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Everything posted by LordBaguette

  1. Just simple question what is the best sporting spectacle you have seen live, can’t be after it has happened, has to be as it happened at the time. On TV or in person Mine is the 2008 Wimbledon final. Was actually the first Wimbledon I ever watch properly and the Nadal Federer final for me is the best sporting event ever, so glad I saw it as it happened
  2. Take last of us part 2 off and you have a good list 🤣
  3. The original crash bandicoot was one of the games that basically cemented me being a future gamer. Was also revolutionary for its time, came out in 1996
  4. Was thinking about this recently wondered what your guys favourite video game storyline is. We are ignoring every other aspect of the game here gameplay / graphics etc, purely just the plot / story only what is your favourite ever? It’s a bit of a generic answer but mine will always be the original Halo trilogy. If I had to pick a specific one it would be Halo 3 Honourable mention Ghost of Tsushima
  5. What is FG? - this will be a serious, long winded essay of a reply, but Lee has told me to edit this beforehand to say ‘under construction’ until I finish
  6. Reply to this post if it’s a good game and if you’ve bought it, that’s my main criteria: 1. Is it good? 2. Are people in FG buying it?
  7. Just seen the gameplay for this, obviously hard not to compare to ghost of Tsushima, hoping it can live up to It
  8. After a few updates this game could really be next level, really wanna try it
  9. Perfect summary of how the 2023 movie scene went. If you don’t watch this guys videos, please do
  10. I dont think I payed 5 new games this year😂 and the ones I did play wouldn’t make the list except for Spider-Man 2
  11. Came across this guys channel. He has several types of videos but his exploring dead games series are the best. He goes back to some older games that still have active servers with little amounts of people on. Gets into some wholesome situations and also gets his discord members to join old games to experience them again. Good watch if you’re working etc. Lots of nostalgia if he happens to visit a game you used to play https://www.youtube.com/@RyeGamesOfficial
  12. I think the video below should be watched by basically everyone Also a great channel in general if you want to learn
  13. How did you find the forum out of curiosity
  14. Just generic forum post, what is the first FPS you guys played? Mine was the first ghost recon on PC
  15. Yea did it a couple days ago, wish they had a trophy for replaying on ultimate
  16. They had way more side stuff, but yea all the games needed more challenging combat / stealth missions I golded all the mysteriums on spectacular without even trying
  17. Did the whole game on spectacular, loved the game but kinda wished it was a bit more challenging overall, I find the combat very easy when chaining all powers and gadgets and staying in the air, plus muscle memory from previous games. Story is fantastic though, one of the best Spider-Man stories ever told i also wish there was some kind of challenge mode with loads of combat and stealth challenges like Arkham had, just for something else to do outside of main game. There isn’t enough stealth stuff either like previous games There Is an after credits scene also
  18. Reviving the thread just to hopefully help anyone here if they feel bad about their hair. Attached pic was just before I shaved it off, just couldn’t be arsed anymore with it
  19. I’d rather sandpaper my gonads than play that
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