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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. It’s the daily race this week but why not have it for the TT as it’s the new track, so; Car Class: Gr3 Track: Circuit de Spa Francochamps @phil bottle Tagging you in case you want to set a time.
  2. I haven’t gotten to ram any of you lot since Hereford so I’m down. Plus no work tomorrow so time to break out the whisky too!
  3. Greboth


    The thing I find most comical about it is that the 725 is better than a marksman rifle at close range and is almost as good at range. My concern though is they will basically nerf it until it is useless. Shotguns have their place and are useful. They just shouldn’t out damage and out range almost every other gun in the game.
  4. I’m mainly running the Oden AR, AX50 Sniper Rifle and 725 Shotgun. I’ve got 3 classes set up with overkill on so running; Class 1: AR + Shotgun Class 2: AR + Sniper Class 3: Sniper + Shotgun It covers me for all the map types then. The other 2 classes are rarely used, one has a launcher on for it enemy air support is becoming problem and the other is for testing other guns out.
  5. Shipped as in you transport it or shipped with a courier? I’ve transported my pc in my car several times but never via a courier. Though if you have your case box I don’t see a massive problem with shipping it. Depending on what shipping you’re doing I’d say you should remove your graphics card. You may also want to do something to support your CPU cooler if you have a large one. I’ve seen people tie them up with string or fishing line.
  6. I agree that Picadilly is a terrible map, The general layout of map I actually like, it’s just there is too much stuff cluttering the map. That is where I think the maps fall down, the bridge map again is a good idea but certain things let it down like certain spots being able to see from one side to the other - there never should be a map where you can sniped on spawn almost from the enemy spawn. Outside those 2 though, the other maps I have gotten used to and they’re pretty good. There’s areas I don’t like the caves are n Azhir but that’s only one lane so you can easily play out side of it. Yes the spawns are terrible, spawn trapping is a massive problem, camping is horrible, footsteps are way too loud BUT the core gameplay is great. The boots on the ground, gun mechanics, sounds etc are IMO the best CoD has been in years. It’s hard to fix a game if the core of it is broken but it isn’t in this game. The things that are broken have a big impact on the game but should be relatively easy things to fix.
  7. @GazzaGarratt Bomb Array? Assume you mean SnD with revives? that’s Cyber Attack. Shotguns should be OHK at close range so work well in buildings around bomb sites for example. The range on the double barrel though seems a little OP though. Some of the OHK I got on Hackney the other night even surprised me.
  8. I got home late last night so hopped on for a couple quick solo games and discovered 2 things. Firstly, this game can suck playing solo. In a group where you can have a laugh and play tactically, it’s good. Solo play though I’m just finding frustrating. Second, the quarry map (can’t remember it’s name) is terrible. Played it for the first time last night and instantly spawn trapped. The enemy team held the bridge and the map is so open sniped anyone that went in to the open. I tried counter sniping but there’s too many angles to cover so just got shot in the back instead.
  9. I have lots of a footage of me dying a lot - does that count? 😆
  10. I’d agree that the maps aren’t all that great though there are a couple I enjoy. Playing last night with everyone did highlight what is great about CoD. Get a few people together and it’s a laugh whether you win or lose. Though I wish I was more consistent, some games I finish with a 2+ Kd and other I struggle to even manage a 0.5. Also as much fun as the shotguns are, I can’t see them surviving long without some sort of nerf. You can OHK from serious range with them.
  11. So far I’m struggling with this game, I’ve always preferred run and gun but if I play it, I seem to get picked off my campers / head glitchers. If I play more conservatively I get shot in the back as it is relatively easy to flank on these maps. Still, overall I have enjoyed what I’ve played and look forward to playing some more. Hopefully next time I won’t be so tired and so have better reactions.
  12. With consoles being able to save clips longer than most matches is a theatre mode really needed?
  13. On the subject of Fridays, we could also add Destiny in to the list too. With it becoming F2P and a good number of is having the expansion I’m sure we have enough for some private matches. Tournament wise, I’ll never pass up an opportunity to call anyone a cunt so I’m down. I don’t think there’s too many games that enough people have to make a tournament but I’m sure there’s a handful; CoD, Destiny, OW. Do enough people have fifa/pes etc. for those in to their football? I’m biased but I’m always up for a racing one but I don’t think enough people have or play racing games so probably out.
  14. Hmmmmm It displays fine on my phone so will have to take a look at it later when I’m on my PC.
  15. Also an important question, do you prefer the name Chris or Dave?
  16. In the words of Harry Hill, there’s only one way to solve this. FIIIIIGHT!
  17. The other Irish? So basically we can refer to you simply as “Not Cal”? 😆 Welcome back though, You’re before my time but it is always nice to see old faces returning.
  18. With Lee potentially being interested in joining as well as for anyone else, I’ve updated the OP with some tips for beginners. Dave, if you think of any I’ve missed then let me know and I’ll add them.
  19. @GazzaGarratt yeah buddy, shout up any time and I can go through it with you.
  20. oooooo will have to check it out 🙂
  21. I’m going the pub after work but only for a couple so shouldn’t be home too late. I can’t remember though if I have GTA installed due to deleting games at the weekend. Hopefully I do else it could be a long wait.
  22. So as torch spam and glowstone textures are ugly the (plus who wants to spend ages wandering the nether) I've built a guardian farm so we can make sea lanterns. It's a really basic one and it probably isn't the most efficient but it works so meh. It currently isn't set up as an XP farm as there isn't such a use for XP in this modpack. Guardian Farm AFK spot: X: 2344 Z: 1303 y: 132 Guardian Farm Storage room: X: 2343 Z: 1297 Y: 7 Currently all items are just going in to the same chests though I do plan on adding item filters to sort the items and maybe some more chests if we need them. If you go up the ladder from the storage room, there's also 2 chests that ink sacks go in to as it turns out this simple guardian farm works sorta well as an squid farm too. @Plumbers Crack tagging you in to make sure you see this in case you want to use it.
  23. Fucking hell Lee, I have a cunt reputation to maintain! I’d honestly not considered the stuff I’ve done as anything special, it’s just what family does. So it was a shock to get the award but what better place to get it than surrounded by you horrible lot.
  24. I’ll take the unlisted fifth option of ‘your mum’
  25. The more real tracks they add the better and Spa is a good track. I love racing GT cars in other games at Spa. Glad you’re enjoying the wheel though 🙂 Interesting that you say you’re more prone to error as most people (myself included) are more consistent with a wheel. Though I guess that could be down to you still getting used to it over a controller. You mean you only let your cat watch? That’s harsh, surely you could have let your cat have a go by now!
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