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crispymorgan last won the day on February 1

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    Lancashire, UK

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  1. The real way to play half life 2 again is in VR. Played the whole thing, and it was amazing. Every part of it seemed like it was made with VR in mind.
  2. Here are some thoughts after a few weeks on GT7 daily, using VR. The VR is great, brilliant in fact, but there are some really stupid downsides. Coming out of the pits, it resets the view, and Lord help you if you aren't staring at where your wheel should be. Why? FUCKING WHY? The view has been great so far, why reset it? Also you need to guess where your steering wheel should be pointing, otherwise 3 second penalty. Dumb. There are no timings other than your lap time, so you can't tell where you make up or lose time, it's a real pain. The view is pretty restricted (just like a real car), but everyone else gets to sit on the roof of their car like Mr Bean driving his mini. VR only lobbies would fix this. I've hit a plateau where I'm ranked B but not fast enough to make up any places. Not their fault, but it's frustrating. I found myself in the top 3 and got punted, I had to quit before I went mad max on the entire field. It's been fun, but it's starting to get a bit.... unfun. I think I'd rather race friends. And punt them off instead. 🙂
  3. Cars go round
  4. The Meta shifted from Huracan Gr.4 to Alfa for Race C
  5. I've been racing online. Turns out you're all a bunch of dirty barstewards. Been lapping fairly consistently and even managed to get a few firsts. Still getting the hang of overtaking, but I've found for the most part, if you apply enough pressure, people tend to make a mistake. Onwards and upwards.
  6. sunday 22nd?
  7. I just want a race where if you bin it, you don't just give up because the race is so short.
  8. Would anyone be up for a christmas endurance race? say an hour or so of nurburgring.
  9. I just went to preload the game files. It downloads 6 mb. bummer.
  10. Had this kicking about a few years, never opened. Can anyone make use of it?
  11. I'd love to play the original. But honestly? I'm actually genuinely scared to. Alien has always scared the crap out of me. And to play this game would literally induce death.
  12. Spiderverse is a top film for me.
  13. Good then bad IMGFLIP.COM An image tagged good then bad
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