Pokémon UNITE is a free-to-play, multiplayer online battle arena video game developed by TiMi Studio Group and published by The Pokémon Company for Android and iOS, and by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. In summation it's Heroes of The Storm mixed with Destiny 2's Gambit game mode.
Game is well optimized for the Switch while Docked.
Matches take between 5-10 minutes.
Matchmaking appears to be fair and enjoyable.
This MOBA is really well designed with a controller in mind, with customization options for aim assist, lock on, etc.
Character's are for the most parts balanced, with only 2 or 3 right now incredibly strong; you can win with anyone.
FPS drops while Switch is in handheld mode, you can lock to 30 FPS to avoid this however.
Battle items directly effect stats, and you upgrade your battle items by using 'Item Enhancers'. The issue is you can buy these item enhancers with real money, which I consider a pay 2 win feature.
However, this is fairly offset by the general ease of acquiring "Tickets" to buy 'Item Enhancers". For example I am Free 2 Play and have 6 items between level 15-20.
Communication is very limited for a MOBA. There is a chat wheel with things like, "I'm going to the top area, I'm going to the center area, I'm going to the bottom area" but it lacks some important messages that revolve around objectives.
Zapdos, this game's version of Baron in League of Legends will decide the game 100% of the time. If you are losing and kill Zapdos you will win, and vice versa. There is zero counter play and this is a problem.
2,000 free currency cap per week. This is bullshit...
Characters are expensive. 6,000 to 10,000 free currency.
I'm having a lot of fun with the game and have ran into one whale in 100 games so far. I'm pretty high on the rankings at Expert 3. The paying directly for Item Enhancers is bullshit, however the price is high enough that only whales will be attracted to it- after a month or two of the game the general population will even out with items. You won't see whales at lower to middle ranks, and if you're shitty the items can't carry you.