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Everything posted by LordBaguette

  2. Just wondering if anyone else watches this guys videos? I have watched a fair few, he does very well informed and detailed breakdowns of games, pros cons, overall enjoyment etc. Also just entertaining in general
  3. until

  4. Was saying to Lee yesterday you need to be objective and take away the Harry Potter skin, it isnt even the best RPG in the last 2 years. Its decent enough, but like you said feels unfinished, feels like its a good first step towards a better Hogwarts Legacy 2. The 'good or evil' thing literally doesnt exist. You are a dark wizard by default. You got around smashing humans and goblins against the floor and stealing everything you find. You are a dark wizard by default. This needs to be implemented properly in a 2nd game if it happens. Also agree the world feels pretty empty and lifeless in most places outside of the castle They definitely didnt have enough time to finish it, even with the delay and that was clear. That said, going around doing the collectible stuff, just wandering around can be fun and relaxing at your own pace.
  5. So I got sent this today after battering someone on Fifa IMG_6941.MOV
  6. cock1 /kɒk/ See definitions in: 1. BRITISH a male bird, especially of a domestic fowl.
  7. A clown car
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 53/100 My Time 134 seconds  
  9. 2023 got off to a better start than I could have ever imagined
  10. I follow and listen to this guy and Triggernometry, but I am not getting involved in any politicial discussions on here. We are all too different and from very different walks of life itll only end in tears and arguing
  11. Just finished the first episode. I have never watched anything that is so close to the source material in terms of the look and feel. 10/10 so far for me, only 1 episode in but you can tell already its going to be a fantastic series. My minor gripe I have is the zombies kind of have tendrils instead of spores, but thats my only small issue
  12. I have a macbook air laptop, it wont 😂
  13. Best round I have played on MW2 so far
  14. Finally a new Crash Bandicoot title has been revealed. Looks like they are trying to get into the Super Smash Bros / beat em up genre. Has the potential to be really good, but also the potential to be totally forgettable. Lets hope for the first one. I am a huge Crash Bandicoot universe fan so I really hope it does well. Could be a good one for FG Fridays hopefully with the 4v4 Thoughts?
  15. 2nd time I have made James feel like poo
  16. Id never thought id the see day someone would be writing threads about Simon Cowell on this forum
  17. The media purposely way over hyped Wales. They are a mid table championship team at best
  18. I think you should start playing with people your own ages!
  19. Always the same I feel in grou stages especially the first matches. It will pick up in 2nd and 3rds for sure. Teams always shit themselves at the start, especially when theres been a shock result earlier in the day
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