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Everything posted by crippled_viper

  1. So I went out to sight in my .300 RUM. So we started out at 50 yards just to hit paper. Well when the gunsmith bore sighted my scope to my rifle I wasn't hitting paper. Took me 5 to 6 shots to eventually hit paper. My scope was sighted far right; had to crank my turrent over like 2 complete revolutions. Once we started hitting paper then I was able to walk it into the bulls-eye. Ran out of time to step back to 100 yards. But that will be another day.
  2. Nice shooting there Doc. Today I'm sighting in my .300 RUM from 100 yards to get a good base line. Keep up the good work.
  3. I can never get into parties. Either I'm too of a low level and I'm struggling to catch up because anyone who is on is already in a party or doing high level stuff. So far I'm still not impressed with this game. I had a much better time with BO3 than this. Cause you could solo on BO3 if there was no one on.
  4. I have the game just haven't had a chance to get online. My brother is back from Japan and we have just been hanging out and catching up. He got out of the Air Force so he is on his way to Colorado on Sunday to start school. I'll eventually be getting online to finally play this game.
  5. I picked up the Marshal; shotgun pistol. About to finish headshots for it so that I can press on with the other challenges. I also have the Crowbar. I have not used that yet.
  6. And in what voice did you say that in?
  7. Chris and I were talking about the map as well on how it doesn't show up anymore. Good find Stretch.
  8. I would be looking at the HDMI or the TV as well.
  9. I should be on.
  10. A couple of hoodies and a gift card. Doesn't require a picture but yup that's it.
  11. I'm down, just as long as I'm available.
  12. They should change that pick a map option so that certain maps or all maps can be played twice and then no more than that until there has been another map played.
  13. I could see that. LOL!
  14. One day I want to do something like this. I know it will require a microcontroller or two, some good outdoor speakers and lots of routing of wires. But it would be awesome.
  15. I've always enjoyed BF4. It was a good change of pace from other games.
  16. Yes tell me about it. I have some many duplicate items.
  17. Good stuff Jesse.
  18. Did you make any videos of your progress on any weapon camos or specialists unlocks? If so share them here on the forum in your Personal Progress Report to showcase what you have done and went through to get there.
  19. Welcome back!
  20. So Scumpy is a crap player then? He made a video of him playing HC just for headshots to grind through camo challenges.
  21. I do HC for when I'm doing headshots, they go by way faster than core. I play any game mode of HC.
  22. Interesting. If you want to run this I'll be more than happy to partake in this. Just send me an invite; I'm online in the evening Mountain Standard Time.
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