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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Bit late I know but here's the week 2 schedule
  2. Come on boys and girls. Only 4 of us registered on Gamebattles at the moment. We need everyone to get on here if we want to make it happen
  3. Just to show all the stuff that's being released on the run in to Blizzardworld release:
  4. I'll hopefully be on this weekend to lose a bit more SR!!
  5. Just checked and its not exactly straight forward. I've tried to invite you via username and PSN but it can't find you for some reason. Easiest way seems to be to send a friend request and invite in from there. I'm sure it'll all become 2nd nature but its just a bit of a pain to kick off with I'll update the roster on here when people are registered and eligible to play, otherwise it creates a false impression of how people we have at any one time
  6. Just checked the link and it is right from the team management page. Maybe it'll take a little while for the URL to get into action? I'll take another look later on. Fully agree that you shouldn't be the 2nd in command. You've got more than enough on your plate!!
  7. Given the recent interest in getting a bit more serious with Overwatch I've now created our very own Forever Gaming team on Game battles. We'll keep this thread purely for roster updates, post match reports and upcoming schedule. Any related chat to tactics or analysis should be done on separate threads Please head on over the game battles and get yourself registered and then apply for entry into the "Forever Gaming - OW" team: Game battles - Overwatch FG Here's our current progression card which is auto generated from Game battles Current Registered Roster: Leader - stretch616 Gazzagarratt - Lee Amnotright - Chris Tronic44 - Rich I'll continue to update this page as we start to move into the brave new world. I'll also need a 2nd in command as well so please let me know if you're interested
  8. I'm on the budget end of this as well mate. I bought the Turtle beach P12 when I first got the ps4 and whilst not the best they've not let me down yet and they've taken a bit of a kicking. I'd love to upgrade to something better but it really does depend on budget and I think Deb's would freak out if I spent £150 on a headset!!😂😂
  9. Winston is a solid pick but just difficult to figure how to stay alive as you're finding. The hardest thing is to learn how to use the bubble to the best effect and making sure that your positioning (whether inside or out) makes the best use of it to aid in the survivability. I like this idea. We just need to make sure we fully commit to the team fight and we're not splitting off to do our own thing Was a pleasure mate!! They were some really close games which always make you feel good afterwards 😁 I've gotta say, if nothing else, a discussion thread like this will go a long way in improving our game just from honest and upfront conversation 😘
  10. Just awesome!!! I was so confused as to what the hell was going on as I was on the kill cam screen! 😂😂 Also loving the fact that my Torb is on the thumbnail. Torb FTW!! 😁😁
  11. Quicklplay is good for mechanically learning a character but certainly not a great indicator of how well we're doing. But I'm quick happy to do this as I think our pool of characters needs to grow a bit. Some of the Tracer plays from @crispymorgan and @GazzaGarratt has been really good recently and it'd be good to free up their respective slots
  12. Yo Josh. Good to have you back on board. Even if you were Alliance rather than T2K!! 😜😜
  13. Think I've got a Hauppauge knocking about dude. Will have a look later on
  14. I like that dude. Shows what we can do as far as team comp is concerned. I honestly believe our issues are due to frustration and patience rather than mechanical skill or comp. 1 team wipe and we all go to shit. When you watch the pros that exactly how you do it. You fully commit to a fight as a 6 stack and you either win or lose. But don't lose heart we just go and try again. If you get picked out 1 by 1 over a period of 30 secs or so then we weren't grouped up properly in the first place. We tend to get frustrated and "try" something when just a simple wait for 5 secs in spawn and do nothing would be a much better option. Sometimes the best solution is a deep breath, scratch your nuts and go again with the team. Communication is key too. Our call outs are getting much better but we have to stop shouting as much so we can make sure all the call outs are heard I think if we (in our current forrm) tried gamebattles we'd get our arses handed to us 😂😂 With this said, going to this level of co-ordination does seem to take a lot of the fun out of things so we need to make sure we're making time to have some games where the try hard panties are well and truly off 👍
  15. until

    Fucking Hot Healing Chick! is most definitely the most Meta defining pick at the moment @Diddums so you ain't getting out that easy!! However a Lucio/Moira combo is quite viable too. Our main problem seems to be a really high level DPS character would can give the other team problems. Also making sure that the damage dished out on the DPS picks compliments each other. Tanks are actually our strong point and @crispymorgan and @GazzaGarratt have got some awesome utility now with Orisa and Reinhardt. Lots of shit to try out folks....
  16. Pretty much the same for me. More than happy to throw some ideas into the ring but I have zero clues when it comes to app development although I'd be happy to support from a project management side. But judging by Mike's OP I think he's already got that covered 😂😂
  17. Will have to have a bash again but I'm positive that that there's a way to do it
  18. Will get something on the calendar shortly. Will need @GazzaGarratt's help with setting up the matches as he's the only person with authority to do that on Gamebattles
  19. Good stuff dude. If you've got the patience then go for it. It's something we certainly don't have at the moment. Just make sure you've got another character in reserve just in case we meet a random Genji pro who nicks him first!
  20. That was great. I loved the fact you could hear the tension in Rich's voice!! Although there is part of me that wondered if Rich was ever going to get out of that hole 😂😂😂
  21. A good Genii is awesome if you can do it dude. But there's a very high skill ceiling so lots of practice needed. That's why none of us can do it 😂😂 Winston is a really good shout too. He's got a really good kit, its all about learning when and where to jump and the bubble placement. A squishy's worst nightmare!!
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