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    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Age of Empires 4   
    Yeah the old ESO servers were awesome. I played a lot of rated matches. I got 1750+ with random god's. But I mained Norse, Loki was my fave and I decent with Thor. Sometimes well over 1800-1850 range. I played mostly AOT. I Got 4th on the leaderboards with 1883 on 1v1 Supremacy before Aoe3 cameout. 
    I played some AOM vanilla and got 1850 with 12 matches 100% win smurfing and self rating 😂
    The Age of Mythology servers moved to voobly and is still being played. Haven't played in a long time maybe 5-6+ years at least. I did play some on voobly but was a bit rusty tbh.
  2. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to LordBaguette in Age of Empires 4   
    I remember only getting into standard matches towards the end.  Usually was just big on custom games. When I did play standard matches though was always Greek everytime, usually Hades
  3. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to LordBaguette in Age of Empires 4   
    Yea a lot online, was part of a clan as well. CoM I think was the abbreviation haha I forget the name though. Do you remember a guy called Nottud? He was like a well known map creator I was friends with him helped play test some of his maps, still got him on Facebook 
  4. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Age of Empires 4   
    I picked the game up yesterday after getting a good discount and have really enjoyed it so far. Definitely needs some QoL improvements and additions but it's a great and familiar foundation. The presentation of the campaign missions is excellent with the real world videos and narrative plus the gameplay is generally solid. I wish the UI had a bit more detail - it's clean but it all blends a bit too much plus the visuals need a bit more vibrancy and variety. Other than that, it's really good!
  5. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Age of Empires 4   
    @LordBaguette  Did you ever play Age of Mythology Online? Was awesome in its prime.
    @J4MES OX4D Yeah I hear ya, price and also expectations of such a title need to be met. I just think the nostalgia is priceless and a must have. 
  6. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Age of Empires 4   
    I loved AOE2 growing up and this game really captures the spirit of that which is great. The only thing holding me back is the price and there is some crucial things that need improving or adding that should have been dealt with during the playtest. It would be fantastic to get back into RTS gaming and this game is ideal but I'll probably see how things go next week. 
  7. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to LordBaguette in Age of Empires 4   
    I played 2 a hell of a lot when I was young too. But my all time favourite was Age of Mythology, I miss those days
  8. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Age of Empires 4   
    I know you are a PC player so I would if I were you. If I had a decent PC to run it I would 100%. Depends on how much you liked the series, tastes change as well. It might just not be for you. 
  9. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Age of Empires 4   
    I know you are a PC player so I would if I were you. If I had a decent PC to run it I would 100%. Depends on how much you liked the series, tastes change as well. It might just not be for you. 
  10. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Age of Empires 4   
    This releases in 5 days
    Not sure if I'll be getting it yet though
  11. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in New Quiz Available! FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.8 - Pot Luck   
    I just completed this quiz.

    My Score 42/100 My Time 175 seconds  
  12. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Cold War Season 2   
    I think what put a lot of people off was the lack of content intially. Also the SBMM can be really strong at times. There isn't as much incentive to do well as you will get punished and put into a CDL finals match sooner than you would think.
    My only gripe with it is that the connections get iffy when your matching with higher skilled players. Rather than play local players your up against Americans or Asians etc which sucks when your in Europe.
    I don't mind taking a beating from time to time, but it's hard to enjoy a thrashing. It's more of the half games in progress with multiple harps up from the enemy team and gunships etc.
    The game itself when running smoothly is a lot better and faster paced than MW. It was really campy for so many reasons.
    They have added a lot of content since release, but as James said we should of had some of this content to begin with.
    Cold War looks a lot better on the eye too than originally.
  13. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to MrBiron in Cold War Season 2   
    I've jumped on this game again recently and it's actually not bad now. Loads of maps now we're at the end of it's support cycle. Seems the best thing to do with a COD games is wait to buy it until a year after its release and then you'll play a finished game. I can only manage maybe an hours play and then it starts to piss me off 🤷‍♂️
  14. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in Cold War Season 2   
    In fairness Kenny @IRaMPaGe  is still playing it and putting up a lot of videos in his PPR which tells me its still good in its places. I must admit, I can't even remember why people hated this game so much. I personally stopped as I got tired of just playing normal MP modes. I'd love to get back on a CoD to play some Search and Destroy. Its been ages since we used to have many of us dominating that mode on previous CoDs!
  15. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Drifter in Gun room finished   
    Yet another "happy place in Steve-topia" pretty much finished the gun room is about done. Only ones not on the new wall I built are a new tactical 12g which I'll be picking up from my FFL Mon/Tues & the home defense one which stays next to the bed. Everything is not only nicer looking in the new area, but nice and secure behind steel dead bolted doors, blocked off window, and also have a bunch of trigger locks on the way so that the only gun usable without being unlocked will be the home defense 12g I keep with me. I dunno if I'm an introvert whom hardly leaves home because Steve-topia is such a cool place....or if Steve-topia is such a cool place because I'm an introvert whom hardly leaves home. I dunno, chicken or egg I guess. Introverts unite!....alone, in your own home, away from me 😁    

  16. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Vanguard Beta   
    Has anyone played it yet? Or planning on playing it over this coming weekend? Might have a shot at it to see what like. No way I was preordering it. Have like £30-40 of "Game" vouchers to use up so I could buy it for reasonably cheap if it's any good.
  17. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to MrBiron in Vanguard Beta   
    Blitz just sounds like they're going to put loads of players on maps designed for 6v6 so you're constantly spawning and dying. Kinda like playing Shitment all the time. I'll avoid it like the plague.
  18. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from phil bottle in What are you listening to right now?   
    That's very unique and cool, the hanging of items from a tree sounds very spiritual and personal, to surround yourself with familiar items.
    I remember when I was in Amsterdam about 14 years ago. Literally the first coffee shop I walked into after arriving. There was a poster of Lee Scratch on the wall with gig dates. It had the night befores date on it. I asked the dude there did I just miss him? And he was like yeah man, he played here last night. He comes over a couple of times a year and he was here. Pipes, bongs, chillums. You would of had a smoke with him if you were a day earlier. 😳
  19. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to phil bottle in What are you listening to right now?   
    When he was in London he would visit neighbours of a mate of mine from school and hang CDs and assorted items on the branches of a tree in their garden 😁
    Love his music and his very distinctive production sound.
  20. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from phil bottle in What are you listening to right now?   
    A sad thing, 85 he was? I was lucky to see him live a few years ago. Would of loved to have see him when he was younger. Total legend and visionary.
  21. Sad
    IRaMPaGe reacted to phil bottle in What are you listening to right now?   
    RIP Lee Perry
  22. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Football (Played with Feet)   
    I totally agree with everything said @J4MES OX4D . A season or 2 in the Premier League would of been special to watch and a great test of his ability. Would of been interesting seeing which team he would of went to. Only a couple of teams could afford his wage and sign on etc. Would rather city didn't get him. Would be interesting to see him at Liverpool or Chelsea tbh.
    MLS or China is a waste eventho the money would be there.
  23. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Football (Played with Feet)   
    I would've liked to see him in the Premier League as one final test of his ability. It's like he's playing in Championship-equivalent league now which is less competitive than the SPL. It's definitely bolstered chances of winning the Champions League for a final time but there wouldn't be much merit in it after what they've spent and the rules they've broken to get there. Still, it's easy money and an easy league to close out his career and way better than going to the MLS or China.  
  24. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Football (Played with Feet)   
    I get what you mean by the French league, but a bumper pay and a shot at the champions league is the best anyone can hope for before retirement. Even if you are the best of your generation. Didn't Ramos go to PSG also? Who else did PSG buy? Sounds like some serious money getting thrown about over there.
  25. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Messi signs for PSG. What a poor way to end your career in the French League but it's his best chance of winning the CL again and he'll get a bumper payday for it. PSG have bought it all and now they have to win it all. 
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