Firstly, congratulations for making it to 50 hours. I lasted barely 20 hours in Origins before it became absolute torture to play. This latest breed of AC games are basically way too big with the story spread thin across a huge landscape in which the map has to be bloated with mundane tasks for filler. Not only that, Ubisoft introduced RPG level-gating which meant players had to endure these side missions to be able to play the story....or pay them £10 for boosters where you didn't have to play parts of the game instead. The gameplay is also dumbed-down to the extremes with x-ray vision, no fall damage, being able to scale huge climbs in seconds and also really basic combat. Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla are basically the same game with slightly different skins.
The developers could've easily reduced the game by two thirds, removed any level gating or given the player a choice on XP scaling. There are so many users who are being alienated by this game design who would love to play it and experience DLC in the future but they are being held back by the exhausting and nauseating gameplay format. If Ubisoft scrapped boosters and scaled the games down then they would be much better experiences. The series is basically a live service and Ubisoft last week confirmed that this is how it will be going forward for all future AC titles so expect more of the same. It's a shame because AC2 and Black Flag were superb titles.
The series is perfect for players who don't mind the same monotonous grind every day for two months straight but for me, the AC games have become some of the most painful out there and the devs don't seem to understand that bigger doesn't always mean better. Aside from any narrative, what you see in these games within the first 20 minutes is what you get throughout.