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  1. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to James in World Darts   
    Littler played fantastic, didn’t miss many doubles and chose some fun checkouts as well which was entertaining.
  2. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to phil bottle in World Darts   
    Respect to Littler, when you watch him you forget he's only 17...
  3. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to J4MES OX4D in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Winning at Millwall away first day of the year can’t be bad😎

  4. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to phil bottle in Stardew Valley Multiplayer Update   
    I've had it for ages and it seems the perfect game for the SteamDeck but never got around to it. Should really give it a proper go 🙂
  5. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Luseth in Stardew Valley Multiplayer Update   
    Giving this thread a nudge as I have been playing this over the Christmas break with my wife. She love's games like this and generally the only sort she will play but I have been enjoying using it to wind down after hectic day's with the kids!
    The multiplayer works well albeit there seem's to be a glitch in the mines for player 1 where it all freezes up and you have to leave the mine and re-enter which can be a bit rubbish!
    I just got our first bit of Irridium which was a pain the first time, I imagine next time will be a bit easier as I have a few Crystalarium's producing Jade for staircases now! We completed the Community Centre, now I am just getting the boat done to head off to Ginger Island and then converting the old Jo-Jo mart which I believe become's a Cinema?
    Anyway yeah this game is as great as ever.
    Another note is that it also exceed 41 million purchases last year I believe which is a phenmonal achievement considering where it started!
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  7. Love
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Luseth in EA FC 25 2025 Stats   
    First post will keep the running total and then each week I will put up the weeks stats in a new post 🙂
    Hopefully get a few of us back on here keeping an eye on it, see who comes top and maybe get us chatting on here a little more. It also gives us a little more to clubs again as we have a decent regular group! So here are the running totals (which is essentially game week 5) -

  8. Haha
    GazzaGarratt reacted to phil bottle in Marvel Rivals - Favourite Characters   
    You've made a thread so you've answered your own question. I feel like I should give you a banana 🤪🤣
  9. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Luseth in Marvel Rivals - Favourite Characters   
    I couldn't see a thread for this which surprises me.
    It seem's to be our surprise new game recently, 6v6, fluid combat in the Overwatch style. There seem's to be a few of us giving this a go so come this year I can see it getting some use!
    This thread is to ask about people's favourite characters, any tips and tricks for anyone struggling to find their feet and also to talk competitive nights. I think it might be good to create some events and get a full squad of 6 on the go as co-ordination on these game's can really send things your way!
    So to kick this off I am going to make a suggestion for new players for each class -
    Tank - Hulk - Easy to get to grips with, has a great deal of health and his Ult just allows you to charge in and attack like mad (Click the sticks in for an entertaining move on enemies if they are close enough). Don't forget when you die as Hulk you turn into Banner, if you keep your distance he can deal a fair amount of damage with his Gun

    DPS - Punisher - For anyone who has played a shooter before he is the character to use. Simple, has the choice of machine gun or Shotgun and can deal a fair amount of damage. His ult can clear out a whole team with it's rockets and using positioning his turret cleverly can allow you to deal huge amounts of damage.

    Healer - I think this is a tricky one, there are definately some good one's but I think for a new player I would suggest Jeff the land shark. He can spray and pray so to speak to heal and launch out little water bubbles that players can run through to heal.

  10. Love
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Luseth in FG Feedback Time   
    Sadly it's like everything people need to use it or lose it so to speak!
    It's the same story with high streets, pubs, Shops, local authority facilities. I have gone a bit backwards on everything recently, you need to take care of the things you have or one day it won't be there anymore. (Heck it's the same with the planet). But for some reason people do not seem to understand it and only moan once things are gone!
  11. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to J4MES OX4D in FG Feedback Time   
    The site has been pretty dead for the past few months I feel and I think a large portion of it could be trimmed down. Many of the game sub forums could be removed or replaced with newer/more popular titles. Overwatch, ESO, Diablo 4, Hunt Showdown and Valheim all probably don't warrant their own space now either by virtue of diminishing popularity and/or their age. 
  12. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Plumbers Crack in YouTube Recommendations   
    Haven't seen this in years....
  13. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to WelchyTV in Voting for FG Game of the Year 2024   
    Voting is now open for the FG Game of the Year 2024!
    Vote for your 2 favourite games from those nominated. 
    Please do not select anymore than 2 titles. 
    Voting closes next Friday, 10th Jan. 
  14. Love
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from phil bottle in World Darts   
    Littler has been made to work really hard this year, so much pressure on the lad and he's still fighting through which is great to see. Averaged 103 last night in his 4-3 over Joyce.
    Outside of Littler I think many would love to see Stephen Bunting to win it. He's become a fantastic at socials and has a naive positive innocence to him that is brilliant. Imagine the commentator saying 'Let's go Bunting Mental!' as he hits the winning darts. Would be great to see. He demolished his Last 16 opponent last night.
    Peter Wright did fantastic to beat reigning champ Humphries but I can't see him getting past Bunting tomorrow.
    Quarter Finals - Wednesday January 1
    Afternoon Session (12.30pm) Chris Dobey (15) vs Gerwyn Price (10) Michael van Gerwen (3) vs Callan Rydz Evening Session (7pm) Peter Wright (17) vs Stephen Bunting (8) Luke Littler (4) vs Nathan Aspinall (12)  
  15. Haha
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from WelchyTV in Video game - What deals have you had over the years?   
    This sounds like you went vegetarian for a moment! 🤣 And I am crap with vegetables just as I am with digital sales! 😅
  16. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in FG Feedback Time   
    This is brilliant, thank you all so far. I've known for a while we have underutilised sections and its a cyclical thing really. We really removed things over time to make it simplistic and then I added new features on top over time to keep the place fresh and worth coming back to it. This feedback really helps work out where we can potentially remove certain areas off the main focus when they don't seem to be being used and try and circulate more key features.
    I think I've always been clear on one principle that has to stay for FG to work for me and that's the website being our main HOME. WhatsApp is chill and great for connecting, as is Discord, but its not personable as this place as is viewed as 'your place', not standardised bland group chats. One thing is for sure, I need to pick Announcements again, which are similar to what Welchy picks up around what's on. It was essentially a notification system of telling you all there's some new shit this week, go and check it out. It was just something that takes a while to get used to doing because everything requires time. Time around work, life, home, kids, etc. We can all make time though, if we want stuff to work.
    And I'd love to try yet another way of getting more people involved, I won't stop trying different ways to ask people if they want to get in on the FG act - just note that's its not the first I've asked everyone so its on everyone to recognise that a little more stepping up to the plate is all that's needed for FG to grow and flourish.
    So with that in mind, whilst I take some thought on some changes, let this be the place for the first way to gather interest on who would love to be involved in this stuff. Even if its just one small part of FG, it all counts. Remember, there's many things where people can immediately add value by just going into that section and creating or interacting with it. Quizzes, for example, ANYONE can create one if you are an FGer. I have also linked very many medals and achievements for interacting with this type of stuff, including responding to Events so it all counts, especially if you can see a nice shiny medal on your FG profile.
    Please keep the feedback coming in here everyone - its great we've had 4 comments above but more feedback and dialogue in here between us all will really help get things going at FG 👊
  17. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in FG Feedback Time   
    Current software restraints from webp being used unfortunately.
    However, there is a huge update to the software at Invision coming very soon and that will allow webp I believe - we will need to do some significant lift and shifting for that once it is ready.
  18. Haha
    GazzaGarratt reacted to The3rdWalker in World Darts   
    I'm sorry, but you will refer to him as Mister Titanium.
  19. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to phil bottle in World Darts   
    I love that darts is still so popular, this year's finals are rocking already. Wright always manages to rise to the occasion... although I'd love to see Littler win it.
  20. Haha
    GazzaGarratt reacted to The3rdWalker in World Darts   
    As an American who sees clips on TikTok. I will never skip a video. I love hearing, "onnnnnnnnnneeeeee hunnnnnndreeeeed EEIIIIIIGGGGGHT". Inject those 9-darters into my fucking veins.
  21. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in FG Feedback Time   
    And for us all mate. Plus would reduce storage space dramatically! Quite a lot to do back end before we get it though and a few decisions to make on where we store FG in teh interwebz too....
    Amen to that ❤️ It will cost us at some point though and I hope people want it enough to be here forever ❤️🖤
  22. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in FG Feedback Time   
    Current software restraints from webp being used unfortunately.
    However, there is a huge update to the software at Invision coming very soon and that will allow webp I believe - we will need to do some significant lift and shifting for that once it is ready.
  23. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Luseth in FG Feedback Time   
    And for us all mate. Plus would reduce storage space dramatically! Quite a lot to do back end before we get it though and a few decisions to make on where we store FG in teh interwebz too....
    Amen to that ❤️ It will cost us at some point though and I hope people want it enough to be here forever ❤️🖤
  24. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Luseth in FG Feedback Time   
    Ah fair enough, I can obviously convert them when needed. It would have just removed a step for me ^_^
  25. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Luseth in FG Feedback Time   
    Current software restraints from webp being used unfortunately.
    However, there is a huge update to the software at Invision coming very soon and that will allow webp I believe - we will need to do some significant lift and shifting for that once it is ready.
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