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  1. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Diddums in Best Christmas Movies?   
    Showing your age a bit there Jim
    21 jump street. The other guys. Actually, pretty much anything with Will Ferrell in it.
  2. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted in Mod or Pre-Alpha?   
    My friend, you are in for an enjoyable time.
  3. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Madjonny in Your general thoughts on Call of Duty now?   
    I still love it although I don't seem to play as much as I used to, I go through phases...
    What I would like is for activision to take a break 1-2 years, then yes we will get bored of ghosts then we will just take a break until the next cod, but the way it is now, I and many of you would buy the next cod in 2014... I wouldn't be able so help it if there was a new cod I must have it...
    If they just skipped 1 year it would make all the difference IMO...
  4. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to H3iman in Your general thoughts on Call of Duty now?   
    I want this series to burn out and die already. At this point, the only reason I play it is to play with my friends, even though I hate this game with a passion. Unfortunately, I'm stuck wasting my money every year to play with them, because these same friends refuse to play ANYTHING else. It is f&$*ing infuriating.
    F*** Call of Duty.
    Oh, and Battlefield 4 is the lesser of two evils, but just barely. Just, barely.
  5. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to spectre in Your general thoughts on Call of Duty now?   
    The bad aspects (that continue to be the same from game to game) just totally overshadow it for me.  There is nothing "good" left because I can't see through the bad.  I had 30 days played for Mw2 and Bo1. It was about 15 days on mw3, 9 days on Bo2 and now I'm at 1.5 days and just totally sick of the damn thing.  I am working diligently to finish this last video I've been working on and it seems like I'll play for a couple hours a few days in a row and I can't even get a single clip because the game mechanics/spawning apparently just hate me.
  6. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Commander_Undies in Your general thoughts on Call of Duty now?   
    If Call of Duty disappeared from the earth tomorrow, I wouldn't be sad to see it go. I really only play it to spend time with you guys. I played like 5 hours today (Sunday). It was a lot of fun. If I was alone though, I wouldn't have played it at all. That's what all the other games are for.
  7. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from H3iman in Your general thoughts on Call of Duty now?   
    Call of Duty: Ghosts for me is a great game but at present I have been feeling less motivated to play it to the extent I feel my personal interest in the franchise is diminished to a new low.  I don't envisage picking it up anytime soon either. 
    I have been playing COD since the original but Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was the ultimate multiplayer experience that kicked off my love-affair of the games for years to come.  It's been a bumpy ride mostly with issues ranging from the technical side to gameplay aspects and the general hit and miss booming community that they game has attained over the years but through the highs and lows I have always participated in each annual title with a significant level of interest and throughout the duration of the game.  Despite Ghosts's hiccups on PC since release; I still think it's a fine game and this would have been excellent a couple of years ago but I just feel that franchise doesn't wow me any more. I wasn't overly excited through the build up and despite the final product ticking most of the boxes; I don't think the concept grabs me as much as it used to which leaves me feeling ultimately tired of Call of Duty it seems.
    Spectre posted a breakdown list of what was new and what was essentially recycled in Ghosts and I was taken aback by the sheer lack of innovation on show and how many things had been rehashed but presented in a deceptive way to seem new and original. So much that Treyarch offered in Black Ops 2 was also not taken forward into Ghosts which disappointed me as well. This did make me see the game differently and the more I played since; the less interested I felt with the game.  I didn't think Ghosts looked quite the advance that I was expecting perhaps still being tied to what is now the old generation of consoles but even a next-gen only Call of Duty would struggle to grab me which leaves me a bored with the typical Call of Duty design and multiplayer architecture.  I've even found more time to play Brokenfield 4 which is extremely worrying!
    As we move onwards and upwards with the new consoles; I am focusing on the future titles such as Watch Dogs, Destiny, The Division, Titanfall and the likes of MGSV. Ambition, scale and large MP titles have me intrigued as to what is just around the corner.  Call of Duty seems to be from a bygone era in my opinion that I can't see me playing in the future with massive MMO-styled titles of an exceptional quality like The Division or Destiny offer. For COD to come into the generation side by side such games; it will have to offer a complete overhaul of everything along with clear ambition and a radical new overview.  The heart of me doesn't want them to drift too far away from the familiar concept but my head wants a massive and scaleable change to keep up with other unique titles on show.
    What are your general thoughts about the series now when compared to years ago?
    A welcome break from the game is perhaps what I need but not even the future DLC may be enough to keep me inspired. We shall see..  
  8. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from spectre in Your general thoughts on Call of Duty now?   
    Call of Duty: Ghosts for me is a great game but at present I have been feeling less motivated to play it to the extent I feel my personal interest in the franchise is diminished to a new low.  I don't envisage picking it up anytime soon either. 
    I have been playing COD since the original but Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was the ultimate multiplayer experience that kicked off my love-affair of the games for years to come.  It's been a bumpy ride mostly with issues ranging from the technical side to gameplay aspects and the general hit and miss booming community that they game has attained over the years but through the highs and lows I have always participated in each annual title with a significant level of interest and throughout the duration of the game.  Despite Ghosts's hiccups on PC since release; I still think it's a fine game and this would have been excellent a couple of years ago but I just feel that franchise doesn't wow me any more. I wasn't overly excited through the build up and despite the final product ticking most of the boxes; I don't think the concept grabs me as much as it used to which leaves me feeling ultimately tired of Call of Duty it seems.
    Spectre posted a breakdown list of what was new and what was essentially recycled in Ghosts and I was taken aback by the sheer lack of innovation on show and how many things had been rehashed but presented in a deceptive way to seem new and original. So much that Treyarch offered in Black Ops 2 was also not taken forward into Ghosts which disappointed me as well. This did make me see the game differently and the more I played since; the less interested I felt with the game.  I didn't think Ghosts looked quite the advance that I was expecting perhaps still being tied to what is now the old generation of consoles but even a next-gen only Call of Duty would struggle to grab me which leaves me a bored with the typical Call of Duty design and multiplayer architecture.  I've even found more time to play Brokenfield 4 which is extremely worrying!
    As we move onwards and upwards with the new consoles; I am focusing on the future titles such as Watch Dogs, Destiny, The Division, Titanfall and the likes of MGSV. Ambition, scale and large MP titles have me intrigued as to what is just around the corner.  Call of Duty seems to be from a bygone era in my opinion that I can't see me playing in the future with massive MMO-styled titles of an exceptional quality like The Division or Destiny offer. For COD to come into the generation side by side such games; it will have to offer a complete overhaul of everything along with clear ambition and a radical new overview.  The heart of me doesn't want them to drift too far away from the familiar concept but my head wants a massive and scaleable change to keep up with other unique titles on show.
    What are your general thoughts about the series now when compared to years ago?
    A welcome break from the game is perhaps what I need but not even the future DLC may be enough to keep me inspired. We shall see..  
  9. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from jordie1892 in Mod or Pre-Alpha?   
    Sounds like I'll have to play pretty damn cautiously then!
  10. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Your general thoughts on Call of Duty now?   
    Call of Duty: Ghosts for me is a great game but at present I have been feeling less motivated to play it to the extent I feel my personal interest in the franchise is diminished to a new low.  I don't envisage picking it up anytime soon either. 
    I have been playing COD since the original but Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was the ultimate multiplayer experience that kicked off my love-affair of the games for years to come.  It's been a bumpy ride mostly with issues ranging from the technical side to gameplay aspects and the general hit and miss booming community that they game has attained over the years but through the highs and lows I have always participated in each annual title with a significant level of interest and throughout the duration of the game.  Despite Ghosts's hiccups on PC since release; I still think it's a fine game and this would have been excellent a couple of years ago but I just feel that franchise doesn't wow me any more. I wasn't overly excited through the build up and despite the final product ticking most of the boxes; I don't think the concept grabs me as much as it used to which leaves me feeling ultimately tired of Call of Duty it seems.
    Spectre posted a breakdown list of what was new and what was essentially recycled in Ghosts and I was taken aback by the sheer lack of innovation on show and how many things had been rehashed but presented in a deceptive way to seem new and original. So much that Treyarch offered in Black Ops 2 was also not taken forward into Ghosts which disappointed me as well. This did make me see the game differently and the more I played since; the less interested I felt with the game.  I didn't think Ghosts looked quite the advance that I was expecting perhaps still being tied to what is now the old generation of consoles but even a next-gen only Call of Duty would struggle to grab me which leaves me a bored with the typical Call of Duty design and multiplayer architecture.  I've even found more time to play Brokenfield 4 which is extremely worrying!
    As we move onwards and upwards with the new consoles; I am focusing on the future titles such as Watch Dogs, Destiny, The Division, Titanfall and the likes of MGSV. Ambition, scale and large MP titles have me intrigued as to what is just around the corner.  Call of Duty seems to be from a bygone era in my opinion that I can't see me playing in the future with massive MMO-styled titles of an exceptional quality like The Division or Destiny offer. For COD to come into the generation side by side such games; it will have to offer a complete overhaul of everything along with clear ambition and a radical new overview.  The heart of me doesn't want them to drift too far away from the familiar concept but my head wants a massive and scaleable change to keep up with other unique titles on show.
    What are your general thoughts about the series now when compared to years ago?
    A welcome break from the game is perhaps what I need but not even the future DLC may be enough to keep me inspired. We shall see..  
  11. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to cyberninja2601 in Your general thoughts on Call of Duty now?   
    It sucks less than BF4.
    Seriously that's how I feel about it which isn't saying much. If they were to stop making CoD, I would not be upset at all. The franchise has run it's course and there are so many better games out there. Unfortunately most do not have the multiplayer capabilities CoD has which is it's only saving grace. For example a squad in BF is pretty small which really limits the team experience.
  12. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Jason in Your general thoughts on Call of Duty now?   
    I am playing it minimally as to not get burned out.
    I just don't enjoy them as much as I used to. Mw2 was top dog for me, all have fell short since for me.
    I enjoy a good rpg more than fps games anymore. I hope destiny is a good mix for me.
  13. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to jordie1892 in Mod or Pre-Alpha?   
    I'd highly recommend FrankieOnPC's DayZ videos. Not only will you learn stuff but he makes the videos as if he is telling a story.

  14. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Dylanimo in Mod or Pre-Alpha?   
    Hi, my name is Dylan if u want i can go on team speak any help you out the the basics  
  15. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to BO7H B4RRELS in Your general thoughts on Call of Duty now?   
    I'm a bit burnt out on the franchise to be honest.  I still enjoy playing it from time to time, but I'm not hooked like I used to be.  Back with CoD:4, W@W, MW2, and BO1 I played obsessively.  I even played CoD:2 and 3 a good amount online.  But, now... not so much.  I have to force myself to play.  I only play it because I enjoy playing with friends.  It has become stale.  It just feels like a grind with no end goal.  I get tired of the lame tactics people use.  I get tired of the connection issues.  I'm kind of over the whole thing.  I'm sure if I was new to gaming or CoD or even FPS games, I'd be hooked on Ghosts.  It's a fine game, but it just feels like the same game I've been playing the past 5-6 years. 
    I've been branching out and trying different types of games since getting a gaming PC.  It's really opened my eyes.  I'm no longer obsessed with FPS games.  There's a wide world of games out there that are every bit as competative, fun, and interesting. 
  16. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Your general thoughts on Call of Duty now?   
    Call of Duty: Ghosts for me is a great game but at present I have been feeling less motivated to play it to the extent I feel my personal interest in the franchise is diminished to a new low.  I don't envisage picking it up anytime soon either. 
    I have been playing COD since the original but Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was the ultimate multiplayer experience that kicked off my love-affair of the games for years to come.  It's been a bumpy ride mostly with issues ranging from the technical side to gameplay aspects and the general hit and miss booming community that they game has attained over the years but through the highs and lows I have always participated in each annual title with a significant level of interest and throughout the duration of the game.  Despite Ghosts's hiccups on PC since release; I still think it's a fine game and this would have been excellent a couple of years ago but I just feel that franchise doesn't wow me any more. I wasn't overly excited through the build up and despite the final product ticking most of the boxes; I don't think the concept grabs me as much as it used to which leaves me feeling ultimately tired of Call of Duty it seems.
    Spectre posted a breakdown list of what was new and what was essentially recycled in Ghosts and I was taken aback by the sheer lack of innovation on show and how many things had been rehashed but presented in a deceptive way to seem new and original. So much that Treyarch offered in Black Ops 2 was also not taken forward into Ghosts which disappointed me as well. This did make me see the game differently and the more I played since; the less interested I felt with the game.  I didn't think Ghosts looked quite the advance that I was expecting perhaps still being tied to what is now the old generation of consoles but even a next-gen only Call of Duty would struggle to grab me which leaves me a bored with the typical Call of Duty design and multiplayer architecture.  I've even found more time to play Brokenfield 4 which is extremely worrying!
    As we move onwards and upwards with the new consoles; I am focusing on the future titles such as Watch Dogs, Destiny, The Division, Titanfall and the likes of MGSV. Ambition, scale and large MP titles have me intrigued as to what is just around the corner.  Call of Duty seems to be from a bygone era in my opinion that I can't see me playing in the future with massive MMO-styled titles of an exceptional quality like The Division or Destiny offer. For COD to come into the generation side by side such games; it will have to offer a complete overhaul of everything along with clear ambition and a radical new overview.  The heart of me doesn't want them to drift too far away from the familiar concept but my head wants a massive and scaleable change to keep up with other unique titles on show.
    What are your general thoughts about the series now when compared to years ago?
    A welcome break from the game is perhaps what I need but not even the future DLC may be enough to keep me inspired. We shall see..  
  17. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Glen11 in COD Ghosts: Heavy Duty Mode   
    On topic, this game mode sounds all kinds of shit.
  18. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Racist Giraffe in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Looks like it! Arsenal/City/Chelsea could all win, but Liverpool/Everton are playing well enough to win it aswell. United/Spurs might even pick up form later in the season and have a chance at it. The leagues definitely more exciting than last year anyways!  
  19. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Stretch616 in sniper nerf   
    I really hate this idea that people have that snipers are OP. It's frustrating when you meet someone who's really good, but by no means OP. If it's that easy everybody would run with one. Whereas probably 70% of people actually run a AR but people don't mind getting killed by an AR.
  20. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Playertd in sniper nerf   
    The only weapon in this game that was Op (puts up high score games every time, fastest TTK, good at close, medium and long range) was the MSBS...but IW did the smart thing and nerfed that gun.
    Snipers are subpar...their like the bulldog, extremely good on certain maps, or certain areas of maps but overall not even close to OP.
    Can't really figure out why they would want to kill snipers....anyone who plays more than 5 games will realize that assault rifles dominate this game.
  21. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Diddums in Is this True?   
    Yep, it's true. It used to be in hardcore only in BF3, but for some reason they decided to introduce it in core too. 
    At first it was annoying, but having since gotten used to it now, playing as support and dropping ammo everywhere nets me so much XP it's just insane. 
  22. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from phil bottle in Mod or Pre-Alpha?   
    Thanks for the info guys! I've picked up the Arma 2 collection with the DayZ mod and will leave the £20 alpha until a much later date.  Even the producers are recommending people NOT to buy the standalone at present despite selling about 200k copies lol!
  23. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Diddums in PC Game Deals/Giveaways   
    Anyone who doesn't buy Bulletstorm is seriously missing out. 
    It's best with a joystick though.
  24. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from Diddums in PC Game Deals/Giveaways   
    Bulletstorm £3.47 
    Papers Please £3.49
  25. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to burnfitbillyboy in Mod or Pre-Alpha?   
    My guess is it's too late at night for this young man to make sense, or at least a lil bit more sense than this.
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