Chatting about it the other day, I think we all played it a little too video game linearly (go here, do this, go there, kill that) rather than taking advantage of the openness it offers. As Elliott was saying, at the end, about some of the things we could have done. Also I watched a little of Critical Role's season 3 campaign, not so much for the entertainment of it, but it's interesting seeing how they play in terms of interaction with each other, asking more in character questions to the DM or even more random things like pickpocketing an NPC, going to get a beer mid quest or even just walking off as a fight takes place. But all that is going to come with experience of DnD as it was quite bitty as we kept needing to ask questions on what to do or what we could do. Not to mention more familiarity with your character and getting used to playing that role.
But it has definitely piqued my interest and would definitely be down to having another go. I appreciate for our first go, or goes, a one and done is best but I do see the appeal of a much longer campaign though, this is FG, so we'd never manage to organise it for more than a few weeks 😄