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Everything posted by Commander_Undies

  1. I've never minded doing the clan stuffs. I'll get to your PM (Diddums) in a few, going to gather the information.
  2. Social Networking will grow as the forum grows. Facebook is easy to promote your page. Of course you need the money to do that. On Twitter, not sure.
  3. Glad I didn't get it yet.
  4. Added some new bullets to all categories. Plus, added multiplayer, and campaign missions.
  5. Ronda Rousey fucked up Alexis Davis last night... In 16 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORphmbodFac
  6. Thanks bud! I also started making the bows you told me to make to level up my smithing faster. I just gotta keep getting ingots.
  7. What's AW..
  8. Just an idea, but can't there be a global announcement for these maintenances so there aren't a zillion threads about them? And I'd much rather have one thread where you explain what you're maintaining then just saying 'it's done' as I am curious about what exactly is being done. If there is a thread with that, I've lost it with all of the 'Maintenance' titled threads. I'd throw some of the maintenance threads in the pit, but I don't think that's my place. Anywho, thanks for keepin' this place on the up.
  9. LOL Anderson being a dumbass. Karma bitch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2D2DVOYBhc
  10. http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/07/02/free-steam-key/
  11. It feels like a dead controller if it doesn't rumble!
  12. That's nice. But I want my rumble feature.
  13. Thanks! I actually made a ton of feathers last night since I have so many arrows and ended up selling them for a nice amount of gold.
  14. Thanks bud. I'm downloading the mod manager right now and I plan on installing these.
  15. This looks like way too much for a game.. Idk. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30936/?
  16. Thanks, I'll bookmark it and check it out later!
  17. No problem. I'd rather get links and stuff from you guys. So maybe someone will give me one. I've never used mods on anything yet.
  18. Looks great, I haven't added any mods to the game yet. Any recommendations?
  19. So i'm going to hop on now and play for the first time. Gonna make a wood elf since they're one of the best races in regards to archery.
  20. My brother did that. He joined the dark brotherhood, had his sneak and pickpocket up so high he stole Astrid's Blade of Woe and then when he finished the brotherhoods quest he got another one so he ended up having duel Blade of Woe daggers. He also leveled up his Illusion so he could be invisible a lot of the time. I was jelly with how sneaky he was.
  21. Yep! I hear ya. I want so many different things, so I'm sure this game will keep my attention for a very long time. Hopefully, people keep joining in, because I know this archer won't be the only character I make.
  22. I think this is what I'm gonna do. Do you remember which tree you started putting points in first?
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