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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. I'm sure I've seen Ryan's real name recently... Ryan Destiny Hunter [emoji6]
  2. I'll see if I can be around at that time too. Should be, just need to square it off with the other half.
  3. From a newbieish perspective it sounds abit like marmite from taking in what everyone has said. I also see a AW vs Destiny thing here...and some could say its the same marmite view. However, where Destiny seems to be subtlety different is that most of the community enjoy Destiny, it just isn't a finished game until you play raids and wait for dlc. I'll definitely play both, just not in the order I expected.
  4. Good read Ryan. I've only experienced the portal issue and the health regeneration ones. At least the portal can be fixed by going back through and out again. Still a pain in the arse though.
  5. Class video stretch, your switch skills between shield and gun are tidy. As Chris says, melee looks damn quick too.
  6. Do they do anything different to the ones you buy?
  7. Looks ace. Looking forward to hearing how good it is for AW.
  8. Would we restrict this just to shooters or other genre's? Im sure the most fun will still come from them though.
  9. So....Raid Thursday? 9pm GMT start/4pm Central? I think we have... Lee Ryan Stretch (i think?) Anyone else available? Btw i would have done this on the calendar but I've noticed not many take a look at it now....
  10. As I have a fondness for all games from all consoles I have accrued good stack of games to play. It's hard to keep track of them sometimes and I've used RF Generation website in the past to log most of them. Its a good website and database which is worth a look but i wanted to see if any of you FGers have got a good website to register your games in an easy way?
  11. Great stuff Gary, it was still fun doing the daily and weekly with you and Ryan.Oh, and I'll remember next time when I'm swapping with someone not to go to orbit when I'm the fireteam leader. Donut. [emoji15]
  12. I haven't played my xbox one in months but after a few hours of AW I'd say there are only a few.The maps are far reaching in titanfall whereby many maps ive played so far on AW are tightnit, free for all, smash and grab maps. However, the many different modes available in AW will mean you'll go down the list and eventually settle on 'your modes' rather than not having much choice with titanfall. They're both similar speeds...I'm hoping to be swung by AW but you are making me think long and hard about turning my xbox one back on.
  13. I'll be on around 8pm GMT after kids have gone to bed. Can't wait to get dicked on again for most of the night.
  14. I've missed hearing rage not playing online for the last few years. I like its fast paced so much that camping doesn't feel like an option at the moment. I do find though, unless I'm off to a good start i get dumped, kicked, blown apart and embarrassed in a matter of seconds. Feels like a momentum issue like recent games such as FIFA. (it really is just me though I'm sure)
  15. More than happy to dip in to the raid with you ryan, I may br on AW but will soon jump off when you're ready to the raid...Destiny will be in my ps4 longer than AW for sure
  16. Wow. Anhiliated. TDM can go in a hole somewhere (Domination, you can stay a little longer). Went down 3-13 first game. This may take some time yo get used to until finding the right loadout.
  17. I'm glad you guys ended up getting it done so you ciuld get your just reward. I'm sure the hard work last night will pay off in future raids.
  18. Tesco is £42...but if you have some tesco vouchers you can double up on all games...so i picked mine up for £21 of vouchers and no hard cash. [emoji3]
  19. I'm comfortable with it now Owl.
  20. Im going out for a few hours before some game time tonight as a scary... Beer bottle. I'll put a pick up later [emoji6]
  21. I'd like to think that we did the hard work already and we felt we might as well let you do the last bit to keep you happy.....[emoji15] (If we struggle again though, can you help? Pretty please? [emoji16] )
  22. Good stuff barrels. If I'm honest even though i was doing this combo quite a few times i didn't realise what triggered it...will now use this going forward [emoji106]
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