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Everything posted by The3rdWalker

  1. It's really common for the general public to think of content creators as just people who sit in a chair and play games all day. They don't understand editing videos, photoshop skills for thumbnails and stream assets, brand management and trying to secure sponsors outside of all of this! There are two mini-rob's now! (A 6 and 4 year old!) They're doing great!
  2. Totally, these dudes are streaming 70 hours a week, making merch campaigns, social media you name it. They're entertainers and work for it.
  3. This is sub an ad revenue, and does not count donations as those are processed third party (i.e. paypal).
  4. So, I like to shit on Amazon as much as I can but the game developer or studio working on it (I know this is Amazon's own game studio) forecasted the resources poorly for launch. It's not like every single Amazon server in the world is dedicated to hosting this one game.
  5. But, it's not the actual system. It's a 3D printed shell. You're just paying Nintendo a premium for things you buy off of Amazon which will have much more.
  6. I wonder if I can set up a portion of my 64TB NAS home system to host a BF4 server...
  7. I'm often surprised people would rather buy the mini's (NES, SNES, etc) when you can save money by making a raspberry pi and have every game from PS2 backwards at your fingertips.
  8. You'll soon be able to play a slew of classic Nintendo 64 and Sega Genesis games on your Nintendo Switch via the platform's online subscription service, the company announced today during its most recent Nintendo Direct livestream. Nintendo revealed it will soon offer a new membership plan through Nintendo Online, through which you'll be able to play games like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, and Starfox 64. The service will allow up to four Switch owners to play games locally or online, the company said. Through the same membership plan, Nintendo also announced it will be adding Sega Genesis games to Nintendo Switch Online. Shown off during the trailer were games like Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Streets of Rage 2, and Ecco the Dolphin. Nintendo 64 Games: Super Mario 64 Mario Kart 64 Star Fox 64 Yoshi's Story The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time WinBack: Covert Operations Mario Tennis Dr. Mario 64 Sin and Punishment Sega Genesis Games: Castlevania Bloodlines Contra: Hard Corps Dr. Robotnick's Mean Bean Machine Ecco The Dolphin Golden Axe Gunstar Heroes Musha Phantasy Star IV Ristar Shining Force Shinobi III Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Streets of Rage 2 Strider No specific release date was given, but Nintendo said it's coming in late October and will offer all base elements of the Nintendo Switch Online service. The company is referring to this plan as "Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack." Users on the existing plans will be able to still do so, though they can also change their membership plans if they so choose. No pricing was given, but Nintendo said that information, as well as an exact release date, will come soon.
  9. I remember being in 6th grade Spanish class (I am also a New Yorker) and my girlfriend's father at the time was an instructor at the Rock (FDNY academy) as well as a handful of my friends parents being EMS or NYPD. It's a wild time for sure that I won't forget, just the general everyone is confused and then you're locked in your classroom watching a TV the entire day.
  10. Reminds me of Ubisoft when they initially released Lion. No idea why developers think this is a good idea. Lion was reworked and his ability is actually a proper way to do it now. Maybe they will tune this character?
  11. Laurence Fishbourne told the press that he was not asked to come back.
  12. The new norm for ActiBlizz. They're such clowns now.
  13. I won't be touching a Blizzard game for a long time. I don't trust them to know what they're doing anymore. They butcher their games, and their staff.
  14. It is in free open beta right now. I can't help but feel the guy in the previous review video was trying to be a snarky movie critic. One of his pieces being about the pipe bomb in L4D compared to B4B... they're almost identical so I am not sure if he views L4D as a cult classic so nothing you could do would ever be acceptable. The game is also balls difficult which is nice and the card system is really cool to get you feeling specialized in certain roles. What you get to play right now is stellar, and really feels like the spiritual next gen of Left 4 Dead. My only critique is the PVP mode is no longer 4v4, it's more of a hoard mode with special infected.
  15. Overwatch League Season 5 Hiatus | GGRecon WWW.GGRECON.COM Overwatch League season is likely to be delayed, causing a League start only in the second half of 2022.
  16. Let's hope they just shelf this thing. Deciding to make a sequel to this was a mistake. It's Rainbow Six Extraction.
  17. Rainbow 6. It's still one of the best FPS games on the market. When I don't feel like Rainbow 6 it's actually Genshin Impact!
  18. A photo-op of a firing, while the culture will most likely remain unchanged.
  19. There's an in-game event going through August. Exactly what this new game should have been. 😄
  20. So the pay to win thing is touchy, a friend of mine has done extensive research to show that the item increase from level 20 to level 30 is so minimal you're better off saving your item enhancers and leaving the battle item at level 20. Realistically you can pay real money to increase the stats of an item that can affect your performance, so textbook "pay to win." However, to get 3-4 level 20 items can be done in about 2 weeks time as a free to play so... it's more of speed to accelerate the process? In a month everyone will be on even playing field, and new players will obviously be at a disadvantage but that's no different from any video game. It is almost exactly comparable to League of Legend's rune system in the early days of LoL. Technically, the battle items can be considered pay to win. After seeing them in application I can confidently say a person with level 20 items can get destroyed by someone with level 1 items. I consider it pay to progress faster. Still a shit practice that I don't condone. How many characters? 21 right now, and 3 more are planned to be released. Think of it similar to how League of Legends releases new characters. Nothing new, or landscape defining there.
  21. Pokémon UNITE is a free-to-play, multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by TiMi Studio Group and published by The Pokémon Company for Android and iOS, and by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. In summation it's Heroes of The Storm mixed with Destiny 2's Gambit game mode. Pros Game is well optimized for the Switch while Docked. Matches take between 5-10 minutes. Matchmaking appears to be fair and enjoyable. This MOBA is really well designed with a controller in mind, with customization options for aim assist, lock on, etc. Character's are for the most parts balanced, with only 2 or 3 right now incredibly strong; you can win with anyone. Cons FPS drops while Switch is in handheld mode, you can lock to 30 FPS to avoid this however. Battle items directly effect stats, and you upgrade your battle items by using 'Item Enhancers'. The issue is you can buy these item enhancers with real money, which I consider a pay 2 win feature. However, this is fairly offset by the general ease of acquiring "Tickets" to buy 'Item Enhancers". For example I am Free 2 Play and have 6 items between level 15-20. Communication is very limited for a MOBA. There is a chat wheel with things like, "I'm going to the top area, I'm going to the center area, I'm going to the bottom area" but it lacks some important messages that revolve around objectives. Zapdos, this game's version of Baron in League of Legends will decide the game 100% of the time. If you are losing and kill Zapdos you will win, and vice versa. There is zero counter play and this is a problem. 2,000 free currency cap per week. This is bullshit... Characters are expensive. 6,000 to 10,000 free currency. I'm having a lot of fun with the game and have ran into one whale in 100 games so far. I'm pretty high on the rankings at Expert 3. The paying directly for Item Enhancers is bullshit, however the price is high enough that only whales will be attracted to it- after a month or two of the game the general population will even out with items. You won't see whales at lower to middle ranks, and if you're shitty the items can't carry you.
  22. Amen. This is a systemic issue that won't be corrected unless you pull these weeds out of the dirt. It feels bad because I love Blizzard, I can say most of my gaming history has been spent on a Blizzard title. I haven't had their app installed on my PC in a few years now.
  23. Nope, still relatively the same. The only blunders they do is balance operators around optics. No goofy or weird game breaking characters. Esports still revolve around gun play and utility.
  24. The only thing saving Rainbow 6 is their flourishing esports program, otherwise I am really sad in the direction they are going.
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