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Everything posted by Antpool84

  1. Yeah, i'd heard a lot of mixed things about it and with it still being £30 for a second hand copy wanted to know if it was worth the investment. Thanks for the advice dude, think i will give it a miss until it comes down a bit more 😁
  2. I can't wait for this!!! I absolutely loved Zero Dawn when it came out and recently downloaded the complete edition from the monthly ps plus games. I really enjoyed all aspects of the game and really hope Forbidden West lives up to the expectations
  3. How is it on the PS5? I'm getting a bit bored on AC Valhalla so considering getting this but want to make sure its playable and worth picking up first lol
  4. Got to be between Schick and Pogba for goal of the tournament hasn't it?
  5. This is definitely one i'd love to get, especially the ps5 edition. I've played the last couple, but DMC4 was definitely my favourite. Its one i've meant to play for ages but never got round to getting it. Love a good hack n slash and getting those massive combos lol
  6. So far i've only played the ps5 versions of AC Valhalla and Madden 21, and the thing i'm most impressed with with both is the loading times, especially for AC with it being such a big game. Madden does its best to make use of the controller and gives some trigger resistance at times. I'm still wanting to get Resi Evil 8 and Miles Morales, but Ghost of Tsushima looks pretty sweet, and after the State if Play last night the new version of Death Stranding looks like it might be worth a go too
  7. Antpool84


    I loved these games!!! As much as i enjoy modern horror games like resi evil 7 and man of medan i really miss horror fps games like this. It would be awesome to get a remaster of one of these
  8. So i just got back from seeing fast and furious 9 and have to say i thoroughly enjoyed it. As well as all the usual bangs and explosions that have become part of the franchise, as more of the comedy element with Tyrese and Ludacris, there is back story that shows us how Dom became the man he is. Sure, it was ridiculous and probably jumped the shark (to be fair i think it did that a couple of films ago) but if you just go with it as a dumb action flick you will really enjoy it. I think it is the closest you will get to a John Cena heel turn, he played the villain really well throughout, and Michael Rooker makes a brief appearance too. All in all, an enjoyable couple of hours 🙂
  9. 😂 that's awesome, i love Wong, he was so funny in Doctor Strange!!
  10. Thanks dude, i wasn't sure about this one to be honest when i first heard about it, but this trailer definitely makes it a must see one for me. It will be interesting to see how they link it in to the rest of the MCU, especially given the appearance of what looks like Abomination at the end of the trailer.
  11. Last 2 movies i watched were A Quiet Place 2 and The Conjuring 3. Both are just over an hour and a half which is perfect length for both...any longer and they would have been pushing it. A Quiet Place 2 was a great sequel and i really enjoyed it. Emily Blunt Cillian Murphy are both great in it and I would definitely recommend it. It was good seeing what had happened outside of the farmhouse from the first film and how the world had changed with what had happened. The Conjuring 3 followed the usual formula, but this one was more focused on the story than the scares, which wasn't a bad thing and i still enjoyed it, but for different reasons to why i enjoyed the previous entries. I'm still looking forward to the upcoming spinoff entries.
  12. Just finished the Young Bucks book Killing the Business and have to say it's the best wrestling autoboigraphy - and one of the best autobiographies period - that I have read. It was so interesting to read about their journey to creating AEW and what life as a wrestler is like outside off WWE having read the Edge, Shawn Michaels, Hardy Boys and The Rock's autobiographies. If you are a fan of wrestling it is definitely worth a read.
  13. I've been collecting action figures and geeky stuff for a long time now, so i thought it would be cool to share my collection with you peeps and to see what collections you all have 🙂 I'm a big DC comics fan so the majority of my collection is DC based. I've been collecting figuarts for years and used to have a big collection of them including Dragonball, Star Wars and Marvel, but now focus on the DC releases. I'm also getting the new McFarlane DC line and love what theyve done so far. As well as DC, i'm a massive Supernatural fan and have a shelf dedicated to it, and i've recently started to collect the NFL funko pops and want to get a couple of mini helmets soon. Ok then everyone...SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!!!
  14. Dying Light is among my favourite games that i have ever played and as soon as i completed it i was waiting for this to come out. I loved every aspect of it, from the crafting to the parkour element, and the night time experience really got my heart pumping! I'm really hoping this lives up to the quality of the first game and doesnt dissapoint.
  15. Forza Horizon is one of the games i miss after getting rid of my xbox one last year, and this new entry looks amazing! Ive seen my youngest playing Horizon 4 and i just wish Playstation did something on this level.
  16. I watched the first episode of Loki last night and i loved it. I've always liked Loki as a character in the MCU and this had a bit of everything for me. Already had a couple of laugh out loud moments and an emotional moment, and its only the first episode! I'm liking Owen Wilson in it too, i think his Mobius plays well off of Hiddlestone's Loki, and i'm looking forward to seeing how the two work together through the series. The ending was pretty intriguing too, so can't wait for episode 2 🙂
  17. That sounds fair dude. Youve got a nice little setup going at the mo from the pics ive seen 🙂
  18. Thats still a pretty sweet list dude. Are you still on the hunt for a ps5?
  19. Holy crap!!! That is an absolute monster of a list dude!!! There are a lot of awesome consoles on there that ive never played. I mentioned it a couple of replies ago but i most dedimitely missed out on the Sega vs Nintendo days
  20. 😂 thats awesome, bet you were chuffed with it. Ive played mario party on it with a friend and loved it!! And i can totally get that, train commutes are the worst!!!
  21. oooooh that sounds really good, definitely something i could get into. I think it will do well too with the popularity of book adaptations at the moment
  22. Damn dude, you are proper old school! Loving that list, some classics on their too 👍
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