forward to the showdown between the astonishing McLaren p1 and that Porsche.
  7. I was struggling a bit yesterday trying to get to grips with the FAMAS till I got a quad feed on c Dom on Paracelsus storm 2 mini nades took out 2 and I gunned down the other 2 as I ran in Rambo style.
  8. Lol I'm not that slimHowever this is me as jesus and no were not a couple that's a local lol
  9. And invisible claymores....you sometimes see the wires but yesterday I got killed while trying to shoot a friendlies claymore.
  10. Or one of our bike rallies
  11. It is I use flood zone to level and practise with snipers
  12. The more I read and see about this game the more I really need to get out of my comfort zone. That does sound epic tho tbh.
  13. Hey datte I never said it was for no reason, I'm aware the game was broken for some, my point was it was like with gtav they gave the community something as an acknowledgement. I may be wrong but the community slating it got you would hope would stop it happening again....yeah right.
  14. Then you get player appreciation month, ghosts is, still unplayable
  15. As pointless as a plaster on an amputation, still got that idiot tmartn excited!
  16. My workmate stopped me in my tracks one day and said "I'd hate to have a blue whales diet, how boring would krill for every meal be? " Having said that I did ask earlier if it was actually feasable for an elephant to not only pack a trunk but actually leave the circus for other more suitable employment....its been a long night!
  17. I must be the one person that gets killed by the shorty then, that thing seems to kill me from miles away like most shotguns.
  18. My mate just got a ps4 it was his first download, he had no idea what it was.
  19. Mines a lowly 124m
  20. I'm admin on a motorbike forum and I got into a heated dispute with other mods last week over the way a new member was banned, she was a troll but had not IMO gone through the correct procedure to have been banned.
  21. How times change this is fine where manhunt got banned and I loved that game.
  22. A truly spectacular thing!
  23. I haven't actually played a ww2 shooter, I stayed on cod 4 so it would defiantly be something new to me. But in all honesty to me the era is second to the gameplay, if the games solid set it anytime.
  24. Now there's something I didn't expect to read! I do play ghosts, but have to find varying ways to enjoy playing, blops 2 was a solid game if I stayed off core. The rumours continue that treyarchs next Cod will be ww2 set, not sure if that would be a good thing.
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