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Everything posted by Spacedeck

  1. Can I just say a huge amounts of thanks to @GazzaGarratt and @Diddums for helping out when it was needed. I can now proudly display my award on my desk at all times while I game. ❤️
  2. I have a spare copy of OVERLORD II if anyone wants it? Gone now but more will be offered in time, as and when I acquire spares.
  3. https://www.humblebundle.com/ LEGO Lord of the Rings is now FREE. I think the link is dead currently though, probably being hammered.
  4. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/lego-the-hobbit?hmb_source=humble_home&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_2_layout_type_threes_tile_index_1 LEGO the Hobbit free so be quick. Also another store front launcher. EPIC GAMES have released their own launcher and are giving away games. From the 14th to 27th you can grab Subnautica and from 28th to 10th Jan 19 you can get Super Meat Boy. I think more are planned so keep an eye out. Also I suggest this thread be renamed to something like PC Gaming Deals. The thread doesn't just concentrate on Steam sales anymore.
  5. Driving trains is strangely addictive. Train Simulator 2019: Train Sim World: Graphically Train Sim World looks amazing when compared to Train Simulator 2019. Gameplay wise I prefer Train Simulator though.
  6. I think I'd have preferred Crash Bash, so hope that still comes out. Still looking forward to this game though, it isn't one of the Crash games I played a lot of growing up.
  7. Quick go before I try out OnRush, 1:39:624. I have 17 Gr.3 cars to play with. Currently liking the Corvette C7.
  8. From a quick Google, it seems as though Realms doesn't support this. I have found people mention making creations to keep you active. One example is: https://www.instructables.com/id/Afk-Machine/?amp_page=true
  9. Already owned this but it's a great giveaway!
  10. Some more Train Simulator 2019: Also started playing The Long Dark again. These first few are from the up to date version and from the story mode: This last image was taken before the story mode even was released and all we had was survival. Dated 16th June, 2015.
  11. Train Simulator 2019: I might play The Long Dark later on and I'll hopefully have some more to add.
  12. From seeing videos, I've always had an interest in this game since it was released. Sort of gives me a Motorstorm feel and I really would love to get that feeling back.
  13. Get your new games from the 4th. SOMA (PS4) Onrush (PS4) Steredenn (PS3) Steins;Gate (PS3) Iconoclasts (PS Vita + PS4) Papers, Please (PS Vita) I don't think it looks too bad this month.
  14. I wasn't around in the 80's but I grew up on 80's music mostly. My favourite band of all time and the song that truly got me into them.
  15. Nope, it's like Starcraft but in the Warcraft universe. While SC2 might have recently gone F2P, this game will require a purchase like SC2 did at launch.
  16. Are you still doing updates to the site? When I first open the forum on PC and mobile I get this "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '/', expecting identifier (T_STRING) in /var/sites/f/forevergaming.co.uk/public_html/forum/datastore/widget_recentStatusUpdates_xiyvemoki_5725a486610dfe0d33a47ce048a8b913.a5c09042ea.php on line 6" I can reload the page and it just loads up as normal, so not sure what's going on.
  17. @VGon_BGon48 so did they end up having all 3 games on the disc?
  18. I've started playing this and I must agree, it's pretty awesome, especially on the PC. I have the base game on PS3 but the AA looked horrible, so happy to see the PC version looks much cleaner.
  19. So I guess we all play a wide variety of games, be it on console or PC, so do you have anything you fancy showing off? I don't know if using the attachments at the bottom hosts the images on the websites bandwidth, so it might be better to use Imgur for this thread. (If this already exists, feel free to post a link and close this) Train Simulator 2019: Little Nightmares:
  20. Haven't much money to be splashing around when these sales happen. So I've only picked up Fallout 3 GOTY and I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger on New Vegas Ultimate so I can play with The Tale of Two Wastelands mod. I did sort out family sharing with my brothers account again so I can play Train Simulator. Tempted to buy and have him redeem the Liverpool to Manchester Line DLC.
  21. I have a copy of Frozen Synapse Prime (https://store.steampowered.com/app/328600/Frozen_Synapse_Prime/) for anyone who would like it. It's in gift form though, so you'll want to add me on Steam for me to send it. I don't know if any region restrictions are put on gift copies.
  22. @tronic44 Indeed. If it is this place; https://www.arcadeclub.co.uk/ then it now costs £16 for the full access ticket, not the £15 stated in OP.
  23. Might sound a little silly but am I better off taking money or do they accept card for the day ticket / food / drinks?
  24. Thanks, like I said though, I want to do this as a way of giving back since you've all been so welcoming to me. So I'm happy to do this and pay a little more to keep things running if need be.
  25. I'm not going to force anyone who wants to use the realm, to pay towards the cost of the realm. If I do it solo, I'd just keep it running monthly. Depending on who / if any of you guys would still like to put towards a 6 month sub. I'll get how many people would like to put towards and I'll work out how much to ask. Realms cost £33.99 for six months. So depending on responses, I'll update on this situation again next month.
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