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Everything posted by crippled_viper

  1. Google your first name and after your name put glamour shots. Example: Matt glamour shots Lets have some fun with this. Post the first picture you see.
  2. I agree Chris. You don't need to be a certain level or have certain weapons. But I feel that the best weapon and level is your team and communication.
  3. Hopping online this early Saturday morning before my appointment and my last final.
  4. Thanks Ryan. How did you make out with Xur this week?
  5. So I got all 3 HoW gauntlets. I wasn't able to get all 3 HoW helmets last week but 2 out of 3.
  6. I write my dates for example like this: 20150529 This is what I was taught in the military and I still use to this day. It confuses most people but fairly easy to understand.
  7. I just returned home from physical theraphy and will be hopping online. Sennex if you need help and or guidance please feel free to invite me and I will assist.
  8. Hey Tommy I still need a 34 as well. When do you plan on getting on tonight? Maybe we can get a 34 PoE going.
  9. yup
  10. Same here. Finally I go a Nighthawk. Later on after my interview I was like, "I'm going to get another engram from Xur." Then BAM! Nighthawk.
  11. I'll be on and off today. But will be on tonight for longer sessions.
  12. Baabcat, Sam and I ran it once before I went to class. Baabcat got Etheric Light, Sam got the Exotic hunter helmet Symboite and I got another Hawkmoon. (Sorry Chris) I want to run it with my other characters tonight after class. So I'll hit you up Chris on when I'm getting out and we can plan something since you are trying to stay up.
  13. I had Multi-tool on at the time when I got the Scout rifle. I compared them and it had higher impact, range and stability. It has the lightweight perk and smaller mag size. But again very comparable to Multi-tool.
  14. Just got a HoW Scout Rifle tonight. It had a Max damage of 331 and it was a Legendary. I have it equipped so when I get on you can inspect my character when I hop on tomorrow morning/afternoon. Later guys. Night!
  15. Finally got a Key from these damn events.
  16. Damn
  17. I have been off and on doing some daily bounties and farming the Wolves event.
  18. These treasure chests are not in the same spots. I have looked everytime from what was said and they are always different.
  19. I have not received any of these treasure keys while doing these HoW bounties that pop up. But it seems like everyone else is getting them. Do I have bad luck?
  20. Is the PSN down? I just got home and started hearing about this. I was wondering who is able to get online and who cannot?
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