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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. I read today in the paper that eBay have reimbursed £450 and they have passed on the sellers details to the relative investigative force. Oh well at least he got his dole money back I suppose!
  2. England have Costa Rica, Uruguay and Italy in their group. Not as bad as it could have been but tough nevertheless!
  3. I've only seen 1 hacker on PC although there has been a few reported on all the systems but a patch was released yesterday apparently that prevents god mode and invisibility for anyone that has fallen-foul of those in recent weeks. Fingers crossed this game will remain pretty clean throughout like Black Ops 2.
  4. I stand by my initial opinion that BF4 is probably the worst FPS game I have ever played. I have tried to get into it but the sheer contrast between this and Battlefield 3 is staggering. I agree with much that you have said although the above is my experience on the PC and not the 360/PS3 versions.....which makes it worse!
  5. The guy deserves it for getting an Xbox One.
  6. DICE shouldn't shoulder any of the blame as EA conducted a public Alpha and Beta test in which they seemed happy for the game to be released so the buck has to stop with them. Either EA knowingly released a half-cocked product or didn't effectively assess the data collected from the open beta. I think EA's arrogance and deluded presence in the industry clouded their judgement in thinking they could even remotely compete with Call of Duty. I am still seething after what they did to Medal of Honor - a pure greed cash-in in which they diminished a legendary series whilst screwing the developers (Danger Close) and blaming them for all failings despite the company not having the personnel or experience required for the task. They gave them the Frostbite engine and left them to concoct a game in a short time-frame. BF4 is easily the worst experience I have had in videogames in recent memory and EA deserve to fail.
  7. This is definitely the one attachment that 95% of people use on PC. For me, it is pure gold. I do miss hearing the refreshed weapon sounds in all their glory but it is worth the sacrifice for the stealth factor. I don't think the suppressor affects the gun performance too much regardless of what the stats say and as this game is driven more by sounds than any other COD I've played; firing at full-rate can really draw attention to you even from a reasonable distance. Does anyone on here not use the silence on all their weapons that are applicable and how many proportionally opt for the attachment on the consoles as a whole?
  8. Suarez scores four as Liverpool win 5-1. City win 3-0. Chelsea win 4-3. Arsenal win 2-0. Spurs win 2-1. AND MAN UTD GET DICKED BY EVERTON AT HOME LULZ! Unlucky Moyesie;-)
  9. I had Black Ops on the PS3 and it took around 4 months to iron itself out and just when things were looking up; we had the PSN outage! I even tried locale only which improved the connection but the lobbies were riddled with the French and Germans. Basicallly a Euro-campathon. It did improve after the summer but by then, I had no more hair to tear out!
  10. I know of four different drops via Field Orders for specific maps: Strikezone - KEM (moab essentially killing all opponents and altering the map) Soverign - Halon Gas (Why FFS? You blind the other team......and your own players for two minutes! Not sure if this kills or is just pointless for everyone) Warhawk - Mortar Fire (Mortar strikes on specific areas of the map for one minute) Whiteout - Satellite Crash (Dish collapses onto an area of the map C side) Is there any other key killstreak drops on other maps from Field Orders?
  11. Just beat the game in 7 minutes lol! Thankfully there seems to be many ways to do it. I went the routine way but I will mix it up on my next playthrough
  12. Some great tips there! I haven't really sniped since the MW2 days but I will be getting back into it especially with those over-sized maps. Great to see sniping done the proper way and I am glad IW didn't bow down to the tryhard scopers like they did on the very QS generous MW3. Any tips on classes I can take into squads first?
  13. This is the campiest game since MW2 no doubt. Black Ops 2 seemed to bring the best out of the COD community but modes like Kill Confirmed and Domination in Ghosts are just unbearable now. Getting shot of HQ and HP was a bad idea.
  14. Tomb Raider (2013 edition) £5.99 from £29.99 The Stanley Parable down to £5.99 AOE II HD £3.74 Garry's Mod £1.49 Guncraft £2.99 Nascar 2013 £7.49
  15. Grid2 £7.49 from £29.99
  16. All Just Cause 2 DLC is 99p for the next 4 hours!
  17. Far Cry 3 £4.99 Metro: Last Light £8.49 Payday 2 £11.24 Civilization V £4.99 Torchlight II £3.74 The Wolf Among Us £12.72 Fez £1.74 Just Cause 2 £1.99 NBA 2K14 £14.99 Darksiders II £6.99 Rocksmith 2014 £26.79
  18. Martin Jol sacked by Fulham Chelsea 0-1 down to Southampton Liverpool beaten 3-1 by Hull Spurs 2-2 Man Utd Bit of a wacky day in the Prem!
  19. Crash scene amateur footage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R976MdhNhg
  20. F1 2013 half price @ £14.99 Batman Arkham Asylum £2.49
  21. This used to happen to me all the time in Black Ops! Can't believe it's recurring in Ghosts. I've experienced the same on quite a few maps
  22. Real tragedy:-( I enjoyed his performance in the Fast films. RIP
  23. Borderlands 2 £4.99 Total War: Rome 2 £14.99 The Witcher II £3.74 Batman Arkham City GOTY £4.99 Splinter Cell: Blacklist £14.99 Max Payne 3 £2.99
  24. Looks like it was attempting to make an emergency landing in what is a very populated and built-up area. Those Eurocopter 135's are quite lightweight so it must have come down at speed judging by the angle and roof penetration. Absolutely tragic scenes and credit to the pilot for attempting a landing away from the roads and pavements which ultimately safeguarded a large number of people on the ground. Also the EC135's are well designed to prevent secondary explosions from the fuel tanks upon serious impact. This could have been so much worse but it's just a shocking and terrible incident that is so unexpected in this day and age. My thoughts are will everyone involved by this.
  25. Saints Row Franchise Pack (4 games and 17 DLC packs) only £22.09 from £64.99! All the games are brilliant fun and absolutely hilarious
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