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Everything posted by The3rdWalker

  1. Yeah that Nazi salute he did this weekend was brutal.
  2. I'm sorry, but you will refer to him as Mister Titanium.
  3. As an American who sees clips on TikTok. I will never skip a video. I love hearing, "onnnnnnnnnneeeeee hunnnnnndreeeeed EEIIIIIIGGGGGHT". Inject those 9-darters into my fucking veins.
  4. Thoughts and deductibles. These healthcare CEO's find ways to deny medical claims and deny healthcare to millions of Americans- often times bankrupting their families or even killing loved ones. You sound like a dumbass, no one gives a fuck about these American CEO's who have been morally bankrupt since they've been assigned these jobs to prioritize money over lives, not only healthcare but also their employees. Funny how a healthcare company recently decided they will begin to decide how long anesthesia should be administered despite what a doctor is recommending and holy moly, a CEO got whacked and they magically clawed back that stance? No way. (sarcasm) Imagine you have heart surgery, and they go, "ope, we're five minutes past the schedule some dude with an MBA determines it should have taken me to do this, let's wake the patient up and I can stich him up while his chest cavity is open." You're not a person to these people.
  5. In a time where phones are all the same, it doesn't matter. If you insist on super user level control then sure, have at it. It's splitting hairs this day and age. If you need it it's just as easy to jailbreak an iphone as it is to install a root kit on an Android.
  6. All done with it, have a handful of each card. Was pretty fun!
  7. Going second is better. TCG Pocket tried to change the opening mechanic to "Whoever goes first cannot play a supporter card" to "Whoever goes first cannot play an energy." Could be tweaked in the future since this is a PTCGP specific mechanic. Top deck right now is Pikachu ex, with MewTwo ex right behind it and if you like gambling, Artiuno/Starmie ex. New set releases in January, with a new promo set in December. Ranked mode will be released in the future. My Friend ID is 8062-8245-8978-6511 .
  8. Pokemon TCG Pocket is a polished Pokemon TCG Lite game. Love the idea how they utilize energy (If you are a mono color) and the 20 card deck is great. PVP is all MewTwo ex and Articuno ex but still fun.
  9. It sucks that such a cool character is a piece of shit human being. Dude could have just stayed on top of the world and instead went the predator route.
  10. Jesus. Sony is going insane with these prices.
  11. Brilliant game. Two-year road map announced, and the game runs outstanding, is beautiful and an absolute blast.
  12. Day 1 purchase for me most likely.
  13. Delta Force 2 Left 4 Dead Rainbow 6 Siege Star Wars The Old Republic
  14. Ubisoft is pretty interesting to me, even as a star player and in their champion programs the difference between the community teams and developers, vs the suits is so astounding. Two games that were in the pipeline were based off of extremely popular mini games in their man series. The naval battles in Black Flag, the survival in Division 1. They just couldn't get their shit together.
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 109 seconds  
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 109 seconds  
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 108 seconds  
  18. AFK kick added, and CCU upgraded to 700,000. Zero queue times over the last two days since the changes.
  19. First season was dope, and then they royally fucked it.
  20. Hilarious game, 2nd highest peak player base in Steam history, edging our CS:GO and just shows how, despite my love for Pokemon, Gamefreak could do so much more. The game is more Ark than Pokemon, and just a lot of fun.
  21. It's one person who makes it, it's worth the money now as is in early access.
  22. This game has been worth every single penny.
  23. PC & Switch reporting in, I couldn't be happier.
  24. How long was season one? I cannot remember for the life of me if this is too soon or not. Thier battle pass is surprisingly worth the value.
  25. Game was fun, love the graphics and skills.
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