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  1. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Ahoy :)   
    Welcome aboad matey. I love that you used Ahoy, it's so underutilized these days.
    There are a few folk here on PC. Slowly over time as people get older and have more money or space available, it becomes a thing to build or buy a decent PC for gaming.
    I have neither money or space, so I'm on PS4 which is all good.
    Nice that you found it to "The Forum" The place to discuss many different topics with some interesting people. I'm sure you will enjoy it here and fit in perfectly fine!
  2. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Ophelia in Ahoy :)   
    Welcome aboad matey. I love that you used Ahoy, it's so underutilized these days.
    There are a few folk here on PC. Slowly over time as people get older and have more money or space available, it becomes a thing to build or buy a decent PC for gaming.
    I have neither money or space, so I'm on PS4 which is all good.
    Nice that you found it to "The Forum" The place to discuss many different topics with some interesting people. I'm sure you will enjoy it here and fit in perfectly fine!
  3. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Ophelia in Ahoy :)   
    Hi folks, here through connection with @TurboR56Mini .  Long time primarily PC gamer and relatively old person, history includes early-days Quake multiplayer, Unreal Tournament, and over... 15? years in MMORPGS (DAoC, WoW), and more recently D2 (pre-beyond light) , Deep Rock, Monster Hunter World and now Valheim amongst others.
    Happy to get to know folks, and contribute wherever possible!
  4. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to MrBiron in SBMM and the Current COD Meta   
    It's not a good thing if the game will put you in a lobby where you have a bad ping just so you're playing with people of the same skill. Ping should be the number one priority for matchmaking. It should be ping>skill not skill>ping.
  5. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Dan94 in SBMM and the Current COD Meta   
    Ping should always be the most important thing regardless of SBMM and other implementations. 
    Nobody enjoys lag, and if you do your a straight up Psycho lol!
    I think SBMM definitely needs toned down a little bit for sure. Everyone is punished by it on all skill levels.
    From my experience I have good games, bad games, average games sure that's fine. It's how some of the matchmaking and team balancing equates that makes it tough.
    It's hard to level guns up and do challenges for some of the guns when everyone is sweating with Diamond 74u's. If your not using meta guns you will get shat on in some lobbies. I don't like using a gun when I already have gold/diamond. I enjoy progression of the next gun.
    I've been in matches where 3 separate enemies have dropped harps and your team are getting smashed. Your the only one on the OBJ. Your not doing that bad, but it's a struggle to carry the team when at least 2-3 enemies are actually better than you are and they are using the meta guns.
  6. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from techno in SBMM and the Current COD Meta   
    Ping should always be the most important thing regardless of SBMM and other implementations. 
    Nobody enjoys lag, and if you do your a straight up Psycho lol!
    I think SBMM definitely needs toned down a little bit for sure. Everyone is punished by it on all skill levels.
    From my experience I have good games, bad games, average games sure that's fine. It's how some of the matchmaking and team balancing equates that makes it tough.
    It's hard to level guns up and do challenges for some of the guns when everyone is sweating with Diamond 74u's. If your not using meta guns you will get shat on in some lobbies. I don't like using a gun when I already have gold/diamond. I enjoy progression of the next gun.
    I've been in matches where 3 separate enemies have dropped harps and your team are getting smashed. Your the only one on the OBJ. Your not doing that bad, but it's a struggle to carry the team when at least 2-3 enemies are actually better than you are and they are using the meta guns.
  7. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in SBMM and the Current COD Meta   
    There is a few lads at work that play Warzone, they all swear by the Kar and the FFAR. The FFAR in particular surprises me as it's underwhelming since they butchered it after launch in MP retrospectively.
  8. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Dan94 in SBMM and the Current COD Meta   
    There is a few lads at work that play Warzone, they all swear by the Kar and the FFAR. The FFAR in particular surprises me as it's underwhelming since they butchered it after launch in MP retrospectively.
  9. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Dan94 in What type of 'Call of Duty' game DO YOU actually want?   
    This is spot on imo.
    I don't really care of the setting or time period where COD is set; COD4 and MW2 were my favourite 2 COD's but COD WaW was great too as I love WW2 era and the Black Ops series has been brilliant too, especially earlier on. The fact you can't now jump on COD to chill out after a busy day at work and just have fun is a travesty. Even in MW2019, the only game mode I could play with my best mate was Cyber. Yes it was sometimes sweaty, but it was pretty chilled most of the time and you'd run into some pretty cool players and get chatting, I could easily play hours and hours of that, it wasn't full on.
    Cold War on the other hand is just an out and out sweat fest. I saw someone the other day on Twitter under a JGOD tweet, complaining about how SBMM has gotten so bad and strong in the game, that it's actually causing issues in their friendship group for when they play together, as in some players are decent and slow are awful, but when they play together they automatically get a strong lobby as half the team is above average and the lesser players just get destroyed so its pointless playing together and the 'worser' players have to just play together to get a lobby that matches their skill level. The lobbies should be based on ping and then randomised mostly; yes have SOME skill level active, but not so every game is a balls to the wall sweat fest.
    I'm not sure if the older CODs had absolutely no SBMM, but I remember playing SnD on COD4/MW2 with a full party, all having a laugh and catching up on how our weeks had been etc then you'd run into a strong full team and have to really try for 1 or 2 maps, but because it was only now and then you relished the challenge and enjoyed it regardless of losing or winning. With the last few CODs its been like this every game which just isn't enjoyable. The main reason why I just play Rebirth Island now as its a good mixture between traditional MP (respawn if a teammate is still alive) and the Warzone concept.
    To summarise, I don't care where its set or what the guns are, just make it less of a sweat fest so you can actually play it with mates and not feel like an MLG pro trying to win 500k every. single. game. 😅
  10. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in What type of 'Call of Duty' game DO YOU actually want?   
    Another reason why I think COD will never return to its glory days is down to how the gaming landscape has changed. The golden era of COD around MW2 and BO1 was when deathmatch was still very popular and level progression was a big aspect of people's ongoing enjoyment. Someone going 30-4 was a great gameplay for a YouTube video and there were no competitive stresses. I bet veteran arena shooter players of the millennium days did not like this type of game or its format the same way many don't like COD in its current state.
    Nowadays, getting 30 kills is nothing and gameplay commentaries, unless they are giving tips on cheesing or OP weapons, are largely redundant. Someone even getting a double nuke barely gets any attention these days or going 100-0 whilst using knife only. Even the new nuke world record set the other day (72 seconds) didn't bat an eyelid in the community. Sadly it's all about skin culture today and looking good in-game. The e-Sport mentality is being injected into g-fulled players with a rapid meta in terms of mechanics and competitive matchmaking. You can be playing casually yet onscreen it looks like you are sweating it like crazy. Prestige also means little now - a few years ago, players were reaching Prestige 10 level 1000 just after Christmas when even I would struggle to reach just the max prestige over the duration of a year.
    Although I can still comfortably hold my own even in the most sweatiest SBMM riddled matches, I think a lot of the fun has been sucked out of the experience because of the way people have been conditioned to play and how the game is designed. It's more mentally exhausting than fun at times. 
    One other factor which has diminished the fun of the COD titles pretty much the whole of the last gen was disappointing kill/scorestreaks. I can barely name any after Black Ops 2 they were that forgettable.  Even ones that returned to the series just didn't have the presence, enjoyement or sheer power like they did in older titles. I really don't know how they got this so wrong and why they haven't bounced back. Could be that it's just another tiring aspect but certainly they sucked from Ghosts onward. 
  11. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in What type of 'Call of Duty' game DO YOU actually want?   
    WaW was my very first COD, it will always be dear to my heart. Started off a noob with a .70 KD and getting smashed for a few months. By the end of its year I had doubled my KD to 1.40 and was a 10 prestige. Was able to get dogs consistently and was a competent player.
    I played COD 4 a few months before MW2 to prepare for MW2.
    MW3 was awesome because it's the COD I spent the most time with the FG forum folk. Destruction INC [DI] Chris, Tommy (Both Barrels) and many other fabulous people on XBOX 360 at the time.
    But yeah that Pacific era is what I crave. Modern, Futuristic, WW2 has been saturated and done to death. 
    Like I say the maps were iconic and the guns were great and unique.
  12. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to TigerBurge in What type of 'Call of Duty' game DO YOU actually want?   
    This man gets it right here. I would love another Pacific campaign CoD. W@W was still one of my favorite CoD games. If I had to pick my perfect CiD game it would be more like MW3. Tons of maps and guns at launch. With the customization of the last MW with the gunsmith. Fun kill streaks. The same style specialist as MW3. My biggest thing is no fucking skill based match making. 
  13. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in What type of 'Call of Duty' game DO YOU actually want?   
    I agree with a lot of what others have mentioned already.
    I might be in the minority here, but I would fancy the next COD more in the World At War style.
    I want a Pacific/Gulf Pearl Harbor style with mostly Japanese and American guns. A few German, Russian and British weapons sprinkled in.
    No AK-47,74u or MP5'S. I want a simple 3 perk loadout and I want weapon attachments to feel specific and I DON'T want the guns to be  generic with mono surpressors and agent field grips and no stock on everything. Launchers and specials get attachments.
    It's ridiculous you can run 6 perks so you are immune to explosives/tactical equipment. You get scavenger and another perk whilst also being silent and being off the radar. 
    I think WaW is underated, the maps were awesome and some of the maps had tanks and they weren't a problem like more recent COD'S.
    I don't want cheesy specialist operators and advantages that heavily change the flow of the game. Boots on the ground please.
    I don't know why Treyarch haven't used WaW maps, only 2-3 in all this time. Whilst BO1 Firing Range, Summit,Jungle, Nuketown are constantly done.
    Even BO 2 maps haven't been done much.
    So yeah simplicity is the key for me as well and lot's of maps at launch and through the life cycle. 2-3 new maps every season.
  14. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in What type of 'Call of Duty' game DO YOU actually want?   
    I agree with a lot of what others have mentioned already.
    I might be in the minority here, but I would fancy the next COD more in the World At War style.
    I want a Pacific/Gulf Pearl Harbor style with mostly Japanese and American guns. A few German, Russian and British weapons sprinkled in.
    No AK-47,74u or MP5'S. I want a simple 3 perk loadout and I want weapon attachments to feel specific and I DON'T want the guns to be  generic with mono surpressors and agent field grips and no stock on everything. Launchers and specials get attachments.
    It's ridiculous you can run 6 perks so you are immune to explosives/tactical equipment. You get scavenger and another perk whilst also being silent and being off the radar. 
    I think WaW is underated, the maps were awesome and some of the maps had tanks and they weren't a problem like more recent COD'S.
    I don't want cheesy specialist operators and advantages that heavily change the flow of the game. Boots on the ground please.
    I don't know why Treyarch haven't used WaW maps, only 2-3 in all this time. Whilst BO1 Firing Range, Summit,Jungle, Nuketown are constantly done.
    Even BO 2 maps haven't been done much.
    So yeah simplicity is the key for me as well and lot's of maps at launch and through the life cycle. 2-3 new maps every season.
  15. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in What type of 'Call of Duty' game DO YOU actually want?   
    I agree with a lot of what others have mentioned already.
    I might be in the minority here, but I would fancy the next COD more in the World At War style.
    I want a Pacific/Gulf Pearl Harbor style with mostly Japanese and American guns. A few German, Russian and British weapons sprinkled in.
    No AK-47,74u or MP5'S. I want a simple 3 perk loadout and I want weapon attachments to feel specific and I DON'T want the guns to be  generic with mono surpressors and agent field grips and no stock on everything. Launchers and specials get attachments.
    It's ridiculous you can run 6 perks so you are immune to explosives/tactical equipment. You get scavenger and another perk whilst also being silent and being off the radar. 
    I think WaW is underated, the maps were awesome and some of the maps had tanks and they weren't a problem like more recent COD'S.
    I don't want cheesy specialist operators and advantages that heavily change the flow of the game. Boots on the ground please.
    I don't know why Treyarch haven't used WaW maps, only 2-3 in all this time. Whilst BO1 Firing Range, Summit,Jungle, Nuketown are constantly done.
    Even BO 2 maps haven't been done much.
    So yeah simplicity is the key for me as well and lot's of maps at launch and through the life cycle. 2-3 new maps every season.
  16. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in What type of 'Call of Duty' game DO YOU actually want?   
    I just want a Call of Duty where we don't get 8 maps at launch and then the rest of the withheld content that should've been in the game in the first place, spoonfed to us over the duration of months under the illusion that it's FREE updates. In Cold War, we got 40% of a game and not only are they giving out decade old recycled content to make up part of the other 60, they are even resorting to giving us 'new' scorestreaks that have been in the franchise a decade and were located in the game files during the beta. 
    Give us a game with 15 maps and then another 15-20 to follow. They make billions out of thin air on coloured guns yet we don't get anything back like we used to in terms of new maps because we aren't directly paying for them. There is no incentive for the devs to deliver 4 map packs so we just accept getting new content when it comes under this bullshit season model that's adopted into all this shitty live service titles. 
    The big problem is the eSport meta and SBMM which is the norm now. I don't think I will ever truly enjoy or play COD like I used to because of how connection-based matchmaking and lobby balancing has been replaced with artificial crap such as ping manipulation, monetized matchmaking and the very sweaty nature of the mechanics. Casual COD is dead and it's replaced by a carefully crafted algorithmic framework to benefit player retention and customer spend for Activision. 
    I do think the franchise is completely exhausted and deathmatch as a whole heavily saturated now and whilst I did have fun on Cold War at times, it's a tired format on a threadbare product. MW2019 now with all the content is where a COD game should be at launch - jam packed of content with tonnes to do right off the bat. Activision doesn't seem to get that player retention is a factor on content so rather than alienating players and focusing on the dedicated open-wallet ones, they should try and satisfy all fans. 
    As I said in another thread, I cannot understand why they haven't released a universal game like COD Online or COD mobile which contains stacks of content all rolled into one. Keep that updated and you'll keep people happy for years and they wont need to spend all that money concocting a whole new game where 50% of people immediately don't like the era. Having this with the battle royale and then you've got two rolling products. Microtransactions now outweigh money made through sales so a brand new game from a tiresome franchise may not be the answer each year. 
  17. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to cyberninja2601 in What type of 'Call of Duty' game DO YOU actually want?   
    I want a COD that is basically a boots on the ground version of COD. Not jet packs/magnetic boots or shit like that. There are other games for that.
    I want a COD with new maps. I sick of the same maps re-ashed. if they want to release old maps I ok with that, but they should all be available at launch. It should take them very long to do Nuketown/rust over again and again and again
    I like the basic score streaks. Focus on the fundamentals. UAV/Counter/care package/Sentry/attack helo/cruise missile/chopper gunner/ac-130/advance UAV.  I don't particularly like those OP crazy ass streaks
    I want a COD that has score streaks to encourage playing the objective. I want it to reset the streak however when you die. So stack the points from the score streaks. I liked that in MW you could chose one of the other. So playing a game like kill confirm you want the scorestreaks. Teamdeath match you want the kill streaks
    I like cod having something like zombies and I think that cold war did a nice job of it. I like the ranking system which uses the XP from Zombies/warzone/Multiplayer. I get zombie games with over 100K XP and want it to count for something
    I don't care about the skins or the camo. I never even use them
    I want good connection that doesn't go to shit during a match
    I want solid fundamental game modes like domination, kill confirm, Hardpoint
    I would like the ability to play moshpit on any specific map of my choice. Since the lobby DCs all the time it should be possible
    As much as people complain about the current games, I am OK with them. I think I am level 250 on cold war, but a lot of that is zombies and Warzone. I think I have only played 3 maps on Multiplayer and the same ones keep coming up and selected.  
    I don't even know what my KD is. Don't care. I think it is around 1, so as much as people hate SBMM it hasn't affected me too badly. It has probably helped. 
    I like being able to jump in, play 2-3 matches and leave. I can't do that with destiny which has too much of a grind for me.  I want something that doesn't require me to invest a ton of time so that I can play the game without being too disadvantage because someone has the time to play 20-30 hours a week and all the good guns/perks and everything else
  18. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to jordie1892 in What type of 'Call of Duty' game DO YOU actually want?   
    For me, mirroring what other have said, simplicity is key. I don't care about tonnes of weapon customization, definitely don't want wall running and all that. Just a clean, simple game as we saw from CoD4 through to the Black Ops days.
    In terms of matchmaking, SBMM has really ruined the multiplayer experience for me. I feel like as with other multiplayer games there should just be both a ranked and unranked playlist to let players decide which they want. At the very least, if SBMM is necessary, there could be better transparency so you have some way of indicating how good you actually are at the game! I don't see the point in multiplayer as is, I need a goal to work towards whilst playing!
    I've really enjoyed Warzone over lockdown, but again would love a barebones version without loadouts, having to rely on finding weapons/attachments etc.
  19. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Cold War Season 2   
    I've played a little bit of the "new" content. 
    I like the apocalypse map eventho it looks similar to Madagascar from BO4 in terms of styling. Typical 3 lane, decent flanks and not too large.
    The new AR and SMG look pretty Strong from the killcams.
    The Deathmachine is good, but not too OP. Unless your preaimed spawn trapping with a harp up it would be disgusting. It's nothing like the BO4 Scythe for comparison, there is a bit of delay on firing intiallly and you could easily be killed before you get a kill with it. It feels LMG like when your wielding it.
  20. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Cold War Season 2   
    I see they're still drip-feeding scorestreaks that have been in the franchise for over a decade🤣
    Just imagine when Black Ops 12 comes out and we have to wait until Season 3 before the main menu drops😎
  21. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Twitch Censors Metallica Live..   
    Sounds utterly ridiculous, as Phil said Metallica are notorious of copyright infringements. I remember that Napster incident. Probably was Lars Ulrich himself that notified Twitch. 😂
  22. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Twitch Censors Metallica Live..   
    Sounds utterly ridiculous, as Phil said Metallica are notorious of copyright infringements. I remember that Napster incident. Probably was Lars Ulrich himself that notified Twitch. 😂
  23. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from phil bottle in Twitch Censors Metallica Live..   
    Sounds utterly ridiculous, as Phil said Metallica are notorious of copyright infringements. I remember that Napster incident. Probably was Lars Ulrich himself that notified Twitch. 😂
  24. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to phil bottle in Twitch Censors Metallica Live..   
    Haven't watched the vid, nor am I taking a side...but Metallica are pretty famous for chasing down anyone who doesn't pay for their music or merchandise.
  25. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Twitch Censors Metallica Live..   
    ..to avoid being copyright struck by Metallica!?
    Another absolute comedy shit show from Twitch🤣
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