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Everything posted by Antpool84

  1. I think I need to get in on this, i've heard so many good things and seen loads of you guys enjoying it. Never played any of the Dark Souls games though, the closest I got was 15 minutes on Bloodborne when I first got my PS4 😂
  2. @TurboR56Mini and @Riff Machine happy birthday peeps!! Hope you both have an awesome day!!!
  3. I remember getting Computer and Video Games back then, and getting a build up of demo discs that came with them lol. I used to get the Play magazine, which i think you can still get 🤔
  4. I used to love E3, even getting a glimpse at a new game was something special and it was such a big deal for all the major players and developers both big and small. Now we wait for a "showcase" that tells you what you already knew was coming. I totally agree, when the remakes/remasters come out I dont mind paying £20-£25 for them when they are done well, but that is a rarity. I think its why games are becoming so big now, they can keep adding to them in the huge gap between big releases. I think its become the norm now to expect remasters/remakes all the time, and I see so many articles about 'which game that you loved should be remastered' instead of about potential new ip's which is so disappointing.
  5. I have to agree with you, when a remake or remaster is done well it can be a joy to play. I've only recently played the Resi Evil 2 remake and although I never played the original, I really enjoyed it, and when they remastered Need for Speed Hot Pursuit that was a decent update. However, on the other side of that, I downloaded the remaster of Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning and it was so disappointing. The graphics and gameplay were pretty much identical as far as I could tell and added absolutely nothing to the experience, it seemed they just put the PS3 game straight to the new gen consoles without any changes. This is so true, there are so many remakes/remasters around now and it seems to be the norm for these rather than new IPs which is so disappointing, especially given the capabilities of the new gen of consoles. There are some which get announced and i then look forward to, like Dead Space (which i really hope they do a good job with), but I would rather have new games that give us a new experience that remakes
  6. I'm the same way, I know Vince has his obsession with him and trying to make him as big as Cena and The Rock, and he has been far better as a heel in his title reign, but when you have guys like Edge, Balor, Styles,Owens and Rollins in the company, there are so many better long term options. I thought that was odd too since they brought Rousey in to win the Rumble and then only to lose to Charlotte at Mania. Boogs was so unlucky, i think they may have been down to win had he not got injured
  7. @Jason happy birthday fella, have an awesome day 😊🎉🎈
  8. Snap, want to make sure it won't be taken before i do the payment 😊
  9. Love it dude 😂 Good work again, i'm happy to try to help keep track of any stats on a Monday night if i can 🙂
  10. @GazzaGarratt love this dude, awesome to see all the stats together, and you can just call me Ant if you want dude 😉😂😂
  11. It was Austins face afterwards though, he was having a great time. Im going to be interested to see what they do with Cody now he has beaten Rollins
  12. I have to agree about the match allocation, couls have done being mixed up a bit more between the midcard and highlighted matches. It was so funny when Vince couldn't take the Stunner 😂😂
  13. So the Reigns -Lesnar match was cut short as Reigns got injured when Lesnar had him in the Kimura lock. I thought it had ended a bit abruptly lol
  14. Lol yeah, it was weird the first time they did it. They tend to put the big main event on the Sunday night to finish it all off and split the rest of the matches over the two days. Like @slamminbones said though it was weird that they had both Womens title matches on the same night as they usually have one on each night, but i think they did it as there was only one Mens world title match as it was a unification match.
  15. C'mon dude, seeing Stone Cold stun Vince made the night just on its own. I thout Pat McAfee did alright too. I really enjoyed the Sami Zayn-Johnny Knoxville match, it was just a great example of how silly matches can still be fun. The mens triple threat tag match was good too, the RKO that Riddle hit was awesome!! I knew Reigns was winning the main event as they are aiming for Reigns-Rock for Mania in LA next year. They started splitting in during Covid in 2020 so they didnt have as many performers back stage, and they have kept it going like that. Two nights means more ticket money i guess lol.
  16. So did any of my fellow FGers watch night one of Wrestlemania last night? If so what did you think? What are you looking forward to on Night two? I thought night 1 was alright, better than I expected it to be. I really enjoyed the Cody-Rollins match, and glad they let him keep his AEW entrance and character. Stone Cold-Owens was decent too, it was awesome that they actually got a match and not just a talk segment. I'm really looking forward to Edge-Styles tonight, and Brock-Reigns and the RK-Bro tag match should both be pretty solid too
  17. @Capn_Underpants Happy birthday!! Hope you had an awesome day 😁😁🎉🎈
  18. Hi Riley, welcome to the group, you're gonna love it here! 😁😁
  19. Congrats to all the winners 🙂 another job well done @GazzaGarratt 🙂
  20. For now i will be sticking to the basic level as thats all i would really need, but in the future might consider upgrading, but considering they arn't offering first party exclusives it doesn't really offer much to me
  21. This is still one of those games I really want to play, and it sounds like they have improved it with the updates. From what i've read here and elsewhere it seems like a pretty solid ps5 game that really takes advantage of the console
  22. @GazzaGarratt @slamminbones @phil bottle @IRaMPaGe thank you guys 😊😊
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