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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Sounds like the titan chest piece would work well in PvP. Don't think I'd ever change my exotic slot in PvE from the helm of saint helmet. Blinding the AI is worth too much when your back is against the wall.
  2. You can check it relatively easily on the destiny app on your phone when you click on 'Legend' from the menu.
  3. These 3 ideas look the most likely in the next month. Latest update said they are working on the mic issue. It also more slots for bounties will be available so no need to put it into the vault. May not go all the way to 'better bosses' put level 28 strikes will help massively going forward as the bosses aee currently to weak now that everyone has levelled up significantly.
  4. Top draw effort last night. Every time playing this raid it is sooo much fun - not even bothered about rewards (although it would be helpful to raid gear!) Crispy and Sam did great for their first runs. As always, can always depend on Stretch, Ryan, Jason and Chip (I know you were with in spirit Chris ) Roll on another Raid Weekend!
  5. I've only played the third one but that was really addictive (gameplay and graphics were top draw) so it feels like a no-brainier to purchase.
  6. As Sam said from around 8.30 uk time there's Sam, me and Stretch. I'm sure two others will be on if you're up for it Ryan.
  7. Yeah, the UI does need some work too, based on what xbox 360 had. IMO that's what they should at least be aiming for.
  8. Hi Nev! Good to meet you online yesterday
  9. Game and watch is seriously cool...you may have given me the urge to look some up on ebay.
  10. Ha! Luckily it only happened once for me. Microsoft wasn't very nice to you.
  11. Definitely worth getting this, great find Ryan. I loved my xbox over the years, put they really have not tried hard enough to get the xbox one working.They just relied on reputation of the 360 to get by, which blatantly hasn't worked. Sony really deserves a pat on the back for blowing away Microsoft.
  12. Great stuff Dave, this is brilliant for updates.
  13. You beat the raid last night? Well done Chris, especially straight after the patch. Are you saying it may teleport less than 3 now?
  14. I nearly..nope...I did wet myself a little!
  15. Just ordered from Tescos with my vouchers so I'll be trying it out on Monday evening, postage permitting. I've played previous CoDs but it would be good to learn from experienced folk like you guys...I feel a terrible K/D ratio on the horizon.
  16. I do agree with what has been ssaid however Tesco plays to my strengths: Me and my family eat bland boring food Biggest Tesco store on my front door I have a Tesco Credit card Get a shit load of tesco points Double up vouchers to buy things like... CoD for free!
  17. *Violently agrees with everything* They may not change the Venus raid back but my belief is that they will make sure something like this doesn't happen in the December expansion pack raid.
  18. Looks like we have 22 in the clan at the moment. I find what's great about FG is that I've had games with alot of you guys already in the short space I've been here and everyone shares the same goals - to enjoy games and help each other out. There we go, my homo love for the day
  19. Some more tactical puzzles, even on mini missions would keep it interesting,that's what makes the raid so damn good!
  20. Sorry to hear about your loss Doc. Sounds like you had one hell of a grandmother.
  21. Nice to have a nightfall run with Ryan and Matt tonight, it was miles quicker than last weeks!! Thanks for the games guys
  22. People have been getting refunds through Sony if they had bought through the PSN Store, however I like to have the hard copy as I collect games - I could've done with the cash to put towards CoD and Far Cry 4...
  23. It really is disappointing. Forgetting how bad they've been with the servers...in my opinion the game is rushed and is not worth anywhere close to the RRP. I may play the odd race now and again but a bit gutted it isn't worth putting a club together at the moment.
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