Ok i know this my seem a bizarre topic but hopefully it may help someone who is struggling to find that dream job working with scaley, cute or cuddly and the big toothies of this world. First and most importantly is compassion, it cant be taught and is the bread and butter of this field. You could have any quals you want but this is what employers look for, which moves us swiftly to the second thing. Volunteer work is your gateway, if you keep turning up to work without pay the pwople running the facility are more likely to employ you over some university/colledge student with a zoology degree because you have hands on experience and not just some facts from a book. Listen to your peers because you'll learn more on the job than in a classroom because every situation is different. Animals are unpredictable they can attack through fear or to assert dominance but there are signs you will be taught by experienced staff that you can only learn with boots on the ground. Whilst volunteering get your quals in any field you wish to specialise in, herpetology and rodentia is what i went for but everyone has a path they must follow. Any questions anyone may have or what quals you need just chuck me a message and ill be more than happy to help out a fellow animal enthusiast. Via the FG App