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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Undying mine is def the way for ward for orbs in a strike. Just with me and Lee working together i produced 46 orbs and Lee got 30. If you had a 3rd person you could push this even higher. First impressions of the patch is positive. Seems like a lot of quality of life improvements. All the kiosks show the completionists exactly what they do and don't have. Plus a pretty good indication of how to get it. Quest lines are nice, but want to see how it really plays out after a week or so after release. As after 1 night, i've completed the sunsinger path and am on step 7 on the voidwalker. It's a great interface, but if there's no quests to do then it's pretty pointless!! Also the bug the patch caused with Field Scout is kinda annoying!!! However really looking forward to getting my teeth into TTK
  2. So PoE is irelevant and ToO is going. Remind me what i paid my money for on House of Wolves???
  3. For sure. The beta is over, this really does sound like the beginning of a game resembling what we were originally thought we were getting. I'm really excited to see what else lies in this update
  4. I'll be getting it for sure. Some real good steps in the right direction on this expansion. As i've said before, i like Bungie's attitude to go and totally revamp the broken stuff. I think Destiny has some really exciting times ahead
  5. Beta over now. Pretty impressed so far, seems like it could be quite solid if they use some of the Beta feedback/data to improve the game (m8, scythe etc etc..) Good few games to round it off last night where i never knew how effective the combat knife could be. Especially in S&D! Looking forward to picking this up at some point. But it'll be more around xmas noob time i reckon
  6. Should be fine for about then. Usually finish the kids routine by about that time
  7. I was never really a fan of the MK series until around MK9 came out. From there it evolved into Injustice which was the first fighting game i really threw myself into. MKX just feels like an extension of that game. With that said the combos are a bit less user friendly, but that gives a higher feel good factor when you hit them. I'm really liking the fact you can tack on a throw at the end of a juggle to really maximise the combo output. I've played with Kano and Scorpion so far and my online record is about 5/3. One of my wins came against a guy who had nearly 1000 games played and the game calculated i had a 1% chance of winning!! The region locking is a shame, but a necessary evil i guess to ensure the least amount of lag possinle
  8. Beta extended for another day if anybody hadn't got their fill of rage!
  9. Time to resurrect an old thread!! I finally got my hands on a copy now and i'm starting to put some time into practising. Would anybody be interested in some gameplay or anything of that nature?
  10. Totally my fault. I hadn't seen this thread and was playing BO3 instead. I'm free mon, tues or weds night to get this done.
  11. Awesome clutch dude [emoji108] I finally had a bash at the Beta last night. To be fair i was pleasantly suprised that the game played pretty well. I had zero expectations for this version after hating AW and Ghosts. Everything flowed well and played just like a good CoD should. Yes there was lag and yes there is some op specialist streaks etc etc. But this is CoD and if you want to enjoy the game then you have to accept some of the bullshit that comes with it. Not a day one purchase for me. But i think i will be getting it for sure, i just think games like Destiny and Battlefront will just have more appeal to them.
  12. Ok so i've made the league for those that want to have a crack. Register your team here http://fantasy.premierleague.com and the league code you want to join is 1076562-504262.
  13. Glad i wasn't the only one who got annoyed with that fecking idiot then. The sad thing is that he will get thousands of views on Youtube for that clusterfuck of an opinion and actually make money out of it.
  14. I was concerned that the game was on a very slippery slope and it wouldn't recover from. However i totally agree with Dids comment above. Too many dev teams/publishers are too stubborn to make changes and continue with their "vision". For all the mistakes they've made, maybe they are actually learning from it. If they get this game back on the right path and start getting some content in along the lines of what Mr Owl posted then this game will last for a very long time to come. I'm still waiting for the Drednaught stream but i have really high hopes on how this will affect day to day PvE gameplay. I really hope they get this game to a stage where you can't do all the content before the weekly reset. It would add an interesting dynamic of what your goal is for that particular week
  15. Honestly Dave, i couldn't make out the point he was getting at. Seemed like he was more intent on swearing and randomly ranting for effect than actually making a point of any note.What i did gather is that he doesn't like e-sports and he really doesn't like the fact that anyone younger than him is also better than him, especially to the level of e-sports!! The simple fact is, if you don't like proper competitive COD then play public playlists and have a blast. If you do enjoy competitive then they are catering for you too. Going off on one to gain attention (which sadly works) when there's really not an argument just makes me think about how shallow this guy actually is. He says at the start that whatever you want to do in life is fine and then goes on to question how much people can bench press. So in between all the shits, fucks and faggots you managed to contradict yourself. Slow clap for you. For me competitive is a great thing if done right. BO2 being a prime example. This had a great league play mode that didn't interfere one bit with standard public play. With that said, i'm sticking to my guns on this and won't be getting it at release. Not that i don't think it looks good, it's just i barely played the last 2 versions of COD so i want to be sure. So i'll wait to get the good or bad news from you guys that do the day 1 purchase
  16. Just leave Joe Root to bat on his own. The guy is just class. He's doubled Australia's total score without breaking a sweat!!
  17. Any takers for a Fantasy Premier League again? If so i'll get it set up later on
  18. I hope you're right. Destiny 1.5 sounds like a good step in the right direction. The proof will be in the pudding but i think a slow and steady release of (rumoured) free content would be a massive selling point for this game. Plus the lore that was missing from the game was massive, hopefully they can start to make ammends now
  19. A nice little bat today and get to 200 by close of play with a few wickets in hand amd i'd call that a result of a day
  20. 21 for 5. Ho-Lee-Fuck!!!
  21. 10 for 3 fucking come on boys!!!
  22. Very briefly played WoW and played City of Villains for years. Both of which seemed to have a different take on end game practices.WoW was all about the endgame and the phat loot. CoV was all about the journey and enjoying the ride. I'm not sure that Destiny fits into either of those categories. Not enough content to enjoy the ride and not enough content/uber level gear for top level toons. Destiny needs to make it's mind up on what it wants to be and go for it. At the moment it's missing a bit of an identity
  23. Was that the one in the game with me and Chad or did you get an even better one? We need to start recording some of our shit from here. Would make for a cool Benny Hill music themed video!!Sorry about not coming into the party chat again last night. Mrs was in my earhole so couldn't talk if i'd have wanted!!
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