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    IRaMPaGe reacted to WelchyTV in Video game club   
    I think it’s a great idea! I have always wanted to be involved in something like that but have either never found the right group or never found the time or organise it myself. 
    I think we would have to work out some logistics etc but definitely put me down as interested. 
    I would suggest one way to do would be to try and pick games that are on a subscription service (Gamepass, ps plus, EA play etc), that way the majority of people can play the game for free using the service they are already paying for, therefore not spending money just for this. I know not everyone will subscribe to these services and if not we can still try to find a cheap game on the service? 
    One potential idea is recording a review/discussion video. It will be difficult to arrange but if we could find a time where everyone (or the majority) could spare an hour or so to join up on discord and record a conversation reviewing and discussing the game. To upload to a Forever Gaming YouTube channel? Just a thought. 
  2. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Luseth in Video game club   
    I don't know if this will get any interest as most people are here for multiplayer gaming but thought I'd give it a try.
    I was thinking it might be a nice idea to try doing a game club similar to how a book club runs, we all vote on a relatively inexpensive single player story driven game to buy and play through over the course of a couple of months and then jump on chat one night a week or even discuss it in here and how we are getting on with it, what we are enjoying and not enjoying etc etc, talk about the writing, the story etc.
    Would that peak anyone's interest? With games such as Baldurs gate down the road where you can approach things so differently it could be good fun I thought.
    Anyway, yeah will see if there's any interest first 🙂
  3. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Plumbers Crack in Hello All   
    This is probably the only man I'll let get really close to me and look deep into my eyes.....
    Yeah, he's my optician! 🤣🤣 really. Welcome aboard fella 👍
  4. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in Hello All   
    Hey @oldskoolrave ! Great to see a new face as always! @Plumbers Crack is the 3 wise men all wrapped up in one here...with the odd Dad joke somewhere involved to keep us all sane. So if he's recommended you, then you must be golden 😉
    Yep, Matt is right, Destiny 2 was many peoples game here for years. Its dropped off the last 12 months considerably but I know I am planning on making a big push to ask everyone to get back into it come June for the The Final Shape. Its such a fun game to play and help each other. So much stuff to do and lots we can talk and have a laugh with. Fingers crossed I'll be seeing you online with FGers taking on whatever Dungeon, Raids and Missions we have to try and get done 😄
    You play anything else other than Destiny? We also group up on other stuff too just in case you like different things alongside D2.
    Hope to see you involved on here, a great place - the best place, to call Home on the interwebz (thats fact, not just my humble opinion 😄 )
  5. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to WelchyTV in Hello All   
    Welcome to FG! 
    Hopefully see you online at some point!
  6. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to slamminbones in Hello All   
    Welcome to FG.
    This may give a few of us a reason to fire up the game again.
  7. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to phil bottle in Hello All   
    Welcome mate, we've got a good mixture of ages on here, mostly 30s and 40s and that lovely incorrigible bastard Dave who I think must be nearly due his telegram from the King 🤪
  8. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Riff Machine in Hello All   
    Nice to meet you man. I'm not a destiny player, but any friend of Plumber is a friend of ours! 
    Welcome to the family. 
  9. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Hello All   
    Nice to meet you man. I'm not a destiny player, but any friend of Plumber is a friend of ours! 
    Welcome to the family. 
  10. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to oldskoolrave in Hello All   
    Cool, I'm on most evenings. Not great at it but always have a laugh 🙂
  11. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Luseth in Hello All   
    Oh Lee is going to love you, he's eager to get Destiny nights up and running again.
    With the dlc coming to ps plus I was going to redownload it so might see you on there soon 🙂
  12. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to oldskoolrave in Hello All   
    Hi, was recommended to this site by "Plumbers Crack". I'm a 50 year young gamer, been gaming probably 40+ years. Main console now is PS5, sometimes on PC too. Still wasting time on Destiny 2. Anyone wanna shoot some aliens in the face, send me a DM/friend request
  13. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in FG Feedback Time   
    I'm overall pretty happy with how things are, but I do agree with Luseth. 
    Some areas are not being used as much. 
    Maybe due to interest or general knowledge of existence. 
    Maybe trim some fat, keep the majority of what we have tho. 
    I think the "Your Picks" for cod maps and guns isn't really worthwhile. 
    It was a good idea, but we can easily discuss such things in topics or vote on polls. 
    I think that we could get shot of it. 
    I do admire the work and effort of especially Lee, that he puts in here. 
    If anyone has geniuene good ideas for things to add, I think we should look at what can we rid of first. 
    But the current layout, features etc we have are really good. 
    It's something that has improved on vastly over time. 
  14. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Andy_White_07 in New Quiz Available! Playstation Quiz   
    I just completed this quiz.

    My Score 20/100 My Time 69 seconds  
  15. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to WelchyTV in New Quiz Available! Playstation Quiz   
    I just completed this quiz.

    My Score 30/100 My Time 166 seconds  
  16. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in FG Feedback Time   
    I'm overall pretty happy with how things are, but I do agree with Luseth. 
    Some areas are not being used as much. 
    Maybe due to interest or general knowledge of existence. 
    Maybe trim some fat, keep the majority of what we have tho. 
    I think the "Your Picks" for cod maps and guns isn't really worthwhile. 
    It was a good idea, but we can easily discuss such things in topics or vote on polls. 
    I think that we could get shot of it. 
    I do admire the work and effort of especially Lee, that he puts in here. 
    If anyone has geniuene good ideas for things to add, I think we should look at what can we rid of first. 
    But the current layout, features etc we have are really good. 
    It's something that has improved on vastly over time. 
  17. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from TurboR56Mini in FG Feedback Time   
    I'm overall pretty happy with how things are, but I do agree with Luseth. 
    Some areas are not being used as much. 
    Maybe due to interest or general knowledge of existence. 
    Maybe trim some fat, keep the majority of what we have tho. 
    I think the "Your Picks" for cod maps and guns isn't really worthwhile. 
    It was a good idea, but we can easily discuss such things in topics or vote on polls. 
    I think that we could get shot of it. 
    I do admire the work and effort of especially Lee, that he puts in here. 
    If anyone has geniuene good ideas for things to add, I think we should look at what can we rid of first. 
    But the current layout, features etc we have are really good. 
    It's something that has improved on vastly over time. 
  18. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to WelchyTV in FG Feedback Time   
    As a newer member to the site, I would say the main thing I notice is that there seems to be a lot of underused features.
    I wonder if there could be an easier way to keep up to date with what’s going on in the community without having to go through all the different tabs and forums? Could we have a ‘features’ or ‘what’s on’ page, which highlights the main events going on. The page could show the next and upcoming FG events, a hot topic from the forums, latest videos being uploaded, new quiz posted etc etc. 
    It wouldn’t even have to be the most recent posts and not everything posted needs to be featured, but if there is a forum post that you or any moderators here think is worthy of being ‘front page news’. 
    Essentially a place that just makes it easier for members to see what is going on. I often forget to look at the events tab and don’t even know until this post that there was a quiz tab!! 
    I quite like @Luseth idea of having certain members being responsible for certain areas too.
  19. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Lurchzy in FG Feedback Time   
    I somewhat agree with @Luseth, less is more sometimes. Which is probably why the WhatsApp and Discord chats do so well. Easy to use and takes no effort whatsoever. The forum is a good example of this on the website.
    I think unless it benefits people they’re not going to use it, a good example of this is the events… it takes so much effort to get people to click one button because it does nothing for them.
    I, as most others probably do, use FG as an archive and large discussions space. If you want to create more movement it needs to be a tool to either create discussion (competing with WhatsApp) or create/share content like videos or games/quizzes/competitions.
  20. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Luseth in FG Feedback Time   
    Honestly, there is probably too much? Maybe condense it a little and make some of the things more of a feature i.e. if you were to keep quizes, do them more regularly? Or alternatively see if we can get some FG members to take ownership of certain areas? I.e. Someone running prediction league or someone who might be keen enough to regularly add quizes?
    I haven't put anything next to everything but have put a little reply next to a lot of them 🙂 
    Forums - Fine as they are, generally I just read the new topics and see if there is anything new for me to respond to. Articles - Honestly, I'm not sure of the purpose of this area? Is it just an FG article or can it be an article on anything? I.e. review of a game etc? Blog  - I did not know there was one?  Might be good to do this whether it's the summary of upcoming events like your whatsapp posts you were doing or sessions that have been done the week before. Videos - I don't think anything need's to change here Quizzes - Just need's more of them, see note above maybe about ownership. Events - Trying my best to keep on top of adding them but need people to engage more sometimes 🙂 Once one or two reply to an event others then follow Predictions - Fine, I just found it difficult to find time to sit down and put them in sometimes. Merch - I don't suppose you could get a hoody sorted with a zip down the middle could you? I do like the white one's but I find general hoodies a little restrictive (I know it's a personal preference thing) Achievements / Medals - Good as they are. Memberships - I keep meaning to resub, will sort it out later this month. Game Hubs - Not sure what these were? Guides and Tips - This is one of those areas that unless people ask for a guide nothing will probably get posted. It's also maybe too restrictive in that it's got the 6 games and it's not obvious where to post guides related to other games? History - Apparently FG has no history since 2013 😛  Raffles - We need more of these, unnanounced so it encourages people to check the site more regularly.  
  21. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in FG Feedback Time   
    Looking for a bit of feedback everyone!
    Always want to keep everything as fresh as we can here, and I know we have an awful lot of stuff to get involved in - sometimes too much! At the same time, its ours and we can do loads of things together so why not!
    FG has lots of spaces so would be ace as I'm starting to look at how we can keep everything fresh here, what parts you'd like better, more of, confuse you, don't understand, want more on how to get involved, anything missing we should have....the list i'm sure goes on.
    To help if you are struggling what things to send me feedback on, here's a breakdown of areas we have now or had in the past:
    Forums Articles Blog Videos Quizzes Events Predictions Merch Achievements / Medals Memberships Game Hubs Guides and Tips History Ideas Leaderboard Polls Raffles Roadmap Search Servers Tournaments FG Team Themes  
    Most of these you can find in the menus on FG - just click the burger 3 line menu on mobile or hover over 'More' on the menu bar on PC.
    I'm all good taking any feedback, good, bad or just comments. If we don't know, we can't improve.
    Cheers all!
  22. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Games With Epic Combat Mechanics   
    Dishonored is another one that is commonly overlooked probably because most people play in low chaos or just don't make the most of the powers on offer. I certainly am nowhere near good or creative enough to pull off half the stuff in this video but it just goes to show what can be done if you go beneath the surface and really utilise everything on offer. 
  23. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in Games With Epic Combat Mechanics   
    Whilst some may not think its as challenging as the super hard games we expect, Hogwarts Legacy has one of the most satisfying gameplay controls to play with in an RPG. I've managed to find this small clip online that shows a small part into the spells and combos, including how you can flip to flying so easily mid-battle. There's so many combo spells to choose from, it really is a whole lot of fun. Smooth is the perfect word for it. No wonder it was the biggest selling game of 2023.
  24. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to WelchyTV in Games With Epic Combat Mechanics   
    Seeing your screenshots and watching these clips has made me want to play this game! Always heard good things but never got around to it. Just looks like a lot of fun! 
  25. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in Games With Epic Combat Mechanics   
    This is also a great example of what can be achieved in Max Payne 3 - so incredibly satisfying to pull off 
    and a nice explanation of the details
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