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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. You can build a good PC for next to nowt these days. The stereotype that all gaming PC's cost north of a grand is total garbage. If you have the peripherals sorted along with the monitor; just find a reputable UK custom PC site who do component builds. You'll spend less than five hundred notes and you'll be sorted for years without having to concern yourself with any upgrades. Don't get a retail concoction as they are usually pricey and you're paying for the monitor and keyboard also which can wrack up to a good couple of hundred smackers on top. Take the custom route and most good build sites know more than the average Joe from PC World. They also throw together up to date builds that aren't margin whored and give the customer top bang for their buck.
  2. Some info about the new eSports function available on November 22nd http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/11/13/broadcaster-mode-and-new-esports-options-to-debut-at-mlg-on-nov-22nd/
  3. Well said. Looking at Ghost; the game doesn't seem to be a massive step forward that we were expecting. The alleged new engine is probably not new and it doesn't feel new - it is probably the classic IW4 but renamed to avoid conflict in the community. The maps aren't all dynamic like they seemed to be insinuating and the 'dynamic' features aren't all that impressive. The game looks no better than MW2 in all honesty and how the hell in this day and age even with 9k online can't they get the game running consistently and efficiently is beyond me. Today was a real shock for me and the many people I was in lobbies with and it just feels a massive kick in the teeth that they still cannot get it right. They have the community grabbed by the balls and the flamboyant marketing is really just about pulling the wool over peoples eyes. Battlefield 4 I haven't touched for many days and I may very well speak to Trading Standards as the quality of the product is not what was advertised or declared by EA. I am sick of being shafted by these cash-cow companies that promise so much but don't deliver.
  4. Ghosts on the PC is ruined! Dunno if it was the recent update but every game now is plagued by lag and severe stutters in performance. It's even worse than DoubleXP weekend and there was only 9,000 players on earlier. The chat boxes are full of people complaining and quite rightly so. I have never seen a game perform so appallingly and bear in mind I had Black Ops 1 on the PS3 lol! Ghosts seemed fine a couple of days ago but this is atrocious.
  5. Good video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmc91IPk9ww The crowd and general textures look amazing! Glad they've picked up the pace compared to the slightly slow current gen version.
  6. Siege is an atrocious map! I made my Ghosts debut on there and I spent most of it along with everyone else wandering around looking for each other to shoot! I think we won 24-17 on Kill Confirmed and I went 8-3 which is a loooooow winning score and individual performance. Thank god it doesn't appear in the Cranked rotation
  7. The scoreboard doesn't go past 99 kills so if you're in a game and have killed 366,342 times; it will still only show as 99! For this reason; I have no desire to attempt to reach 100+..... ....not that I'd get anywhere near anyway!
  8. Apparently you have to t-bag the opponent to complete this field order! I've had the case a few times with this in but didn't know how to complete it but I've just found out that's all you gotta do to nail it. Quality!
  9. This is a good series from DefendTheHouse on YouTube called Mystbusters I'm sure a few of you will be familiar with. Episode 1 on Ghosts has just been upped http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/11/12/call-of-duty-ghosts-mythbusters-episode-1/
  10. Here is the first review by IGN http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/11/11/fifa-14-review
  11. I miss having the combat record. I'm a sucker for stats and having them in depth and all in one place was handy to track performance. There is minimal statistics in the barracks and weapon info is retained in the create solider loadout section which isn't great. The challenges/operations are stoooopid and flawed. I think this is the best Call of Duty game yet but they really have mashed up a few key entities in this game which should've been implemented correctly regular as clockwork.
  12. It's a very typical Call of Duty campaign with spectacular scripted set-pieces and linear gameplay. The AI seems worse on Ghosts than in previous games and the missions are much shorter and easier. The story really does make up for it this time though and the narrative is more easier to follow with a better and meaningful relationship between characters. You cannot beat the COD 4 Modern Warfare campaign though; sure it has the habits that have been present in the recent ones but the backdrop and story along with the characters in that were inspiring.
  13. 75% off all the extra content too and there is quite a handsome amount of extras for around the pound mark each. Definitely worth a look also
  14. There is nothing better in Call of Duty than a brilliant comeback and there is nothing worse than throwing it away. I had a horrendous defeat on Cranked earlier where we blew a 40 point lead and after being 8-1, I finished 11-12. I noticed a few people quit on the opposition which made way for some better players who managed to turn the game on its head. Thankfully, I usually recover and not be too disheartened. Some lobbies frustrate me and I just have to get the hell outta there usually after bad misfortune continuously or the opposition being rather jammy. If i try too hard to get even, I just become sloppy and increasingly frustrated. COD is enjoyable 90% of the time but technical woes and irritating opponents and even teammates can turn joy into grief. Sometimes I play too much and despite being tired, I keep on going and my play deteriorates which leaves me playing more as I try and salvage the session to finish on a strong note - that sometimes makes things worse as I then think I'm back in the mix and continue to play, only to fade away and then have to repeat the process and try and clock-off for the evening. I think Call of Duty affects the majority of the community in the same way - we're all humans after all but some can just write things off but most get riled at inconsistencies and misfortune and that is all part of the experience.
  15. Loved GTA V; the best game of the generation in my opinion. I didn't think much of the radio stations though in all honesty which was a shame as it's one of the best things about the series. When you finish the game, apart from the mini-missions, there isn't much left worth playing for in single player. It's a real shame you can't buy up houses in what seemed possible from one of the trailers. Bit of a red-herring from R* but I suppose they really maxed the city of Los Santos from what was technically possible. Oh and I've lost a few quality motors that have randomly disappeared from my garages:(
  16. I'm on PC and am a bit paranoid of iffy players but I know the type you mean - xJawz was 15th prestige on Black Ops before I even got the game home.... ....just after midnight release lol! If you get into a lobby with 'suspicious' players on PC; you never know what will happen next - my buddy had his Black Ops 2 stats wiped just by being placed into a lobby. Kinda have to tread on eggshells and hope for the best
  17. Fable 3 @ £3.74 now, reduced from £14.99
  18. So if I am Prestige 1, Lvl 47 for example and I unlock 5 soldiers at once and then choose to rank with the 6th one; will that show a prestige 6 emblem when I start playing? The reason I ask is I've seen some high level players so far in suspiciously quick time
  19. Just a few names dug out from the PC version: http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/11/11/alternate-or-possible-future-map-names-found-in-pc-version-of-ghosts-dev-playlist-leaked/
  20. I don't like this, I don't like this at all. The rotation is minimal and the rewards are equally poor. Also Spectre (i think) mentioned how they are flawed in which if you want new ones; all existing progress gets wiped or something? I think there is something like 50 available but to select new ones; you have to clear the whole lot at a squad point cost for the sake of maybe earning 5 more. I swear I'm earning squad points and I don't even know how; I've gone from having 250 to just shy of 750 in just a few hours. The XP and Squad Point rewards therefor seem kinda pointless and they don't actually affect general challenges for camo I don't think either. I think they should do a basic daily rotation just like the contracts in Black Ops with challenges that are doable in a few hours of play e.g 80 kills w/ACOG and you earn 1500XP and 1SP. Currently I have to wina further 250 games of Cranked which reset after I won 100 instead of continuing from 101 to get to 250. This means I have to win 2 and a half times the amount of Cranked games just to earn the same amount of XP and Squad Points. Daft but hopefully that's something they can address over time. I'll just keep collecting Squad Points and not knowing how for the time being!
  21. I have only unlocked one soldier so far and when I max out, I'll buy the next and gradually work my way down the list completing one by one. I have about 750 squad points accumulated at the minute and I don't know how I've managed that lol! A quick question; If you buy a solider but have not maxed out the previous one; how will that show in terms of your rank with the new soldier? Thanks
  22. The bots seem a little more realistic now but as wapntake said; beware of the camping ones now; actually you could say they are 100% realistic as they manage to brass me off as much as the noobs in the public lobbies!
  23. Phase 3 is apparently the last batch of pre-orders which arrive around a couple of weeks before Xmas - I left it a bit late in paying the deposit so I won't be able to get my PS4 until the 3rd wave of deliveries hit the GAME stores. Sucks a little bit but it's sooooo gonna be worth the little wait more!
  24. Apparently this seemingly neglected mode is pretty good fun according to a few media sources. I've only dabbled in a couple of games just to familiarise myself with the maps but it seems it is quite an in-depth addition with lots of customisation. You can also rank up XP and build a team of AI soldiers and lead them against fellow AI or a rival player and his own team of AI. Anyone actually bothered giving this a try? Seems like there is plenty of modes within Squads including survival.
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