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Everything posted by crippled_viper

  1. I feel like this is a waste of time and effort. How buggy will this be later on with updates? Like no killcam but just a border appears. Super Lame!
  2. Bench is a mess with building of new arrows and from finishing up this fall's hunt season. Transitioning hobbies I would say.
  3. Viper or Matt. But now it's Mister_one_calf these days. Changed PSN name to this as well. Also its my Instagram handle. I haven't played much these days. But with this year I'm not doing much I figured to turn the old PS4 on and download CoD Vanguard. Been upgrading office/gaming/craft/gun/archery room lol. It's a mixture of things I have in my office but very well strategically placed. You may catch me online here and there. Please feel free to invite me to some CoD games just like the good old days!
  4. War zone is sooo ghey. Tried it in Blackops and didn’t like it. They should take war zone idea and make it a huge multiplayer like battlefield.
  5. VTOL a must and then the others vary depending on games
  6. Maybe the dude had a trophy system and riot shield.
  7. I don’t think it matters. Just play the damn game. If the lobby is shit then back out and try another yes there will be better players. You won’t always wreck others. I’ve have both bad games and off the wall games. I don’t care about the SBMM
  8. Its a simple app you can use on any device. I even have my iPad plugged in to my mix amp and I can still hear game audio and chat with anyone using the Discord. It’s not a bad idea or option for cross platforms.
  9. Use another application like ‘Discord’ to be able to talk multiple platforms.
  10. 1309 hours 0 deleted
  11. The side quest to get the new shader "Super Black" looks really good.
  12. If there seems to be a group running and there's more online to run a second group; please let me know and I"ll help out.
  13. 10/25/2016 Nightfall: The Sunless Cell Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn Assault a prison deep in the heart of the Dreadnaught and put an end to a Hive champion. Modifiers Epic - Heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers. Brawler - Guardian melee damage is greatly increased. Chaff - Player radar is disabled. Match Game - Enemy shields are resistant to all unmatched Elemental Damage. Exposure - Guardian shields are increased but do not replenish. Heroic Strike Playlist Modifiers Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive. Solar Burn - Solar damage from any source is greatly increased. Small Arms - Primary Weapon damage is favored. Fresh Troops - Some enemy squads have been fortified with additional reinforcements. Iron lord artifacts: Skorri (Dis 31/74, Str 30/73) - Give super faster to allies Radegast (Dis 31/74, Str 34/77) - deflect bullets with swords Gheleon (Str 67/110) - detailed radar, third eye Crucible Playlists: Combined arms Rumble Supremacy Vendor Rank-Up Materials: NM - Relic Iron DO - Relic Iron FWC - Helium Filaments Lord Shaxx Bounties Supremacy 7 matches 50 primary kills 30 kill credits 20 crests denied Shiro bounties 10 Patrols Kill Fallen Servitors in the Forge Vandals in the Forge Banshee-44 Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday Arms Day Foundry Orders Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday Challenge of Elders Modifiers Brawler - Guardian melee damage is greatly increased. Juggler - No ammo drops for your equipped weapon. Super Kill Bonus - Super kills are worth more points.
  14. Nice Rob. Still waiting on time when I can finish normal mode Raid. Barely pushing 373 LL
  15. No forum; it's just all my military friends that are playing this. They were the ones wanting me to join since they were on quite often. I would send invites to you guys and nothing or you were already partied up. So playing solo sucks that's why I left. But if you guys need a 6th or 3rd guy for anything I'm still available. But looks like you removed me so oh fucking well.
  16. Damn, nice guys. I was out hunting no luck. Came across a bull moose; I shit myself a little. He was 30 feet away.
  17. Still have yet to finish the raid. The second phase for Aksis can get crazy when people don't communicate. But if people have roles and communicate I'm sure it can get accomplished. I was about to finish it and we were on the the 3rd damage part on Aksis and you have to jump on the posts in the back; well they were not there. So it can be a bit glitchy like VoG or Oryx
  18. I hope they bring back primary elemental damage guns.
  19. Speaking of the Spindle sniper. I hopped on a raid to get a check point or the challenge down for Warpriest. These guys were disgusted that my only sniper or highest level sniper was not a spindle. It's like who cares I'm still sniping and taking enemies out; it may not be one shot but I'm still doing my portion. So any who; yeah I really want to get that Spindle.
  20. So Saturday then? Just let Charlie know. Thanks.
  21. When you two get some time. Maybe this weekend. I would like to get this Black Spindle everyone has been talking about.
  22. Thanks! I wanted to get it done if I wasn't doing any Raid or NF. So yeah.
  23. If BF5 is anything like or better than BF4 I'll get it and ditch this coming CoD. I wasn't impressed with the CoD reveal trailer.
  24. I haven't been on much and when I do hop on. I see no one on playing Division. I mostly see people play warframe or other games. I've been getting on at my usual time later in the afternoon and have not seen much people on.
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