I think the gaming scene is more turning into what we as consumers can do with existing titles to be creative with them. In an era of gorging content seems to be the socially acceptable thing to do, when its the exact opposite of how game developers want you to play it, I think its the only way forward. That, and a lot more indie B or C titles because no one is patient enough to wait 7 years for a video game to be developed these days.
That being said, i'm looking forward to the Winter as I think there are enough MP games for us to be able to have fun gaming nights across a ton of games. Some underrated ones have been out for a while and are worth playthroughs with friends. Baldurs Gate 3, Sea of Thieves, Space Marine 2 to name a few. Even Helldivers 2 which has largely dropped off the larger playerbase is a solid game that has lots of game nights where many here would really enjoy. Spreading yourself across a few titles will also remove that silly feeling of needing to complete a whole game in 12 minutes. I'm really enjoying pacing myself through the new Astrobot game as its not a huge game so I want to enjoy the content whenever I put it on.
Glass half-full. Especially with FGers is my summary.