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Posts posted by TigerBurge

  1. 13 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:


    Capping severs at 450,000 for a newly released AA multiplayer title is ridiculous especially considering how many are accessing through Steam alone. If you aren’t rolling with 10m slots for a live service then either you grossly underestimate the market or have no confidence in the game. Feel sorry for the devs. 

    Arrowhead games has said several times now it’s not about server size. If it was that it would be an easy fix. It’s something in the code. That’s coming from the developer. 

  2. On 2/24/2023 at 6:01 AM, GazzaGarratt said:

    Its the one mobile game I've been looking at outside of Clash of Clans. I don't try and touch my mobile much as I use things like WhatsApp Web and spend most of day now in front of my PC. I'll take a look into it though as it reminds me when we as a family got heavily into a Transformers card game for Dax and that was immense, especially trying to get all the characters. Is there a feeling with this one that you have to find all the different characters over time?

    Yeah you gain levels by upgrading cards and that’s how you unlock more cards. It’s a fantastic game 

  3. 13 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

    Got the RPK and TAQ-V Gold tonight so not many LMGs to go. Nearly got Minibak (Closer Blueprint) although the Point Blank kills are killing me. Even on shipment can't seem to get up close enough. You've literally got have their face as your pixels on the screen and nothing else.

    Shoot House. Upstairs. Close door. Lay prone at door. Kill when they open. Rinse and repeat. Should get five or six a game. 

  4. 3 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

    Stick to the OP please (reminding myself at the same time based on my early replies and Gary @techno  trying his hardest to do the same lol 😅).


    I think Season 2 info, which I can't see why we wouldn't get something in the next few weeks given Season 1 finishes around then, should help us see how much content is likely to drop regularly into MP. I'm waiting patiently and also not going to hype it up as we know how previous CoDs have gone. As the talk about this one was supposed to be the only CoD this year is still not guaranteed, I think its okay to sit on the fence until we hear more info about content drops.


    I'm hoping for one brand new map at least next Season, alongside 2 older maps coming in - considering the Warzone large map clearly has another 2-3 old maps already situated on it. The map rotation isn't getting stale just yet for me though, but it won't be long I'm sure. I'll probably switch to more DMZ at that time.

    It sounds like you need to told to fuck off

  5. 1 hour ago, cyberninja2601 said:



    If only.  How does a 6 year old learn to bring a loaded gun to school and shoot the teacher.



    How is it that a week earlier the same six year old brought bullets to school and told them he was going to bring a gun and nothing was done about it. Don’t be sheep 

  6. 2 hours ago, cyberninja2601 said:


    Well the created a game which actually is doing better than ever and quite frankly most people seem to like otherwise they wouldn't be making the boatload of money they are making


    yes the care about the money. Microsoft cares about the money. Google cares about the money. Goodyear cares about the money. Intel cares about the money. Even charities care about the money.  That's the fiduciary obligation. Given the beat all sorts of records, mission accomplished


    However people have bitched for at least 10 years that COD was same old/same old and needed innovation. 


    So they went off and did Warzone (which copies other battle royals but did it), the did Co-op mode (which is in the paid version), they added raids (which complements Co-op), they did DMZ, the did a MP and they did a campaign.  Then said they would add maps for the next 2 years. 


    Everyone bitching about the number of maps, seem to be the people who only played 1 map 24/7 so I fail to understand why the number of maps is the issue. If there was 16 maps, people probably still would have played shipment all the time. 


    I can also see why content creators bitch. SBMM makes it hard for them, so no flashy videos. DMZ/Warzone/co-op is actually a lot of fun to play. It must be boring as hell to watch. So they aren't getting their view and they aren't getting the money (but activision is and so the bitch about the game). 


    I paid $69 for something I put I don't know how many hours into. But I am willing to bet it's more that 69. So at about $1/hr I feel I got my moneys worth. 



    I seriously don’t think you understand our complaints. The game in my opinion and many more should be separate. They should not support each other. Hell IW isn’t the one that’s controlling War Zone. That’s Raven software. There has been very little content that has been added to the MULTIPLAYER side of the game. MULTIPLAYER is what drives the game. MULTIPLAYER is what has the cash flow. Yet there has been two maps added to the game since release. Two maps that were in the last MW game. Nothing new. Where they have added more stuff into FREE TO PLAY than the base game that we spent money on. I understand what you are saying however I don’t think you see my point. 


    And as far as return on investment I’m almost certain I have more time spent on this game than probably anyone on this forum. That has absolutely nothing to do with my complaints. It’s not me hating on the game. I’ve spent more time on it that the last two combined. What @techno  is saying has to do with the multiplayer part of the game. He’s not complaining about anything else. Nor am I. Haven’t played any of the other stuff. Don’t plan on it. 

  7. 23 hours ago, cyberninja2601 said:




    You make me laugh


    -  Warzone Added

    -  DMZ added

    - Building 21 added

    - Co-op mode added

    - Raids added



    So you'll complain how shitty of a job Activision is doing and not adding anything and being greedy bastard when 4 of those modes are free to play, lots of fun but because you chose not to play it COD sucks and you play 1 map. If that's all I did I would think it sucks too but that would be my fault.









    All but the Coop stuff is part of the free to play model. I have the same issue as Gary about the FTP vs the purchased game. They need to be separate. They shouldn’t use the purchased game to fund the free to play version of it. I get why they do it. Here’s WZ for free but if you want to level your guns faster and have more of an advantage in WZ you can do it quicker in multiplayer. I also don’t understand you defending Activision. Like most AAA companies all they care about is money. Look at how EA has basically destroyed Battlefield. Activision only cares about $$$. I understand it’s there to make money and they have shareholders to answer to but you have to also listen to the player base if not then ultimately they will stop spending money that they cherish so much. 

  8. On 1/10/2023 at 1:54 PM, techno said:

    Baring bo3 and 4 that's not such a massive win 🤣 especially as BO2 in 2012 is regarded by a lot as the best ever.


    I’ve enjoyed this one more than any others since the BO2 days. That said. They definitely need more maps. I actually like the ones they have other that the border one. All other ones play good especially in objective modes. Bringing Shipment and Shoot House back was for camo grinding only. If you don’t want to grind the camos then season one was definitely a bust. 

    I can’t watch Thunders videos more. That dude would bitch about a blow job. He has been complaining about CoD games since MW2 and that’s all he does. I like Xclusive Aces take on the game. I genuinely agree with much of what he has to say. 

    The biggest issue I have is that there has been zero communication about what’s to come. About patches or fixes for things, looking at you turtle boys. They also seem to not listen to the community at all, turtle again. People want a true HC back. Personally I didn’t care until I had to do long shots with SMGs. People want something done with the shield on the back. No one asked for the melee nurf with it. 

  9. 1 hour ago, IRaMPaGe said:


    I don't really find longshots hard, just very boring. 

    You have to camp sightlines with the range and hope for a good map. 


    I can get 5-10 a match easily. 10-20 on a good game. 

    Doesn't take much time to knock them out, like I say just boring. 

    This was my problem. They weren’t hard just not how I like to play. 

    I wanted to see how long it would take to complete get the headshots done. Took two and a half games with the MP7 and three games with the Lockwood to get the 25 done. Plus I got the Jokr and the RPG double kills done. Of course all on Shipment. I’ll have to wait for it again to work on the other two since they brought back Shoot House today 

  10. 3 hours ago, IRaMPaGe said:


    Impressive stuff Chris, probably a good idea to give the rest of us a chance to catch up. 

    Only kidding, but seriously good effort. All those longshots are draining and tiresome, especially all at once after each other. 


    Makes me jealous knowing you have them all out the way. 

    They aren't that bad, but those SMG longshots for a certain couple of guns are going to be tough. 


    I reckon the Fennec, MX9 and maybe the P90 will be horrible. 

    With the Fennec use the one that comes in the season pass. It’s a burst fire. Definitely helps with the long shots. 

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