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  1. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Diddums in Coronavirus   
    This virus has killed a lot of my faith in humanity. I always knew that people could be cunts, but there was always that little bit of optimism that it was a phase, a bad day, a bad mood, whatever - and that these people are actually generally nice people. But seeing what a scene people make when asked to wear a mask, social distance, or just generally respect the health and wellbeing of those around them has killed any optimism I had. I've sadly come to the realisation that a large part of our society is filled with gibbering retards who think that the slight discomfort of a mask is more important to them than the safety of those around them, regardless of any conspiracies or bullshit. If people are dying, and it might or might not be a virus, but you can help eliminate a part or all of the risk by simply wearing a mask, then fucking do it - the end. 
    But nope, we won't be told, I refuse to be told by anyone what to do, the adult equivalent of "you're not the boss of me nanaaanaanaaanaaa". 
    Just look at all these idiots who must absolutely go on holiday, and then whinge like little bitches because they have to quarantine when they get back. How utterly selfish are these people? 
    By far my favourite however are the "I don't need to social distance or wear a mask because I've had both my jabs" - congratulations on telling the world that your education has failed you spectacularly. Please enjoy wearing the invisible "I'm an idiot" label that the less-stupid parts of society have stuck on your head. 
    As someone who's worked through the whole thing, lost his job because of it, lost his gran during (note: not because) it and was unable to visit his mom and give her a hug after she just lost her mom, seeing the utter disrespect and arrogance of many people around me is fucking depressing. 
    As much as it kills me to say it, I do honestly believe that this virus is doing the world a favour. It's just such a shame that so many good people are being taken along the way. 
    I think I need a little ditty to cheer me up, fuck me that was depressing to write. 
  2. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Euro 2020   
    Your right Phil, the original meaning was because it was Euro 96 and the tournament was being hosted in England. It's more like you say a hopeful ode and nod to football coming back to the land it was made famous and created. I'm sure you as many others are more than aware of this. 
    The arrogance from the media and fans in general is the thing that bothers me. Not anyone from this forum, just want to clarify. 😁
  3. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Gaming Addiction   
    A thing I'm very familiar with, not something I've had in many years. I wouldn't say I've had hundreds of them, probably a good few thousand. That's only pill form, the MDMA "off the rock" Crystal form is even better. Pills can be cut with more shite before pressed. Anyone can buy a pill press and make them
    It can happen through social circles, availablity, peer pressure. I've never been forced to take anything, everything I've had was my own choice. 
    Thanks Phil 🤭
    Now I'm not going to derail the thread anymore or go into details about the extensive and vast assortment of chemicals I've enjoyed(Abused) in the past, unless asked to. But I've never been totally addicted to something apart from Marijuana. Again it's something I could take or leave, but always wanted it. If you moderate and cut down intake it's something you can still enjoy, but not be consumed by.
    So I'm pretty much in the same boat as most about gaming addiction. I've played many different games and enjoyed large periods of obbsessing about games. Gaming has always been free time. Wether it's an hour or 3 hours I have spare, it's never got in the way of work or I've never turned down social opportunities with friends to stay in and play a game.
    Plenty of occasions gaming back in the day would be social in person. Playing Goldeneye 4 player on N64. Playing Tony hawk's with a friend, racing games, Halo.
    Sometimes just passing a pad around trying to beat a nails boss. 
  4. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Gaming Addiction   
    A thing I'm very familiar with, not something I've had in many years. I wouldn't say I've had hundreds of them, probably a good few thousand. That's only pill form, the MDMA "off the rock" Crystal form is even better. Pills can be cut with more shite before pressed. Anyone can buy a pill press and make them
    It can happen through social circles, availablity, peer pressure. I've never been forced to take anything, everything I've had was my own choice. 
    Thanks Phil 🤭
    Now I'm not going to derail the thread anymore or go into details about the extensive and vast assortment of chemicals I've enjoyed(Abused) in the past, unless asked to. But I've never been totally addicted to something apart from Marijuana. Again it's something I could take or leave, but always wanted it. If you moderate and cut down intake it's something you can still enjoy, but not be consumed by.
    So I'm pretty much in the same boat as most about gaming addiction. I've played many different games and enjoyed large periods of obbsessing about games. Gaming has always been free time. Wether it's an hour or 3 hours I have spare, it's never got in the way of work or I've never turned down social opportunities with friends to stay in and play a game.
    Plenty of occasions gaming back in the day would be social in person. Playing Goldeneye 4 player on N64. Playing Tony hawk's with a friend, racing games, Halo.
    Sometimes just passing a pad around trying to beat a nails boss. 
  5. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from phil bottle in Gaming Addiction   
    A thing I'm very familiar with, not something I've had in many years. I wouldn't say I've had hundreds of them, probably a good few thousand. That's only pill form, the MDMA "off the rock" Crystal form is even better. Pills can be cut with more shite before pressed. Anyone can buy a pill press and make them
    It can happen through social circles, availablity, peer pressure. I've never been forced to take anything, everything I've had was my own choice. 
    Thanks Phil 🤭
    Now I'm not going to derail the thread anymore or go into details about the extensive and vast assortment of chemicals I've enjoyed(Abused) in the past, unless asked to. But I've never been totally addicted to something apart from Marijuana. Again it's something I could take or leave, but always wanted it. If you moderate and cut down intake it's something you can still enjoy, but not be consumed by.
    So I'm pretty much in the same boat as most about gaming addiction. I've played many different games and enjoyed large periods of obbsessing about games. Gaming has always been free time. Wether it's an hour or 3 hours I have spare, it's never got in the way of work or I've never turned down social opportunities with friends to stay in and play a game.
    Plenty of occasions gaming back in the day would be social in person. Playing Goldeneye 4 player on N64. Playing Tony hawk's with a friend, racing games, Halo.
    Sometimes just passing a pad around trying to beat a nails boss. 
  6. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from jordie1892 in Gaming Addiction   
    A thing I'm very familiar with, not something I've had in many years. I wouldn't say I've had hundreds of them, probably a good few thousand. That's only pill form, the MDMA "off the rock" Crystal form is even better. Pills can be cut with more shite before pressed. Anyone can buy a pill press and make them
    It can happen through social circles, availablity, peer pressure. I've never been forced to take anything, everything I've had was my own choice. 
    Thanks Phil 🤭
    Now I'm not going to derail the thread anymore or go into details about the extensive and vast assortment of chemicals I've enjoyed(Abused) in the past, unless asked to. But I've never been totally addicted to something apart from Marijuana. Again it's something I could take or leave, but always wanted it. If you moderate and cut down intake it's something you can still enjoy, but not be consumed by.
    So I'm pretty much in the same boat as most about gaming addiction. I've played many different games and enjoyed large periods of obbsessing about games. Gaming has always been free time. Wether it's an hour or 3 hours I have spare, it's never got in the way of work or I've never turned down social opportunities with friends to stay in and play a game.
    Plenty of occasions gaming back in the day would be social in person. Playing Goldeneye 4 player on N64. Playing Tony hawk's with a friend, racing games, Halo.
    Sometimes just passing a pad around trying to beat a nails boss. 
  7. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from RenFengge in Gaming Addiction   
    A thing I'm very familiar with, not something I've had in many years. I wouldn't say I've had hundreds of them, probably a good few thousand. That's only pill form, the MDMA "off the rock" Crystal form is even better. Pills can be cut with more shite before pressed. Anyone can buy a pill press and make them
    It can happen through social circles, availablity, peer pressure. I've never been forced to take anything, everything I've had was my own choice. 
    Thanks Phil 🤭
    Now I'm not going to derail the thread anymore or go into details about the extensive and vast assortment of chemicals I've enjoyed(Abused) in the past, unless asked to. But I've never been totally addicted to something apart from Marijuana. Again it's something I could take or leave, but always wanted it. If you moderate and cut down intake it's something you can still enjoy, but not be consumed by.
    So I'm pretty much in the same boat as most about gaming addiction. I've played many different games and enjoyed large periods of obbsessing about games. Gaming has always been free time. Wether it's an hour or 3 hours I have spare, it's never got in the way of work or I've never turned down social opportunities with friends to stay in and play a game.
    Plenty of occasions gaming back in the day would be social in person. Playing Goldeneye 4 player on N64. Playing Tony hawk's with a friend, racing games, Halo.
    Sometimes just passing a pad around trying to beat a nails boss. 
  8. Thanks
    IRaMPaGe reacted to phil bottle in Gaming Addiction   
    Probably one of my favourite posts all year ^
  9. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to RenFengge in Gaming Addiction   
    Ecstasy. Regular tab the first time. Double tab the second. Both Playboy. 
    I had various groups of friends who never interacted with each other. My drug friends were in deep. They were honestly just trying to help me through a traumatic time and didn't want me to be all PTSD and stuff lol. They didn't know better, and I didn't care. Shit was a blast for me lol. 
    People can experiment if they want, I feel. Just know your sources lol. 
  10. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in Gaming Addiction   
    I'm like many here, as I don't believe (as far as how I interpret it) that i've been addicted to any game of sorts. However, @jordie1892  uses the word obsession which you could argue is close to addiction in a way and thats how I can be. But let's face it, if it wasn't for FGers I really don't think I would've sustained my constant gaming over the last 7-8 years (you'd find on my PPR, games were my life until I met Hayley and then had a 7 year absence with life before mym Mum bought me a PS4 and @Stretch616  helped me find FG when starting out on Destiny).
    One thing to consider that sends me a little too close to the line though is FOMO. I do think this is such a pull towards getting addicted. It becomes a routine to not miss out on anything, over and over. Its probably why i'm glad the updates on Destiny have changed so that can go away as its pretty unhealthy over a sustained period of time, e.g. a year or so.
    The real question is am I addicted to Forever Gaming? Yeah....not gonna answer that one 😄
  11. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Gaming Addiction   
    @RenFenggeOut of curiosity what drug was it you tried twice as a teenager and never touched again? If you don't want to say it's perfectly understandable La. I would like to say I have "dabbled" with various drugs over the years, but dabbled is such a weak term. Gorged and binged and overindulgence would be more the appropriate term. I'm not proud of the things I've taken so frequently in the past, but I'm not ashamed of it either. It's safe to say I've had plenty of good times. Not many bad times either which is lucky I guess. 😃
  12. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Gaming Addiction   
    @RenFenggeOut of curiosity what drug was it you tried twice as a teenager and never touched again? If you don't want to say it's perfectly understandable La. I would like to say I have "dabbled" with various drugs over the years, but dabbled is such a weak term. Gorged and binged and overindulgence would be more the appropriate term. I'm not proud of the things I've taken so frequently in the past, but I'm not ashamed of it either. It's safe to say I've had plenty of good times. Not many bad times either which is lucky I guess. 😃
  13. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from phil bottle in Gaming Addiction   
    @RenFenggeOut of curiosity what drug was it you tried twice as a teenager and never touched again? If you don't want to say it's perfectly understandable La. I would like to say I have "dabbled" with various drugs over the years, but dabbled is such a weak term. Gorged and binged and overindulgence would be more the appropriate term. I'm not proud of the things I've taken so frequently in the past, but I'm not ashamed of it either. It's safe to say I've had plenty of good times. Not many bad times either which is lucky I guess. 😃
  14. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from RenFengge in Gaming Addiction   
    @RenFenggeOut of curiosity what drug was it you tried twice as a teenager and never touched again? If you don't want to say it's perfectly understandable La. I would like to say I have "dabbled" with various drugs over the years, but dabbled is such a weak term. Gorged and binged and overindulgence would be more the appropriate term. I'm not proud of the things I've taken so frequently in the past, but I'm not ashamed of it either. It's safe to say I've had plenty of good times. Not many bad times either which is lucky I guess. 😃
  15. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to RenFengge in Gaming Addiction   
    I've blocked/forgotten large swaths of WoW from my brain. Been a bit lol.
    This... this is why I do not mess with WoW or FFXIV or more immersive MMORPGs.
    I mentioned originally that I am quite self-aware. Thus, I know my limits. I know what's going to cause me to cross the line, so I don't wander too close to it. As a teenager, I was introduced to a certain drug. I took it twice. I knew I liked it all too much, and told my friends and anyone else to never ever put it in front of me again. To this day, I still want it. It's still on my mind. I still have only positive feelings about it. I know that if offered to me, I would take it.
    For online games, it is the same thing for me. I do not touch WoW or FFXIV. I joke that no one would see me again for a long time, and I do somewhat mean that. I played Neverwinter Nights back in the 90's. My goodness, I would sneak to our computer room, cover the modem to shut it up, and play... only to be scolded later on the internet bills lol.
    Games like WoW and FFXIV... games that are incredibly in-depth and not really so much of a "here's the same 5 activities to do every week" and more of an active world... I'll get lost in them. I scoff at spending real money in Destiny 2 for aesthetic items because you can spend real money in WoW and FFXIV for useable in-game items via other markets. Pay-to-play is dangerous, but the economy of those worlds is something else.
    Like I said. I'm very self-aware. I know my limits. So, while I do want to load up WoW and FFXIV, I just won't... and take safety in my single player games and handful of other multiplayer games that do not beg for my attention all waking moments of my life.
  16. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Euro 2020   
    Holland beat by Czech Republic, that's a bit of an upset. Good for Czech, definitely a bit unexpected. The Dutch got a man sent off and never got much going. Excellent result for Czech.
  17. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Euro 2020   
    Holland beat by Czech Republic, that's a bit of an upset. Good for Czech, definitely a bit unexpected. The Dutch got a man sent off and never got much going. Excellent result for Czech.
  18. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 - The Video Game   
    Yep, I'm having to be happy that its at least 8 whereas most games these days are going for 3 or 4 players max which is a killer. 8 should be pretty fun actually and it all depends on how many pick the game up in the first place.
    Oh mate, yes it was! @Findmartin  and I over the years just used to smash the shit out of our controllers trying to get the World Records on everything. I wish they could've brought back lots more athletics sports in the games like Triple Jump, High Jump, Pole Vault and even longer distance things too. I actually think if someone just revamped Athens 2004 video game it would be insane due to how many great sports were in that one too! This one is clearly a little more arcadey, give it has football and rugby in it 🤦‍♂️ but there should be enough for us to have a real good laugh at.
  19. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 - The Video Game   
    International Track And Field was iconic. I remember being at a friend's playing it on PS1. We used to rub a glass marble along square and circle for full speed. Some of the triple jump and high jump records we set were nuts! 😄
  20. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in What are you listening to right now?   
    I want to put it out there first that I'm Scottish. Now I'm not anti-english, but I can't handle John Barnes rapping. It's one of the single most cringey things I've ever seen or heard. It's up there in my top 3 of cringe for sure. 😜
  21. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Euro 2020   
    Scotland were a bit unlucky, we created a few good attempts in the second half. Had good spells of possession, but sadly couldn't do much with it.
    Czechs looked comfortable and I don't deny them the win. It's just disappointing after a 23 year wait to a major tournament.
    Their goalie made a couple of good saves and we hit the bar at one point. I liked that we tried and gave an effort to get back into it.
    We really needed something tho, a point would of been nice.
    Sadly in my opinion, Czech were our best hope of points. I believe Croatia and England are stronger teams. At least we made it to the tournament, it's great to be a part of it for a change. 🙃
  22. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from jordie1892 in What are you listening to right now?   
    Tom MacDonald is terrible, I can't enjoy his music. He always plays the victim, bet he carries his own body chalk.
  23. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from phil bottle in What are you listening to right now?   
    Tom MacDonald is terrible, I can't enjoy his music. He always plays the victim, bet he carries his own body chalk.
  24. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in What are you listening to right now?   
    Top of iTunes All Genres - my faith in humanity is somewhat restored😂
  25. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Antpool84 in Console History   
    Sega Megadrive
    Xbox 360
    My younger brother had a Gameboy, Sega Saturn, PS2, PS3
    I had friends that have owned Sega Mastersystem, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, GameCube.
    So between my brother and friends it fills the gaps I didn't have.
    I got to play most consoles to some extend minus the older ones like Spectrum, Amstrad, Jaguar, Atari etc
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