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Everything posted by techno

  1. Exotic bounty fusion rifle get 200 kills in nightfall strike, I'm so glad I found this but should have read comments but found hall of whispers and Ishtar academy. Hobgoblins dropped fusion rifle ammo. :
  2. I managed to rank up to level 28 but it cost my warlock some gauntlets.
  3. If you have motes of light spare would it be worth taking a chance on the helmet engram , I got an exotic titan helmet for it and to me it was kind of free as motes really don't seem too useful.
  4. I am leveling my titan defender class after watching the video about VoG. Level 27 but I'm aiming to level up.
  5. I saw the ice breaker I know thunder loves it but it would take all my strange coins and I considered holding out for an AR but I have a decent legendary one, I did get an exotic helmet with motes of light engram and it was actually for my class. So by the sound of things I should just bite the bullet on the ice breaker? One thing that confused me was it popped up you can only equip one exotic armour and one weapon at a time.
  6. Was hoping he had a nice gun I could afford.
  7. I agree, They tried to get volunteers for that at our place...tumbleweeds inbound.
  8. Expansion packs... Dlc its all the same to me.
  9. Seen a couple of videos about destiny problems especially iron banner this covers most just wondering what peoples thoughts are. I will say I'm obsessed with the grind at the moment but I do think certain things need to change now I've started leveling a new character. I think the first DLC needs to be a big hit. :
  10. I appreciate you doing this Jason I play a hell of a lot on weekends as I limited time during the week so no matter the time zones if I know people are going to be on and need to make up a party I can adjust my days accordingly as its going to be the only way to do weekly heroics and nightfall strikes. The random I did it with this week messaged me today about doing it but I had to knock him back because of my limited time. I need strange coins and shards
  11. Sorry Jason I do all this shiz from my phone, I'm also in the process of upgrading my defender subclass as apparently its more useful.
  12. I have days to basically waste so I've taken the Monday and Tuesday off...just please let it be fun:)
  13. Cheers did it Monday so there's a new one now.
  14. I hate the one with the tank! I'm good anytime Sunday I can make plans around others to do anything were a fire team is needed. In winter I'm pretty much on all day anyway. One question what day does weekly strike change, doing that this week was really satisfying so if anyone wants to hit that sometime that would be good.
  15. I will be on Sunday and as usual I will be up well into Monday morning.
  16. I had one game then the servers went down.
  17. I will be when it starts over here, need to nail down when that is, its hard to keep with what's on when!
  18. Holy shit, good luck with that!
  19. I think you'll probably get a free one from doing the crucible, its all I seem to get
  20. Don't waste glimmer on shit you don't need it will be needed for upgrading weapons and armour.
  21. Well I've thrown my name in the ring for sat as I said in the other thread if you've got a party set already that's no probs..for the record level 27 striker titan
  22. If you need someone to make up a group I wouldn't mind giving it a go just recently hit level 27 and I can do anytime on the weekend, Tbh its the only time I can give it a go.
  23. Well I'm defiantly game for owt in a party.
  24. Nope the RNG hates me!
  25. Hey I'm up for playing with anyone off the forum especially good players psn id technohamster
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