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Everything posted by Antpool84

  1. WE HAVE OUR FIRST CHAMPION!!! So the first FG NFL Fantasy League season is in the books and our first champion is @jordie1892 !!! He was battling for the league top spot with Matty @Misneach_ all season, and finished 2nd in the league standings, but dominated in the playoff final winning 146.20 - 94.68, so congratulations Jordie!!! The distinct honour of Toilet Bowl Champion goes to @G_dub52 , who had a rough season finishing with a 3-11 record. Overall i think this inagural season has been a success and everyone involved has enjoyed it. Whether they have been long time fans of the NFL or peeps who are new to the sport and have learned more about it as the season has progressed. The final standings after the playoffs are: 1. Jordie @jordie1892 2. Matty @Misneach_ 3. Lee @GazzaGarratt 4. Ant @Antpool84 5. James @James5497 6. Bob @Baabcat 7. Gary @techno 8. Dave @Plumbers Crack 9. Martin @Findmartin 10. George @G_dub52 We are hoping to have a few more players next season, and you've got plenty of time to start looking at those rookies before the big draft!!! In the meantime I will be looking forward to the NFL Playoffs and Superbowl!!!!
  2. Congratulation to all the winners - all well deserved 🙂 Well done again to @GazzaGarratt for organising these again this year 🙂🙂
  3. Nice little topic to start @Luseth 🙂 I am hoping to complete Guardians of the Galaxy as i'm halfway through that at the moment. Same as @GazzaGarratt, probably wont be getting Fifa 23 until just after Christmas. I really want to get GoW Ragnorok and Callisto Protocol too, but they will probably be post Christmas purchases, so may pick up a copy of Witcher 3 since i never completed it and the ps5 upgrade is available on the 14th December. Got Cyberpunk to dive into as well so may get a start on that over Christmas 🙂
  4. I can't wait to play this!!! It looks like it's going to be another amazing entry in the God of War series, and if it's more of the same i will be one happy gamer 😁😁😁
  5. Antpool84

    Nfl 2022

    Yeah, once Patterson is fit again it will add so much back to the offense. I think we need to get our defense sorted as that always seems to be pur achilles heel. We get games where we can score but our defense lets other teams back in the game. I agree about Heinicke, he could be really good for Washington. Lol yeah, Wemtz can have some amazing moments, and then through some terrible passes in the same game. Kind of like Trevor Lawrence did today against the Broncos
  6. Antpool84

    Nfl 2022

    I think Mariota is doing an ok job, and its good to see he can run with the ball, but i think we should give Ridder a shot and see what he is capable of. If we can get him, Pitts, and London all to click then we could see an upturn in results. But i do think we are a few seaaona from being contenders. Lol yeah,can always rely on Washington to be consistent
  7. Antpool84

    Nfl 2022

    😂😂 i know right!!! Cant believe the Bucs are 3-5!!! Hoping we beat Carolina tomorrow and get some momentum. I agree with you that our division is definitely one of the weakest this season. I would love to see the Bills smash the Packers!! Any time the Packers lose is good lol. Cant believe the Eagles are 6-0!!!
  8. A lot of people have been waiting for this and it's finally happening! Konami are remaking Silent Hill 2 for the PS5 and it looks like it will be awesome! I remember playing the original Silent Hill and loving it so i really hope they do this justice. Also, they are making new games for the series which I think could be a good thing if they are developed properly and not rushed out. If they manage to maintain the creepiness that Silent Hill was known for then we could see some great games in the future. Silent Hill 2 Remake Announced From Bloober Team, First Look at Pyramid Head - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Konami officially announced the Silent Hill 2 remake today after months of speculation, rumors... Silent Hill: Townfall is a new entry to the series from Stories Untold developer No Code WWW.EUROGAMER.NET As part of tonight's Silent Hill: Transmission stream, a new project called Silent Hill:...
  9. Bit late as Week 5 has already started but here are the stats for week 4. @James led the week in points, and there were a few pretty close games again. @Plumbers Crack suffered a heavy loss to Matty, but the fact that he had 2 starters who didnt play that week amd clock any points didn't help 😂 Matty is now the only undefeated team left, so we are hoping @G_dub52 can hand him his first loss in week 5 😉😂. A close game between James and @GazzaGarratt ended with only a 10 point difference, leaving James as the onlybother team with a winning record sitting at 3-1. 5 teams now sit on 2-2 - @techno , @Plumbers Crack , Lee, @Baabcat and myself, while @jordie1892 , @Findmartin and George all sit at 1-3 and are looking to get their winning record up in week 5. Everyone will be hoping for a good result in week 5 as the BYE weeks start in week 6 which can make a huge difference in results with players having to be regularly switched out and potential trades happening 🙂
  10. Week 3 is in the books!! Some big results in the NGL made for some results in the FG fantasy league this week. Myself, @jordie1892 and @G_dub52 all pick up our first wins of the season, while Matty went to a 3 win streak!! @Findmartin on the other hand went to 0-3, he has to get a win eventually!!! Things are starting to get interesting in the league now. George and @James had a very close game with only 1 point between them!!! Looking forward to another great week of fantasy football next week!!!
  11. Antpool84

    Nfl 2022

    Yeah, it was an insane result! I couldnt believe how close my Falcons were to pulling off a comeback win over the Rams
  12. I got absolutely owned by @techno this week 🤦‍♂️😂 Might have to make some tweaks to my lineup, but the unpredictable results this week didn't help my cause lol. I've got @Baabcat next week so think i'm going to be 0-3 after that 😂 I expected my Chiefs players to have a better week than they did hopefully they will pick up again next week 🤞 We have to give all the newbs a nit of a chance 😉😂
  13. Antpool84

    Nfl 2022

    😂😂 yeah, NFL bets are so unpredictable lol. I don't know what the hell has got into the dolphins this season, first the Pats and now the Ravens!! The Bills absolutely smashed the Cardinals last night, they have to be one of the top contenders to win it all this season
  14. Johnny is still awesome!! And Chozen was so funny throughout the season 😂
  15. Thats awesome that it's helping you get into it dude!! I tend tonwatch the redzone on sky sports max as that does live coverage of all the games as they are being played. @Findmartin you have to play all 3 dude 😂😂
  16. Antpool84

    Nfl 2022

    Thats always a good week 😂😂
  17. Ok, so week one of the FG NFL Fantasy League is in the books and these were the results and how the league looks after the first week. From how it went it looks like it will be a pretty competitive season as all the games were pretty close
  18. Antpool84

    Nfl 2022

    So week 1 is out of the way, and the Falcons did what the Facons do and blew a lead in the 4th quarter AGAIN 🤦‍♂️🙄 Green Bay getting beat by the Vikings was surprising. Looks like this could be an eventful season. How did everyones teams get on?
  19. Antpool84

    Nfl 2022

    It still started on Friday night, its in ITV hub catch up 🙂 I tweeted about it starting and Jason Bell liked my tweet 😃
  20. Antpool84

    Nfl 2022

    The season finally begins tonight!!!! So the Rams-Bills game tonight kicks off the new season and it should be a cracker of a game. I'm really looking forward to this season. I think the Bills will have another good season, and could go to the Superbowl. It will be interesting to see how the Bengals do after such a great season last year. There have been a lot of changes in the rosters over the summer so will be good to see how new players fit in and if they can make the impact the team hopes they do...Russell Wilson and the Broncos comes to mind. After Matt Ryan went to the Colts i'm hoping that Mariota can have a decent first season with the Falcons and that we can have a better season this year. It will be cool to hear what you all are looking forward to this season and what your predictions are for your team and the league as a whole. Who is going to surpise everyone like the Bengals last year, and who will not meet the expectations for the season 🙂
  21. Awesome post Lee @GazzaGarratt!! Everyone one of those peeps are deserving of some FG love 😁 Looking forward to seeing peeps in November 😁
  22. Antpool84

    Nfl 2022

    Just picked this up in Asda, couldn't help myself lol. If anyone else gets one hit me up for trades lol
  23. Same here dude, i'm trying to catch up on so much gaming but finding the time is so difficult sometimes
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