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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Agree 100%. Great post .
  2. I understand what you are saying Doc, but my point is that someone that is driven to commit murder, be it one person or multiple persons they plan to kill, that person will find guns or other weapons needed to commit that act regardless what the gun laws are. There is nothing wrong with making sure mentally ill persons do not own firearms, I am in complete agreement with that for sure. The problem is though that no laws what so ever will prevent a dedicated murderer from attaining a means to commit murder. And the knee jerk reaction by liberals immediately following an incident such as this to have stricter gun laws does nothing by hinder law abiding citizens, not the criminals whom actually commit these crimes. I think we are actually saying pretty much the same thing Doc, just in a bit different way is all. Because I don't mind "well thought out logical gun laws"...I just am against the knee jerk ban / make firearms harder to get for all type of gun laws is all. Plus I just feel that no amount of gun laws will actually make a bit of difference to a person that is actually ready to kill another person.
  3. Wasn't it just a year or two ago that you had a tree knocked down at your place as well Doc?
  4. I won't get too deep into the gun control debate, but I will say this. Stricter gun laws do nothing to prevent crimes and anyone that thinks they will are just simply kidding themselves. Murder is a crime but that doesn't stop people from committing it does it. People can, and will get weapons to commit crimes no matter what the laws are, be it gun, knife, IED, baseball bat, chemicals you name it, there's many ways to commit heinous and senseless acts towards your fellow man. Legally or illegally owning a gun is honestly a null point in cases of crimes. For those that are mentally ill or not mentally ill, if they can not get a gun legally then they will simply get one illegally (a lot easier than you would think in certain areas trust me) or they will just use some other means of mass murdering people such as just running them down in his car. Honestly there is too much garbage after an incident like this happens where both sides of the debate as well as the Government waste so much effort and time talking and fighting about gun control when they should be addressing the real underlying problems. Which is proper treatment for mentally ill persons, and stricter punishments for criminals rather than slapping people on the wrist and letting them back out into the world (not the case here but is the case in other incidents). The other thing that obviously the Gov has no control over, but which I believe is another main reason for senseless murders ...and that is the deterioration of morals/values and improper upbringing over the past two decades. There's been more senseless murders like this over the past 20 yrs than there ever was in the 50 yrs before that, there's a reason for that and it's the way society is these days. Anyway that's all I'll say about this because this sort of discussion can get pretty emotionally fueled and I don't like to get too deep into them, but the above is my .02 for what it's worth.
  5. Spent the last few days up at my cabin on the Au Sable as I usually do fishing along various places on the river for trout, smallmouth & pike. The trout were not all that active this trip but the recent warm up had the smallmouth up and active and managed to bring a few to net on streamers. Headed back up in less than two weeks for a trout trip fishing in Grayling and Mio, then back home for a few weeks till July when I head up for my annual 16 day trip. Going to be a good summer.
  6. You're not the only one Dattebayo, I've tried watching it a few times and I personally would rather have a root canal than sit through that show again. I know everyone has different tastes in what they like, but for me I just don't think that sort of comedy is funny at all. What passes for comedy these days is just appalling imo.
  7. I actually kind'a liked that kid. He came across kind of harsh at times and I didn't always agree with what he said, but he stuck to his beliefs / view on things and I respect that.
  8. That Auptyk pic looks like Vanilla Ice with 3rd degree burns
  9. Ha you guys have no idea what wasting money is. A little respect please, make way, for I am Steve, Lord of the money wasters I present to you..... the money pit. Owned this 69 gto for 14 yrs now, have sunk over $20+ grand into the chassis/body and now 14 yrs later I still love old cars but don't really have a desire to have a drag only style car. So I plan to put it up for sale in the next couple months. Even though I have around $20k into it (not to mention TONS of hours of blood sweat & tears) I will be lucky to pull $4,500 back out of it because that's all the resale value of a drag car like this will bring.
  10. Oh the humanity....the turkeys are hitting the ground like bags of wet cement !!
  11. Same here. To be honest I usually plan on exactly the opposite of what the critics say.
  12. I'd vote WKRP Only the older guys will get that one
  13. That's something that I have found to be so hard to do. Adam is 100% correct, weigh at the same time each day wearing the same thing. It's hard to resist weighing every day or two though. I still find myself weighing at least 5 times per week even though I know I should not be.
  14. Been YEARS since I played disc golf, but I use to love it. My buddy Johnny and I use to play every single day before work back in the early/mid 90's.
  15. Anyone been to see this yet? I think I'm gonna take my Nephew next week to see it.
  16. It's still hard even two years later for me to not eat more than a set amount when it comes to any sort of chips. Hell I use to finish a whole tall can of Chedder cheese Pringles in less than 15 mins before I started on this path I'm on now. ....Damnit now I want pringles
  17. I never said to eat them for nutritional value. The thing is most things that are nutritious don't really satisfy that urge/craving for comfort/good tasting snacks. The Special K chips are very tasty, plus they only have 50 calories per 14 chips, where as regular chips have 160 calories per 15 chips. So I eat 14 chips along with a whole wheat bread/fat free cheese sandwich mid day and it is only 170 calories and not full of fat, bad carbs or other bad stuff. To stay on a good eating diet for any real length of time you need to mix in some foods that are not necessarily quite nutritious, but simply are much better for you than salt/fat/calorie laden regular chips. That's where the Special K chips come in.
  18. Yeah the special K chips are not cheap, I usually pay about $5 for a large size box at Walmart and they only last a few days even with spacing them out with meals. Tryin work on the portion control, sounds like you are the way I use to be, use to if I opened something then I would eat till it was all gone/empty. That's what gets you in trouble is doing that. Don't drop right down to small portions right away because you will feel way too hungry because you are use to eating more. Just try to start tapering down the portion size over the next 2 weeks till you are down to the portion sizes that will give you the calories you want per day. Also make sure to have a "eating day". What I mean by that is the way I do it is like right now I am back on the diet so I stay at 1,200 per day right now 6 days a week, then on the 7th day I eat about 2,500-3,000 calories. That way it gives you a day to look forward too so you don't feel you are not eating what you want. Just makes it much easier to stay on a good eating plan that way.
  19. I had to goggle it to see what the hell that was
  20. So what's everybody's plans for the holiday this weekend? Any big BBQ's or plans/trips? I'll be headed up to the cabin this weekend with the family, plan to do some trout as well as bass & pike fishing over the long weekend.
  21. I was the same way with drinking tons of pop back before I lost all the weight. What I did was a started buying these http://www.amazon.com/Hawaiian-Punch-Fruit-8-Count-Packets/dp/B000I62U0O you can actually buy them at the dollar store $1 for a box of 8, or Walmart or most other stores for about $1.25 there. They come in about 12-15 different flavors and only have 10 calories per packet. Just dump one in a bottle of water and your good to go. That's mainly what I drink these days. Far as snacks there are some low calorie low fat snacks like popcorn (no or low butter no salt) or even pretzels are pretty low calorie as well. Honestly though it's all about portion control. For your body weight you probably need about 2,200-2,400 calories per day to maintain your weight. So to lose weight just start cutting down to about 1,500 per week and you will start dropping 3 lbs per week at that rate. Also cut out the high calorie fatty chips and replace them with these as snacks http://www.specialk.com/en_us/products/cracker-chips.html That's the ones I eat now with a meal. Much lower calorie and better for you. Again though the main thing is not totally "what" you eat, but "how much" you eat. All about portion control so keep that in mind.
  22. Pretty cool. Be careful out there, the way people drive these days you need to make sure you ride with your head on a swivel.
  23. Doing good, getting ready to head up with the family for the holiday weekend and do some fishing while there. Also pretty much ended a 10 yr friendship with a buddy today whom I was planning on heading out West this summer with. Sucks it came to that but as I get older I have come to realize that some people are just people that are not men of their word, and I have no room in my life for people like that.
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