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Everything posted by Antpool84

  1. So since i've started joining in with the FG Fifa peeps on a Monday night i've been using my phone headphones as a makeshift headset, but the sound quality hasn't been great and i'm sure they are starting to go a knacker, so I'm looking to get a relatively decent headset. I've got a PS5 and don't really want to go above the £50 mark, and thought this would be the ideal place to get some recommendations 🙂 Let me hear what you think guys 🙂
  2. Had mine a little while now and still love it. It's so quiet compared to the jet engine that was my ps4, and hopefully with the extra cooling space it will stay that way for a decent while. I really enjoyed Astros Playroom and how it used the controller, felt like i was back on the wii at points lol. So far only have AC Valhalla as an actual PS5 game but the loading times are great, and completed God of War on it which looked great and played beautifully. I really want Spider-Man Miles Morales but really begrudge paying 60 quid for a 10 hour game. I got the media remote too which i am glad i did, and it looks like they will be adding voice control in the future which could be interesting.
  3. Sounds good, put me down for that dude 👍
  4. Hell yeah!! Black Flag was the last AC game that i completed and it was awesome! For me there were so many different aspects to the game that they incorporated well, the ships were always fun, whether battling or just sailing from place to place, and i thought it had a really good story too...definitely worth playing 🙂
  5. i'll definitely be watching, think it will be a great Superbowl. I think although the Chiefs are the more complete team, but Brady can make such a difference it could turn the game completely
  6. Yeah, it was meant to be a launch title for ps5. I'm getting wreckfest so ill be able to jump in on that soon 🙂
  7. Has anyone else played Destruction Allstars yet? Gave it a play last night and its pretty good so far, it could possibly get a bit monotonous as there are only 4 game types. To me it seems a bit like Overwatch crossed with Destruction Derby. Its really easy to pick up the controls and you can modify characters a bit when you earn coins in the events too.
  8. It was actually a pretty good event, glad i stayed up for it. The womens rumble was very good this year
  9. Anybody else here watching the Royal Rumble tonight? If so what are your predictions? Final fours and winners 🙂
  10. Thanks dude 🙂 I played online shooters a little a few years back, and have been playing NFS hot pursuit online lately, but thats about the extent of my online play lol. I'll definitely keep an eye on the calendar
  11. Thanks guys, looking forward to getting involved 😁
  12. Hi everyone, I'm Ant and new to the forums. I've been a gamer since i got my first playstation back in the 90s and have been a playstation guy ever since (though i did have a couple of xbox's too lol) and recently managed to upgrade to PS5. I play all sorts of games, but love horror and action games. I'm currently playing Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered, God of War and Maneater, with a bit of Fifa 19 now and again (career mode mind you lol). Looking to get into this online multiplayer lark and improve upon my noob status lol. Looking forward to chatting games and getting online with peeps 🙂
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