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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Apparently only due to music licensing running out.
  2. Awww shucks! You'll make me blush! How about an Iron Man too. Still a few problems with getting used to the markers and lighting but better than the above. I think it's time to try a more original piece though I know my anatomy is terrible but there's only one way to get better at it.
  3. What if I choose the Nord again? 😆
  4. Thread bump and something different from me. I’ve been doing some sketching recently and fancied getting back in to more traditional media so broke out the alcohol markers for the first time in at least 15 years (God! I feel old now 😞) A few issues and problems with the drawing both in colour, lighting and technique but nice to have something real for a change than pixels on a screen.
  5. I didn't either but as I pre-ordered MW3, I got the blueprint version unlocked anyway. Assuming it unlocks from blueprint variants too, I can drop it in DMZ if you want it.
  6. I’m in me mums car
  7. How about Spa. Always a good track for some Gr3 action.
  8. I love how these threads get more activity when a bot posts then for actual Minecraft 😅
  9. Googling some benchmarks of the 2070 it can use high to ultra settings in games like Far Cry 5, Forza Horizon, Shadow of the Tomb Raider etc. and maintain over 60fps. So hopefully it should be quite a noticeable jump in performance. Some of that will be down to VRAM too, 8Gb is the minimum I’d go for these days as games are getting chonky ao your 980 was probably having to do some VRAM management which definitely wouldn’t help game smoothness. The motherboard is ATX form factor which means you can’t go too small but you can get some pretty small atx cases. Motherboad sizes are easy as the case will say what if they support it or not. It’ll just be some googling to make sure the 980 fits too.
  10. Pricing up what I know second hand prices for CPU ~£40-£50 RAM ~£20-£25 GPU ~£130-£150 So £190-£225 just in those but you could add £40-£50 for the PSU. The motherboard is obviously an older version but if memory serves, the Auros 7 was one of best Ryzen 2000 series motherboards so probably add £50 easy (probably more) but makes it another £100 bringing the current total to ~£300. After that everything else is “free” with the cooler being pretty good too so another bonus. Drives are cheap these days so they won’t add much but always nice to haves. For gaming at 1080p that PC should be fine and still hit 60fps at quite high-ish settings. As for upgrades; yes there would be some easy upgrades. RAM is obviously easy but 16Gb is probably enough unless you’re playing some intensive games. GPU is also easy but for 1080p the 2070 should be enough. The 250Gb NVME drive is small these days but the motherboard has multiple slots so cloning the existing one would be easy (from memory Ryzen 2000 doesn’t have the pci-e lanes to run 2 nvme’s without some performance loss so it would be better swapping it out rather than use 2 but worth double checking as my memory of hardware specs from years ago could be wrong). CPU wise obviously it’s a few years old but the 2700x was the top of the 2000 series and it still holds up well today and I’m not sure it would be worth upgrading but it would be possible to swap it out for a newer CPU as the AM4 socket included 3000 and 5000 series too. You’d need to check on Gigabytes site but the Auros 7 was their top board so can’t believe it wouldn’t support newer Ryzen. There’s some downsides though namely everything is EOL. Ryzen now uses socket AM5 so you couldn’t go newer than 5000 series. DDR5 RAM is the current where this is DDR4. I wouldn’t put too much weight on these though as that PC should still last for years. It’s just worth noting so you’re fully informed. So overall is it a good deal? I’m always loathed to answer these sort of questions as so much of what it depends on is subjective but I’d say so, yes.
  11. There’ a a few days here and there I can’t make but generally pretty free so happy to go with the flow.
  12. Personally, I've pre-ordered already. MW2019 and MW2(022) have both been good and changes are being made for MW3 but don't see a great deal changing. I've put enough hours in to MW2 to get my money's worth so happy to pre-order.
  13. Just interested in the general feeling in FG for MW3 so poll time 🙂
  14. Simple - $, or probably more accurately, $$$$$$$$$ Sony have previously paid for special access or content to come to PS before Xbox. So it could be that contract, which may have been signed before MS bought Activision, is still in effect. Or potentially MS don't care about PS having content first - the console war really happens in the early years of a generation so by now it's relatively settled not to mention consoles are, or were for a long time, sold at a loss with money being in the games. MS gets the billions a year from the game either way so don't care too much about shifting less consoles.
  15. I’m can’t do Sat 23rd and don’t think Matt @Luseth can do that day either. I’m free the others though.
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 57/100 My Time 231 seconds  
  17. That depends what exact question you’re asking. Are longshots easier in hardcore? most definitely. Are platinum challenges easier in hardcore? not always. The amount of camping that goes on in hardcore means less kills and so less long shots. That’s fine for some guns, like the M4, as they’re just so difficult to get longshots in core ao it’s better to do slowly in HC than not at all. Other guns though, like the ISO hemlock or fss hurricane spring to mind, are piss easy in core and I think probably makes them quicker to do in core.
  18. I need to unlock the M13c as AR's are pretty easy to platinum so should be a relatively easy one to do. Up to 42 platinums now, so only 9 to go - single digits baby! Basically just continued working through the SMG's and Marksman rifles. Marksman, I think, I've only got the Tempus Torrent to finish but I've got most done already. SMG's I'm working on the PDSW and about halfway done with, I think, only the BAS-P and Fennec left to do but I imagine they're going to be horrendous for thinking I need to play some hardcore for them. That puts me at 46 total, add the M13c, FR Advancer and Carrack is 49. So need to find a couple more......hmmmmm. Battle rifles suck but maybe hardcore? Launchers maybe? But I think I'm track to have plats finished by MW3.
  19. No, Destiny 2 is all but dead in the water as Lightfall is shit expansion that neither critics or fans like. However The Witch Queen reviewed well by the media and players and as a consequence did well. Which you can't attribute to the model being bad, even if they released the DLC as new games, if Destiny 7 Lightfall did badly the series would be on it's knees too. I'd agree the franchise is too stale but that's also an argument for trying something different like a continuous game to revitalise it. There's a mountain of problems with the servers of the old COD's coming back online. But you only have to look online to see peoples interest in playing the old CoD's. Now imagine, you could play those old CoD's You mean the "fresh" COD you've spent how many posts moaning about having so little content and new content just being rehashed old content? You do also realise that when MW3 comes out, MW2 players will have to pay to come back too? I'm not saying it will work if they go this route, it probably won't. But an annual release of CoD has a lot of the same problems of a continuous game with DLC's.
  20. You don't think Destiny sees a significant drop off in players over a season and then a peak when new DLC is released? The problems you mention though do impact games such as Destiny too, how many players don't return due to the amount of content passed. Though Destiny somewhat get round this by giving older content for free or bundled in to newer DLC. Sticking to the Destiny comparison though, I don't think CoD need to release a game that has lasting potential and a cemented design - Destiny 1 was good but there was also a lot of problems with it, one similar to recent CoD was content. But the sticking power of Destiny has been down to Bungie adding content as well as tweaking and changing movement and mechanics over time to improve things. MW2(022) suffered from lack of content and there's a few issues that people really hate, like slide cancelling, but the core game is fine IMO to build on. Not to mention, CoD players drop off over the year but peaks again with the release of a 'new' CoD. If they release a DLC pack with as much content as a full game, I don't think it's unreasonable to think a similar number of players would return. If MW3 does basically end up being DLC for MW2(022) then it will be an interesting experiment to see how well it does.
  21. Maybe it's just my old eyes but can't say I particularly noticed a difference in movement between MW-2019 and MW2-022. If characters, guns etc. all carry over to MW3, I wonder if Activision will go a Destiny style route with CoD. I know the games are so vastly different but rather than a 'new' CoD each year, why not do it as a huge DLC pack that adds on to the existing game.
  22. It's going quite well for me and I'm getting through them quite well as I'm now up to 35 platinums so closing on Polyatomic. That's 12 assault rifles (all except the new FR advancer as I've not unlocked it in the battle pass yet) 6 Sniper rifles (again, all except the new Carrack 300 as I've not unlocked it in the battle pass yet) 5 Shotguns (MX guardian I'm working on gold currently so should be done soon) 3 SMG's - VEL46, MX9 and Vaznev. I've got gold on the rest so shouldn't be too bad getting long shots 3 Marksman rifles - EBR14, SPR and LM-S. The rest are gold and halfway through the Lockwood Mk2. 7 Pistols - that's all of them. For those counting along, that's 36. I did the GS Magna at lunch today but it hasn't counted for some reason. It does seem camo's have been bugged since the update as I noticed a few times guns I know I have platinumed don't show it unlocked in the challenges. I think the Lachman sub or the Lockwood Mk2 are the next guns I'll do so I'll have to keep an eye on if they register.
  23. Stick drift seems to be such a personal thing, my PS4 controllers did succumb to it eventually so I got a PS5 bundle with 2 controllers to have a back up. But over 2 years later and I'm still only using 1 controller yet in the same time period some people have gone through multiple controllers. As for scuff, I haven't looked in to them though this more due to having modified my standard controller. I bought the PS4 back buttons when they came out and switching to the PS5 it was tricky playing without them. So I fitted some ExtremeRate back buttons on my OEM controller not long after I got it and they work well enough. Had I not already got a spare controller and spent the time and money modding a controller, I probably would have gone with the Sony pro controller even if the price does make my eyes water.
  24. Chatting about it the other day, I think we all played it a little too video game linearly (go here, do this, go there, kill that) rather than taking advantage of the openness it offers. As Elliott was saying, at the end, about some of the things we could have done. Also I watched a little of Critical Role's season 3 campaign, not so much for the entertainment of it, but it's interesting seeing how they play in terms of interaction with each other, asking more in character questions to the DM or even more random things like pickpocketing an NPC, going to get a beer mid quest or even just walking off as a fight takes place. But all that is going to come with experience of DnD as it was quite bitty as we kept needing to ask questions on what to do or what we could do. Not to mention more familiarity with your character and getting used to playing that role. But it has definitely piqued my interest and would definitely be down to having another go. I appreciate for our first go, or goes, a one and done is best but I do see the appeal of a much longer campaign though, this is FG, so we'd never manage to organise it for more than a few weeks 😄
  25. I've got no problem with them adding Nicki Minaj. All the people who turtle up with riot shields on their back are going to be easy targets when their ass is twice as wide as the shield.
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