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Everything posted by techno

  1. techno

    Nice tage!

    That's awesome, some people are just too good. A real advert for bf!
  2. Not sure the new ar IMO sucks if I have a silencer on it, its fine otherwise but no beast, to me its like a weak ak12, and I'm not keen on that either. Apart from fog maps are fine, just wish they would stick them in the main rotation too.
  3. Quality show again, just one question Porsche or McLaren?
  4. That was a rumour for treyarchs next offering, that could still happen but 2015. If it is mw4 not too bothered its all in how it plays etc,
  5. Nice to see they got the damage profile of lmg's and shot guns mixed up, the lmg class are worthless, getting support expert is one of the most frustrating things I've done! As for shotguns I've been killed from ridiculous distances with those fucking things!
  6. Wtf!
  7. With how ghosts is loads seem to have gone back to bo2.
  8. According to battlelog I'm level 45 this could be bollax but sounds about right.
  9. I watched the first one too early to tell but it immediately interested me when I saw it advertised.
  10. Just wondered ps4 owners if anyone else is experiencing problems with dlc, downloaded it this morning and all I have is the new maps in the private match list. Having looked on the net it seems others are complaining about this. Also for me it didn't recognise I have the season pass and charged me again, now thats my fault partly but for it now not to work is a bit much. Now having seen how confusing battlefield was to start am I missing something here?
  11. techno


    I think I have a copy for ps3, I have fond memories of my second cod, I even accidentally bought the map pack so there's maps I haven't played lol, I'd be up for going back if I'm free at the time.
  12. Occam just one thing in bo2 everything countered towards streak bonus not just caps and kills, in Dom in ghosts only the first person on the flag gets the add which is shit, I loved Dom but very rarely play it in ghosts. The challenges are lazy, why not have all the challenges unlocked so you can do any you want instead of having to wait for them to rotate or spend some squad point you just earned on rotating them. Three are no where near the amount of people playing ghosts as previous cods, 4000 players in kc playlist is woeful, now that might be down to some extent to being on ps4 but I believe black ops had the most players and its been in decline since, even youtubers are leaving the series, and to some extent they are to blame for how the community is. I have many days played on ghosts, I'm almost up to unlocking my last soldier I've prestige to six or seven times and still play the game but thus is the first time I preferred the previous game, is there fun to be had, yes absolutely but its just harder to find.
  13. So many good weapons on this game, however I was struggling the other day and just hit up the ak5c? Carbine and went to town so at the moment its that, pretty much like most of the carbines even tho most kills with sar21 and Aug.
  14. I've had no problems finding Dom servers as I said I just unclicked the normal tick box, infact the only box I have ticked is Dom in the game mode part.
  15. Hey Jonny you sound a little like me I'm ok when I get to know people but quiet otherwise, when I joined the clan I never said shit and Kyle scared me lol, however as I got to know them its much better now.....kyle still scares me tho
  16. Not sure what's wrong with server browser, if I click normal to avoid hard core no servers appear, yet unclick everything and there's loads.
  17. Kyle I still play both, I read what others have said and agree with most of it, bo2 was the best cod to date for me but only because of hc , I liked mw3 too I was a cod fanboy, but ghosts is a disappointment for me no challenges loved the challenges in bo2, no point playing objectives unless you want to die constantly, prestiging is even pointless as you just go buy all the classes, I will still play it I've bought the season pass, but I've found I just avoid the half the maps and hope the dlc maps are more fun. As for bf4 kyle I was there and agree we both needed Chris and euans help to even get started, I nearly gave up on the game when I started I had a 0.4 kd I only play Dom fast paced gun on gun no vehicles to bother with and when you start to unlock stuff it gets easier my kd is now up to 0.93 someone with your skill should have no probs picking it up given a little time. I will however keep playing both, ghosts isn't unplayable to me, especially with others, a friend of mine just got it with his ps4 and he sucks
  18. It was sometime around march yep.
  19. Also apparently there's the ahem Christmas special as well.
  20. Turned off and left it for a bit and then there were some not sure what the crack was.
  21. techno

    Is SA worth it?

    So far SA is failing to impress, just had a couple of real snoozefests.
  22. So am I, might be a, good thing double xp on ghosts full of douchebags and no servers on bf4 that I'm interested in good job dice!
  23. So downloaded SA earlier in the week I didn't know that by doing this the only game mode available is the extremely boring conquest large, wtf no servers available for anything else.... What gives?
  24. I also don't have a set class I'm going for variety bug I can say it won't be snipers
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