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Everything posted by techno

  1. Watched american hustle, glad I watched it at work but wont watch it again, however I also watched homefront screenplay by Stallone, really enjoyed that, not too shocking as its my type of film.
  2. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    I saw a video the other day about challenges some are taking a while to update but its really random.
  3. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    It was conquest.
  4. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    I did it pretty quick, I probably got lucky on op mortar I think... hung out near the buildings and just waited for the vehicles ran out chucked c4 and just blew it straight away, killed me but got the challenge done I might have got lucky with crap blind drivers tho.
  5. I have to agree I started watching a lot of YouTube at work to pass the time now I've unsubed from alot of them and moved onto others as you say there's only so much of the same stuff you can watch, 2 immediately spring to mind black worm and his camping and elpressador same rage all the time. Speedy I used to love watching now its occasionally if I need to pass some time, having said that they do still produce some gems sometimes.
  6. I'm actually thinking of playing ghosts, sort of glad I'm out most of the weekend, this constant rubber banding is ruining the game, its almost unplayable no matter what mode or map.
  7. I have to agree, I've played them enough for now. I've also seen moonwalking and crouch sliding lol
  8. Destiny The crew And the next Cod. Also have the urge for a sports sim, just not sure what...just not football/soccer.
  9. Literally no time at all to get used to the changes, my problem is as always too heavy on the right thumb stick, knife swiping in cod and dropshotting in bf!
  10. Just out of curiosity, you've upped reps to build muscle wouldn't upping the weight leaving reps the same have similar or better results but cut down on the time needed. That is if you have the weights available.
  11. G36c already one of my favourite weapons now I've revisited it, especially as is usable silenced, now its got a buff I downloaded the patch, the game loaded jumpy, navigating the menus seemed sluggish but playing was fine, never noticed an improvement to kill cams tho.
  12. I got it downloaded about 2 hours ago, just searched naval in PS store. Only noticed as maps were listed in servers.
  13. I saw someone on my friends list playing it the other day, I believe it was private parts 93.
  14. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    Ah yes I know what you mean there's a few different things cheers for that.
  15. techno

    bf4 tips/help

    M82a3 confusion, I keep being killed with this yet it doesn't show up on any weapon list, I thought it was a DMR as it seems to be in multiple classes. Is it some special unlock?
  16. Not necessarily there's alsorts of consistency issues with bf4, there's YouTube videos discussing it, it really is noticable.
  17. That looks awesome dig the hovercrafts and like the idea of the cannons, nice trailer .
  18. Just an observation I have played cod for many years and many hours online and I've had a few hate messages in this time but with the stories you here I expected more, however as a battlefield noob especially this past week I have had more than what I would have classed as average, everything from your *insert gun/equipment* noob, stinger bitch, and today get fu*ked cod noon onto from the same person I'm gonna f*ck your mum cod noob. I did delight in telling this last kid this cod noob killed him again. So is battlefield worse/ just as bad as cod or am I just getting better at the game?
  19. That and the fact you can use carbines means I will at least sometime use the recon class.
  20. Can't fault them for that in this instance.
  21. Surely there's a law against this if not there should be.
  22. Double post.
  23. All the best to your wife Dave, as Kyle says we all know someone, my gran went in a few months I also had 2 friends that lost battles with cancer both very young.
  24. I haven't seen mention of this, sort of like the idea for pushing forward on certain maps I'm also not sure how true it maybe.
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