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  1. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to phil bottle in Road to Vostock   
    Could have sworn there was already a thread on this but apparently not...
    I've been watching progress and checking out each update. Plays really well but it's a one man team, so we'll see how it goes.
    Latest update out now and it's currently free.
  2. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to Luseth in Modern Warfare III   
    I am kind of done with the series again I think, it was good fun playing the last game with FG.
    This one with it essentially being dlc that we have paid full price for it kind of left a sour taste and then you see crap like this and it's just a bit scummy. I know you have to blame people buying stuff like this but equally so it's just scummy from the devs.
  3. Haha
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from techno in Modern Warfare III   
    $80 gloves

    Nice to see Microsoft making a positive difference to the franchise🤣
  4. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to WelchyTV in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Some screenshots from Planet of Lana, beautiful art style! 
  5. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to phil bottle in Manor Lords   
    Looking good 🙂
  6. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to phil bottle in Indiana Jones Game From Bethesda   
    Considered making a new thread for this but makes sense to update this one.
    Gameplay video with very little gameplay is very contemporary marketing 🙃
  7. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to IRaMPaGe in Modern Warfare III   
    Absolutely insane, how can anyone justify this. 
    Is it literally cosmetic? 
    Sounds like pay to win at that price. 
    It's more than the base game cost. 🤢
  8. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to WelchyTV in Modern Warfare III   
    Wow! They’ve actually released an item for £80?! 
    That’s insane! 
  9. Haha
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Modern Warfare III   
    $80 gloves

    Nice to see Microsoft making a positive difference to the franchise🤣
  10. Love
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Some more AC Odyssey

  11. Love
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Assassin's Creed Odyssey (2018)

  12. Haha
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Mine come from Steam Akami where no upload is required so I hope mine aren't responsible for any high bills😎
  13. Haha
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from NCA-Paendrag in Modern Warfare III   
    $80 gloves

    Nice to see Microsoft making a positive difference to the franchise🤣
  14. Haha
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Modern Warfare III   
    $80 gloves

    Nice to see Microsoft making a positive difference to the franchise🤣
  15. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from WelchyTV in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Some more AC Odyssey

  16. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from WelchyTV in Star Wars Outlaws   
    This sorta thing has been around for many years yet yet publishers keep adopting it yet it surely doesn't benefit sales in the long run. Some games have had such convoluted pre-release/puchase aspects in play which just alienate players so much, rather than spending even the base game rate, they wait for a sale as you say. Who could forget EA's epic fail charts..
    The thing that pisses me off with this $70/$110/$130 garbage is that the people that are paying the standard base game rate are actually getting the game 3 days late and are missing out on content as well as risking spoilers. Those that are getting ripped off paying $110 get to essentially play the game on time (even though it says 'early access' and are paying $40 extra for one shitty mission and a low-effort .pdf. 
    I think Ubisoft are slyly trying to push people to their garbage subscription service where you can play the entire thing for $15. Might not be a bad one-off shout especially for a one and done Ubisoft single player title. Games like Baldurs Gate 3 keep it simple - £50 and the entire game is yours with no bullshit or having to miss out on stuff because you didn't pay £30-40 more. 
  17. Love
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Some more AC Odyssey

  18. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to WelchyTV in Star Wars Outlaws   
    I don’t like the idea of selling season passes as part of deluxe editions etc, especially for games we have no idea are even good or not! 
    Even when God of War 2018, my favourite game of all time, had the sequel Ragnarok coming out I refused to buy any deluxe edition. Just give me my £70 standard version and I’m happy.
    For Star Wars Outlaws, I want to see a bit more before I commit £70, but I probably will! 
  19. Love
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from phil bottle in Last movie you watched   
    This classic
  20. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from phil bottle in Star Wars Outlaws   
    Star Wars Outlaws' $110 and $130 editions prompt a collective sigh from potential players tired of season passes and ill-advised early access periods | PC Gamer
    WWW.PCGAMER.COM I've got a bad feeling about this.  
  21. Like
    J4MES OX4D reacted to IRaMPaGe in Last movie you watched   
    Top tier film, 1 of his best. 
    Probably is my favourite one of his. 
  22. Love
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Last movie you watched   
    This classic
  23. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Last movie you watched   
    This classic
  24. Love
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Assassin's Creed Odyssey (2018)

  25. Like
    J4MES OX4D got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in PS5 Pro   
    A good choice for anyone who doesn't own a PS5 but wants one in the near future. Other than that, it's definitely not worth upgrading from a standard PS5 especially if the few current gen games available play the same essentially. These mid-gen console releases are nothing more than a marketing refresh rather than an extra step to build on existing hardware. 
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