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Everything posted by techno

  1. We need some more UK players to try to get a UK raid party together, it was fun playing with the Americans but 5am finish is a little late
  2. techno


    You just need a weapon that has decent impact stat, I saw a video last week showing 2 "green"weapons as being good for PvP.
  3. I'm watching JJDfromNY do it, seems very tense but its not my type of game.
  4. techno

    NFL 2014

    Ooo enjoy should be a great atmosphere.
  5. I've now watched the first 2 episodes and can see what you guys mean, penguins performance so far is the highlight, I could care less about Bruce Wayne, he seems pretty irrelevant to the show tbh.
  6. Do crucible marks not accrue below level 20? my warlock hasn't got any.
  7. Gonna give it another go tonight but if its still the same I will move on, its the first time I've had trouble tbh.
  8. I've been leveling my warlock, I will get it to level 28 asap, if the servers stop messing about it will be sooner rather than later.
  9. Been on today Dave was on too not sure what's going on but we were getting kicked loads, must have been a dozen times, pve and PvP.
  10. Hello chip, welcome
  11. It didn't matter it was nearly 5am I was buzzing when we finished it. Got quite nervous at the end seeing is health so low and hoping we all stayed alive. Great job. Love the new white look armour.
  12. Nice one stretch! Good luck you guys tonight!
  13. Must admit I have been wondering what to do now my titan is level 29 but I can still get obsessed with the grind, however if nothing changes much with pve then I will get burnt out on the game I'm already struggling finding reasons to build my warlock class. As for PvP I actually enjoy it on most maps as it as a challenge, I don't really care about matchmaking I play for my pride you could say same as most multi players when running solo however it was fun playing with the guys the other night and it was relaxing compared to raiding etc. The story side really does need fleshing out etc
  14. Its on my list but with your recommendation its moved up a little.
  15. Well I'm planning on staying up well into morning as wife and step daughter out at as gig. I'll be fueled by burger
  16. He has nothing of interest.. Thankfully as I'm strange coin skint
  17. Just YouTube the particular one you want there's plenty to choose from.
  18. Good from 9 tonight I'm off till Tues!
  19. Or at least perk him up a bit!
  20. Ah there is a bright side!
  21. Glad I'm at work would have been going nuts
  22. I did watch a video last night on doing it solo but he used the void auto rifle from the raid.
  23. Its just the annoying first bit. Stretch when you fancy running it just send me an invite.
  24. Thanks for that, did wonder just didn't seem worth trying
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