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Everything posted by Nutcuttlit

  1. Scrape a tiny piece of bark off, if there's green just under it there's life it not its decked. Do it close to the bottom though bud because individual stems/stroke branches can die off to help the plant recover. After you do the test scrape cover it with good ole gardeners paint aka mud. The rose of smyrna can be a cunt to move but they do like it a little on the drier side of life. Spray all the bark down aswell to promote new growing points. Via the FG App
  2. Ok so I'm opening this thread based off a couple of conversations I've had this week. As you all have probably noticed most people have taken to the garden to spend the holiday funds as lockdown is still upon us. So with being said I'm offering my services for those who are in need of guidance to do with that space out front/back you hope to improve on. For the record I hold a full chemical license, bluebook(chainsaw), member of the IOGG with my HND. Hopefully I should be able to help people out if they need it. Via the FG App
  3. Wreckfest gives me a fuckin banging migraine for some reason. Mwr is a pile of infuriating steamy stuff imo. I'll happily play ww2 because the weaponry is far better.
  4. Nah they will never play a game I'm actually good at 😂😂😂
  5. Well I got the starter pack so can invite people and myself and marc teamed straight away
  6. I'll happily sink lots of hours into this, game has lots of choice when making character which is nice. Jobs or classes are interesting and will help keep boredom at bay due to starting area changing with each class you choose. So get yer arses into this and join myself, didds and Marcimoo in this strange new world.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 73/100 My Time 115 seconds
  8. Will see what I can do bud i may be streaming some hunt though.
  9. The new update means cheaper loadouts, super sneaky play as winnie silenced is super viable due damage/range buff of compact ammo. Also different AI like the doctor who drops med kits and the new armored that causes rending damage cause he's wrapped in barb. Will see how the coming days pan out and give an update.
  10. Event Title: Killing floor 2 Event Author: Nutcuttlit Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 05/15/2020 09:00 PM Alright yoo boosterds, gonna be rocking this for a good laugh feel free to join. Killing floor 2 N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  11. Alright yoo boosterds, gonna be rocking this for a good laugh feel free to join.
  12. Already smadhed it on all skill levels on story. Now working my way through arcade mode on all the skill setttings. Floyd for the win. Via the FG App
  13. Did you hear about the crossed eyed mohel? He got the sack. Via the FG App
  14. Most usb wireless headsets withoit a mixamp or exclusive to ps4 are overpriced stereo headsets bud. Look at ones that are licensed
  15. When it comes to game sound i stick to wired. A40 tr with mix amp but its expensive
  16. HyperX HX-HSCSW-BK Cloud Stinger have a look at these instead dude, around the same price.
  17. This headset is a good choice for pc but not for console. On console it will will only be used as a stereo headset and lose the dynamic range provided with the firmware on pc so in the cash spent would be a waste.
  18. I think you can have 4 co-op if you have two people split screen. Via the FG App
  19. Already picked this up to play with my Ciaran and his wife. Gonna be sweet as fook. Via the FG App
  20. This game is a hilarious cluster fuck of screwing your mates over. Everything and fg friday needs. Via the FG App
  21. Its a very valid reason also some people find out quickly it aint for them once they start. The other main reason is the animals simply dont like the keepers, its not always a can you do it, its mostly will the animal let you do it. Via the FG App
  22. Never say never bud, you can volunteer at any age and the only thing that holds anyone back is themselves. Via the FG App
  23. The books would really depend on what type order of animal she was intrested in most and as for volunteering jobs just look online in your local area. I did this and im now on the list for building up pipistrelles before releasing back to the wild. If its for common house pets i suggest dogs trust sspca/rspca. Exotics are harder though local zoos or collections sometimes take on volunteers. Via the FG App
  24. Working with dogs is probably harder than what i do because its easier to want to take them home than exotics are due to the set ups required.
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