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Everything posted by LordBaguette

  1. Thats definitely a draw for a tournament thats for sure
  2. LordBaguette


    FIFA team for @LordBaguette

  3. Hahaha, I read it in his voice
  4. Love Tash Sultana, was supposed to see her live but f*cking covid stopped that
  5. If anyone has a massively eclectic music taste like me, I have a playlist for that:
  6. I have it, has all the same features as PC version. Its the best coaster sim that exists easily
  7. you liked it then?
  8. Putting up in case anyone fancies playing MW 2019 multiplayer tonight (not Warzone)
  9. Its funny I read an article the other day on how to avoid cheaters in COD, and their advice was "turn off crossplay" 🤡
  10. Wankchester Ushited
  11. The funniest thing about that goal is we scored it in 1 minute then lost 5-1 😂
  12. Yea thats it
  13. 100%, plus the base game i think comes with the expansion as well now, which also has loads of content
  14. Battle for Bikini Bottom is a game I have wanted to play since I was born
  15. This is just next level scumbagness. So many kids are going to be pestering their parents for this shite, and they will give in so they shut up
  16. Yo yo yo
  17. My life was empty, but this has made it complete
  18. @GazzaGarrattloves this
  19. I barely know anything about this game, but I will look into it
  20. vote o'clock
  21. girthy weapon
  22. Shoving this in he calendar for anyone who fancies some Modern Warfare multiplayer (not MW remastered)
  23. ah sweet is it free now ty lads
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