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Everything posted by techno

  1. techno


    Lol "fuck you cryptarch"
  2. Hello and welcome.
  3. So basically its going to make it easier to get legendary gear?
  4. Who thinks of doing this shit?
  5. Interesting view :
  6. One thing that does piss me off about random drops is after crucible games, you come top or just do well and get nothing, think I played 3 or 4 games yesterday and got nothing at all win or lose.
  7. Cheers
  8. Where is the elusive xur?
  9. New hot fix and possible future changes :
  10. Ah something new to watch!
  11. I've only got Sunday night this weekend but I'd like to have a bash at some as I'm stuck at level 21. Got plenty of stuff today all worse than I have already.
  12. The crap you read on social media about this game isn't surprising tbh...personally I couldn't care less what the co-op mode was I've hardly played any of them, its almost as bad as cancelling because you don't like the campaign. Oh and it was never going to be zombies.
  13. techno


    Seeing stuff like this I'm wondering if people dumped the game too soon
  14. I got some legendary armour...oh the excitement.. Oh no its for a warlock not my bloody titan! Git!
  15. Thanks for that now I know what motes of light are for.
  16. I dabbled with warframe but bf4 drew me back in, just finished the campaign and actually enjoyed it but thus game comes more alive after level 20. It is a grind but I've just lost 4 hrs playing for bounties, the more I play the more I enjoy and I haven't even teamed up as of yet my mate I know has a ps4 won't buy the game. I think being a challenge whore in other games stands me in good stead for grinding better stuff in destiny. So far having played the beta and being disappointed I'm rather surprised. Oh and there's the crucible to go at yet.
  17. I kept forgetting that!
  18. I'm on the not a fan of fusion rifles side, gave them a long go today hate the wait for them to power up, much prefer slot to be taken by sniper.
  19. This made an interesting watch. :
  20. Not sure if it'd what you mean but there's farming spots being posted by youtubers I've seen some from xrayz and thepawanstar4hire or something like that.
  21. Yes think it was probably big lol
  22. Nice news awful gif...off to wash my eyes out now!
  23. techno

    NFL 2014

    That was a good comeback for the bears against the 49ers (my 2nd favorite team) There's been a lot of views over the Ray Rice incident and I heard last night about another player disciplining his 4 year old with a tree branch wtf.
  24. Least favourite any shotgun, at the moment favourite is the Galahad b auto rifle... Think that's what its called and my latest sniper rifle one shit kills and bug damage from range.
  25. techno


    Ah ok cheers.
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